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Homeopathy is bunk!

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Well, considering people on this thread are so set on having their mind made up about this subject, i would like to hear enough evidence to prove to me that homeopathy does not work. So far all I hear is empty claims.

And please, do your research, distance healing is reiki level 2, i am level 3, master teacher.
And I've practiced T'ai Chi for over twenty years. Homeopathy is still bunk.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Ok, so much so, i am not a scientist or homeopath for that matter, however, i do know what homeopathy is, if you like a reminder, here is a link for you:

What is homeopathy?

I take my children to the homeopath and i find in my personal experience is that homeopathic remedies do indeed work. However, to say that they work for everyone would be a fallacy, as it is evident that all humans are different and can not or should not be all treated by the same methods.
As far as the placebo effect, I can not deny that it does take place in some cases, however i have to question the validity of the statement that all successful homeopathic treatments were down purely to the placebo effect, example being that i have given homeopathic remedy to my grandma who is very critical about any alternative medicine (she would not allow me to give her a healing), she took the remedy and her breathing got better literally in few days, which she was forced to admit herself. Now as far as I am aware, for a placebo effect to take place, one has to believe that the remedy is going to work in the first place.


I hope that this link works, but here is a nice and detailed report on homeopathy that you might find interesting at least, otherwise look up

the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Science & Technology citing homeopathy

Thank you.
My daughter had a cold last week. I did nothing to treat it. She got better. My personal experience is that not going to a doctor works.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I will not EVER as long as i live believe that energy healer could have harmed anyone, to a point that yes, i found that statement of yours overwhelmingly hilarious, as a statement of someone who has no idea what they are talking about, very child like. Sorry, no offense...

Thank you for that blatant example of your closed-mindedness.
I don't understand why you posted this to support your view :confused:


69. The review which we consider the most comprehensive to date is that by Shang et al.88
The review compared 110 placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy matched according to
disorder and type of outcome to trials of conventional medicine. The study only included
trials that were controlled, included randomised assignment to treatment or placebo
groups and were accompanied by sufficient data for odds ratio calculations.89 The authors
concluded that “when analyses were restricted to large trials of higher quality there was no
convincing evidence that homeopathy was superior to placebo

73. We regret that advocates of homeopathy, including in their submissions to our
inquiry, choose to rely on, and promulgate, selective approaches to the treatment of the
evidence base as this risks confusing or misleading the public, the media and policymakers.


Intentionally Blank
Homeopathy works for me. Also for my kids, my husband, his parents and my granma. It even works for my Mother, who is morbidly religious. And for my sister who is an atheist. Also for my adopted granma, homeopathy has cured her heart condition, prolonging her life. But then who am I to talk, I am a reiki master...

O.K., out of this group, can you give us one specific condition or diagnosis, and what homeopathic remedy was used to cure it? Thanks.

What usually happens is that a person doesn't feel well, and when they're at their worst, they take a remedy, and feel better, but would have felt better without the remedy. The only way to detect this is to use a controlled double-blind study, which is what homeopathy does not have.


Intentionally Blank
Erm, let me put it this way. I am not undertaking any other treatments apart from the energy healing that I am actually doing myself. I am observing the results and making the conclusions, just like anyone does, eg: I was not well prior taking remedies, i was well after taking them, hence it must have affected me in a positive way.
This conclusion is not supported, because you haven't taken into account the many times you would have felt better anyway.

Say you have a cold. I give you a small bottle filled with wine, and tell you to take a teaspoon a day for ten days, and your cold will vanish during that time. It will work every time, no? Does wine cure colds? No, it does not.

How can we figure out whether wine actually cures colds?


Intentionally Blank
I have noticed a very interesting trend of questioning that you seem to have, you ask a lot of questions and then criticize the answers, whilst not really providing any better answers yourself. How much exactly you personally know about homeopathy and what personal experience makes you come to the conclusion that it does not work? Come on, make some effort, prove everyone who believes in it to be wrong :)

I don't rely on personal experiences, which are notoriously unreliable. I rely on controlled, double-blind scientific research. Do you think that type of study does not work? Why not?


Intentionally Blank
Irrelevant in your reality, personal experience is all the rage in mine. Prove that your reality is better or "more real" than mine.
And yes, I am glad you are seeing a possibility that you might be wrong :)

So you don't think science works? Is that your reality?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I've always wondered about the effects of contamination in homeopathic preparations. After all, these solutions have come in contact with a lot more than the specific "ingredients" listed on the label.
The active ingredient might be listed as caffeine or mercury, but what about the effects of the fish poop and pond scum the diluent was in contact with before the homeopathic factory got hold of it? Surely these would have an effect as well.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I've always wondered about the effects of contamination in homeopathic preparations. After all, these solutions have come in contact with a lot more than the specific "ingredients" listed on the label.
The active ingredient might be listed as caffeine or mercury, but what about the effects of the fish poop and pond scum the diluent was in contact with before the homeopathic factory got hold of it? Surely these would have an effect as well.
Well, you're succussing the contaminants along with whatever the "active" ingredient is, so going by what they claim, they would be "active" as well.

