Here's another one; Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, how many tens of millions have been slaughtered for believing in the wrong god? Surely we can do without religious values.
Yeah, generalization is, it seems ,not your strong suit. That is in general terms foundationalism in philosophy. Find a point of view/principle and everything else follows and if you don't follow that, you are wrong.
So religion is in natural terms no special, because if it is always an underlying general psychological/social/cognitive/biological feature, then in general terms can also be found in non-religious terms.
Now there is properly a Nobel prize in it, for you if you can find a specific set of religious genes that enables a behaviour that can't be found in non-religious people. I doubt it, because it appears that religion is nothing but a variation of natural behavior and not a special unique negative, that is so special, that in effect is supernatural.
That is the irony with your kind of worldview. You go to such lengths to explain religion as a special negative, that you end up making in unnatural and in effect supernatural. In effect it seems connected to the naturalistic fallacy. If it is good, it is natural. If it is bad, it is unnatural.
Start be reading some general overviews of cognition and morality and don't make your model to simple. "Me good, you bad."