sparc872 said:
Can you please introduce yourself and tell everyone what you believe and why you believe it?
Based on personal experience, I am convinced there is a theistic god. Something that can (and does) get involved with the universe on an intimate level.
I believe god is immense in every way possible (omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal). Any one of those concepts stretches the limits of human understanding. Combined ... I think it's
impossible to understand god. We can understand a little, then we run into our own human limits.
I'm a christian because I've found truth, wisdom and power in the teachings of christ.
However, while studying other religions I've also found truth and wisdom in
those teachings. Sometimes the same truth and wisdom that's part of christianity, sometimes different truth and wisdom. Therefore, I find it likely that many religious beliefs are equally valid (and possibly all religious beliefs are valid). Other beliefs are worth studying because I can learn from them.
My beliefs are simply
beliefs. I don't
know that they're correct, but they're my best attempt to explain the universe, metaphysics, ethics and spirituality.
Christianity is the path that I
connect with most (primarily since I was raised christian), but I don't believe that christianity holds every answer, nor do I believe that it's the only path.