I suppose this means that whatever the homeopathic preparation is supposed to be, when you read "digitalis, 30C", you should think of it as really saying something like "mixture of digitalis and equipment sanitizer, 30C".


Well-Known Member
Are you confusing homeopathy with holistic medicine?

No. It was bad grammar on my part. I meant to state that herbal medicines are a part of many forms of medicine such as naturopathy and allopathy, namely the raw herbs many alternative practitioners use and those conventional medicine synthesize.

Just bad writing all around on my part.

I will not EVER as long as i live believe that energy healer could have harmed anyone, to a point that yes, i found that statement of yours overwhelmingly hilarious, as a statement of someone who has no idea what they are talking about, very child like. Sorry, no offense...

I never said energy healer.

I said faith healer. My anecdotal evidence were the people I've seen, and myself included, who were corralled into a 12 step recovery program that's faith based and how damaging such a program was to people with mental issues. That's just one form of faith healing and in those cases "spiritual" faith healing.

I don't know of any reiki healers that have physically harmed anyone. The one person I know who practices it still relies strongly on conventional medicine and is not big on homeopathy. We have a modest disagreement over energy healing. Most forums I've read involving reiki still support conventional medicine. The distance healers are nothing more than self-deluded con men if they take money for their "practice".

But the best you've revealed about yourself is that you cannot even explain your own beliefs. You also apparently cannot accomplish the act of simple reading of another person's post.


Well-Known Member
I've always wondered about the effects of contamination in homeopathic preparations. After all, these solutions have come in contact with a lot more than the specific "ingredients" listed on the label.
The active ingredient might be listed as caffeine or mercury, but what about the effects of the fish poop and pond scum the diluent was in contact with before the homeopathic factory got hold of it? Surely these would have an effect as well.

I'm thinking that if homeopathy were true than every drop of water on this planet should have memory of everything on this planet. Next time we need a homeopathic remedy just walk around in the rain with our mouths open.

Oscillococcinum, besides being one of the worst words in any language, is supposedly diluted to a level that is physically impossible. Namely that a 200C dilution to actually contain a molecule of the active ingredient would require more atoms than exist in the entire universe. Much more.

And people wonder why we call it ********.


I've used essential oils for years for various purposes like making bath salts, but I've certainly never paid $100 a bottle for them, and a lot of them would be unsuitable for putting directly on the skin.

I like camphor oil especially; it seems to help my sinuses. But you can buy it for $2 a ounce all over the place. Sounds like your sister is being taken.

(Some essential oils, like rose oil, can be very expensive, but I don't know of any genuine medicinal use for rose oil anyway. Most people use it because the like the scent.)

Never tried camphor oil.

Peppermint will really open those sinuses!
You can also use it like a "hot and cold"
if you mix it in a plain gel or cream.
Good for upset stomach as well.

I always have peppermint and lavender oils,
...and then a sweet blend for bath. YuM!


That's okay.

Reiki is a load as well.

I'm going to respond to this comment.

For over a YEAR,
(after hurting mySelf while exercising)
I could not turn my neck to the left
even well enough to look properly back
when driving.
I had to turn my entire body to see,
which was a major difficulty
on account of my messed up seatbelt
that gave me no extra room.
I tell you this, because it was a daily measurable awareness
of just how messed up my neck was.

I went to chiropractic which helped greatly
with the numbness, arms/wrists and lower back,
but after months had not changed my neck problem.

I do regular relaxation
and inner meditation
inner Self healing
beginning with the mental,
balancing mind and body in action, symbolism and intent,
as well as working my own energies intuitively
in various ways.

While this also helps me in so many ways,
it did not change the situation with my neck.

So this is what I am compelled here to tell you.
In ONE (free :rolleyes:) Reiki session with Katia
(online/long distance)
WHATEVER was locking up my neck
She had my energy flowing like it hasn't flowed in years.
I felt absolutely amazing, :rainbow1:
and there is really no way I can describe it.
I was working it with her (of course),
with my focus on neck and shoulder
and suddenly, "snap", I heard it,
my whole neck loosened.
I could turn it WAY over to the left
with no pain whatsoever.
I could hardly believe it mySelf,
after months and months of pain and dis'ability.

I have never since had any trouble turning my neck for traffic,
and I no longer have any pain whatsoever when turning
in any direction really.

Still I do have some remaining problems,
but my neck was our focus that day.
I would LOVE to do it again.
Even just for the great feeling of that energy flow.

That said,
While I would ALSO love to get X-rays
and have certain tests done
I have no money,
and no access to any health coverage
that I could afford to use either.
So there you go.
So much for modern medicine.

Without Self healing,
meaningful connective realizations of Self,
symbolic ritual,
relaxing in Sweet smelling baths,
healing my own emotional pains,
releasing toxicity,
loving my own body,
my whole Self,
chiropractic/ alignment,
and energy healing
where would I be now.

*remembers back*
I cringe to think.
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Now since this thread is about homeopathy,
I would never pay for such a thing.

I prefer to "practice' my Own Brand of Magick and Self healing.

That is a serious answer.