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hmm...another try maybe?


Moved on
I'm Nekkid Dave, and I'm a good old-fashioned Asatruar. This has led me to conflicts with...well, just about everybody. I've been called racist by teachers and classmates before for explaining that Asatru is largely about tradition, and certainly isn't for everybody. Each ancient culture had its own cool little faith, and I chose to follow my ancestors'.

I have a lot of respect for anyone who follows their culture's old ways.


Active Member
One thing that I have come to understand is that the opposite of a profound truth is also a profound truth. When you say that the wave “is not the ocean”, this is absolutely true, and a profound truth. When I say that the “wave is the ocean” this is also a profound truth. I could say that it is a matter of perspective and we can choose which way we wish to see it. But I would rather say that these two perspectives are not contradictions, but are complementary understandings. It can be difficult, but it is not impossible to hold both conceptions simultaneously. Whether we are talking about a wave in the ocean, or we are talking about ourselves in the universe.

Many people think that a wave in the ocean is the water moving towards the shore, but this is not true. The water that forms the wave is actually moving in a circle below the surface, the water transmits the wave, but does not travel with it. Likewise with sound waves, sound causes oscillations in the air, but the air need not travel to transmit the sound. Think about it, if sound was actually transmitted by air moving from the source to the receiver (traveling at the speed of sound) you would be knocked flat every time somebody said hello.

So what is a wave? It is a separate part of the ocean, or is it merely a movement within the whole? It is really just an energy pattern within the ocean.
I wasn't trying to go against anything you were saying, I just remembered reading something like that online and tried to find it real quick before I had to leave and this was the only version I could find. :)


I am an atheist: I do not believe in the existence of God, gods, goddesses, spirits, ghosts (holy or otherwise), souls or any form of life after death. If it turns out that I am wrong, and God does exist, then I would not be afraid to face Him. If He is a just a loving God, then I would hope to be judged on the way I had lived my life, not on my lack of belief in Him. If he is a cruel and vengeful God, then I would have no love or respect for Him, and would have to suffer the consquences of my atheism.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Michel; I call myself a 'follower of Christ' because, unfortunately, the word Christian has accumulated a lot of 'baggage' over the last years.

I am basically a Christian, though my faith is very much my own; I rely very little on scripture, but strangely enough, my beliefs seem to coincide with most Biblical 'rules'. In addition to being Christian, there is a mix of Pagan and Buddhist and other Eastern beliefs in me. I make no apologies for that; it is just the way I am. besides, it will be between me and God when I die.:cover:


Veteran Member

What an amazing collection of people and beliefs! You all make me proud to be a fellow human being. Thank you for sharing your beliefs and ideas, here.

Karl R

Active Member
sparc872 said:
Can you please introduce yourself and tell everyone what you believe and why you believe it?
Based on personal experience, I am convinced there is a theistic god. Something that can (and does) get involved with the universe on an intimate level.

I believe god is immense in every way possible (omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal). Any one of those concepts stretches the limits of human understanding. Combined ... I think it's impossible to understand god. We can understand a little, then we run into our own human limits.

I'm a christian because I've found truth, wisdom and power in the teachings of christ.

However, while studying other religions I've also found truth and wisdom in those teachings. Sometimes the same truth and wisdom that's part of christianity, sometimes different truth and wisdom. Therefore, I find it likely that many religious beliefs are equally valid (and possibly all religious beliefs are valid). Other beliefs are worth studying because I can learn from them.

My beliefs are simply beliefs. I don't know that they're correct, but they're my best attempt to explain the universe, metaphysics, ethics and spirituality.

Christianity is the path that I connect with most (primarily since I was raised christian), but I don't believe that christianity holds every answer, nor do I believe that it's the only path.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Hola! I'm James and I'm a Taoist, or perhaps 'Seeker of Tao' or some similarly convoluted title would be more accurate. I follow Taoism because, well... *is trying to come with suitable words*

Ever since I can remember, I've often felt a sense of serenity, complexity and beauty all around me. When I study Taoism, be it in a book or a tree, what I see is reflected within me, and I in it.

(Welp, it's the best I can manage...)

(And this looked much larger and more profound before I previewed it :p)
::bows:: My name is Asylum (Or Jen if you really know me) and I am Pagan. I choose the term Witch for myself because I feel it's time to bring this word back into the light and out of the shadows cast upon it by the early church. I was raised Pagan by my mother and all through my life this was path I felt the most at home on.

Blessed Be.



Active Member
Hi, my name is James and I like walks on the beach and eating cat food.

Sorry, wrong website.

I am a Christian and all my "ist"s are monotheist, calvinist, & southern baptist.

While I was raised in a very secular fashion and unchurched, I still had some sort of a belief in God. Certain circumstances lead me to eventually end up in a church and I have yet to turn back. True Biblical Christianity blesses me in every aspect of my life (you would probably laugh at some of the seemingly small issues where I believe God has helped me). Further study, especially in the realm of Christian Apologetics, has further solidified my faith in God and that the essential tenets of Christianity are absolute truth.

God Bless and have a wonderfull Memorial Day weekend.