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*Foxy Lady*
Hey, I'm not sure if this is the correct area to start this thread but here goes.

Personally I have no problem with homo-sexuality, being bi-sexual. I was just wondering what people of other religions feel about it. I'm open to opinions but please do not be offensive, thanks x


Flaming Queer
ah, this is always a fun subject :D

many people have a problem with homosexuality on religious grounds, some people argue "god made adam and eve, not adam and steve" or "the (insert holy book here) says man fits woman and woman fits man"

i personaly have no problem with homosexuality, what with being gay and all ........

i did a thread somewhere debating biblical verses that say homosexuality is wrong, and i don't think anyone had any convincing arguments ........ ill try and dig it up for you to have a look at

blessed be


It's not up to me to judge. I have no problem with homo-sexual people. But I do know the bible says sex outside marriage is a sin. I also know that our creator (God) did not make a man/women to be with someone of the same sex, thats why Eve was made for Adam instead of another man. But the bible also says it's up to each to work out there own salvation, so with that being said one should pray and see what God has to say about it. I believe there is not a person on this earth that cannot be saved through our Father. So that would be up to the person I suppose.


*Foxy Lady*
well I was brought up christian by my mother, and used to pray with her. To be honest all I thought we were doing was blindly following a myth with no evidence to suggest its validity. I only managed to come out to my mother as a non believer when I was 16. So I will not be praying to god. Any people from other religions have a view on the subject? x


The Wicked Christian
I have no problems with gays at all. And I agree with same sex marriage too. They have the right to happiness, the same as I do.
I have friends that are gay and I think the world of them.​


Active Member
I am straight but have sevearl gay and bi-sexual friends. I also was a bouncer in a gay bar. Talk about fun! Woweeeeeeeeeeeeee! Never laughed so hard in my life. Very fun crowd. Here is some info regarding Islam and homosexuality. I myself am a Skeptic today. I don't know about tomorrow.:biglaugh:

Islam and homosexuality
Mikail Juma Tariq

As Salaamu Alaikum! (The peace of God be with you!)

Homosexuality is wrong, a sin, in Islam. Of that there really can be no dispute. See the excellent articles already on-line cited at the end of this article for the citations from the Qur'an. The point of this article is to try to put this into some reasonable perspective.

Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. It does not matter whether it is fornication, adultery, bestiality, pederasty or homosexuality. Many homosexuals claim they were born that way, they can't help being homosexual. The truth is that man has an urge for sexual gratification. As rationalizing (more than rational) beings, people will always try to find a justification for any activity which they find enjoyable. As to the claim by some homosexuals that it is genetic, this has been decisively disproven. Studies have shown that children of homosexuals are no more likely to be homosexual than any other children. If it were hereditary, many more of them would be homosexual. In our society, homosexuality frequently seems to result from a failed male role model, a father who is abusive or grossly negligent. Bestiality and pederasty are certainly natural as well. Every society has men who use children sexually. Everywhere sheep or goats are kept, they are used for sex. So the argument that homosexuality is natural or inborn has little persuasive power for Muslims.

Why do some sins offend us more than others? Why are there such strong feelings about homosexuality? One psychological explanation is that we are threatened by that to which we might succumb. A man who is secure in his masculinity will be less threatened than one who has homosexual impulses himself. This is an interesting idea, especially when applied to a broad spectrum of sins. Why does pederasty offend so? When the victim is four years old, and is seriously injured, this feeling is understandable. But when the victim is sixteen years old, and the lynch party is composed of grown men, one certainly may speculate that they are engaged in exorcising their own demons, expiating their own lust.

Which is worse, the man who has sex with a six year old girl or a six year old boy? If you immediately answer the one with the boy, perhaps you would do well to examine your own proclivities. A six year old child is not a suitable object of sexual desire regardless of gender. Which would you rather stand next to in Juma prayers (congregational prayers on Friday), a homosexual who is in a monogamous (faithful) relationship with another man or a pimp who keeps young women enslaved in prostitution by supplying them with cocaine? Let us not judge the sins of others by our own problems.

Promiscuity is very wrong. AIDS is spread by promiscuity. Many homosexuals are promiscuous. Many are not. Some practice "safe sex" to avoid transmitting this and other diseases, others do not. Teenage girls are frequently made pregnant by older men. Boys don't get pregnant. Which is worse, a man who seduces boys or girls? Too frequently, religious commentators on sexual behavior get stuck with the obvious fact that all sex outside marriage is forbidden and fail to acknowledge different degrees of wrongness. If a boy and a girl are going to engage in sex before marriage, being careful not to transmit disease and not to produce a child they are not prepared to care for certainly diminishes the number of wrongs being committed. "Safe sex" outside of marriage is still wrong, but much less so than "unsafe sex", which can hurt so many more people. So if teenage boys are impelled to have sex, would it be better for them to have sex with each other than to cause girls to conceive unwanted children? God judges these matters, it is not for us to say, but the very question should make us evaluate our attitude towards homosexuality differently. Promiscuous homosexuality is terrible because it kills people by a horrible, debilitating disease. Monogamous homosexuality is wrong, but is it worse than a man and woman living together without marriage? Is it as bad as using a prostitute? Is it worse than abusing drugs like cocaine and ecstasy, or drinking alcoholic beverages like beer, wine, whiskey, etc.? As the prophet Jesus said, "Judge not lest ye be judged."

See the following sites for other Muslim views on this question:

Homosexuality and Islam

What does Islam say about homosexuality?

For other information and viewpoints on Islam and homosexuality,
see the sites indexed by the Open Directory



A fool
i did a thread somewhere debating biblical verses that say homosexuality is wrong, and i don't think anyone had any convincing arguments ........ ill try and dig it up for you to have a look at
Snap :). In my beliefs, Christianity, as I see it, and Wicca, as everyone sees it, sees nothing wrong with any sexuality.


Mother Heathen
I'm a Christian...and I do believe that biblically, homosexuality... is not a lifestyle that God approves of. I won't argue with scripture. From a moral perspective, because I'm a Christian, I can't say with a clear conscience that if I lived a bisexual or homosexual lifestyle, that I could morally justify my actions, as a Christian.

But from a social standpoint...I tend to be a little more liberal than a lot of conservative Christians would like me to be and probably a little less liberal than a lot of liberals would like me to be. So...I struggle...somewhere in the middle...

Which is probably viewed as compromising from the Christian standpoint...and probably viewed as lack of conviction on the other side...(sighs)...

What would you label a gal who is Christian...100% pro-life, anti-big government, anti-gun control, anti-tax hike but isn't in opposition to same sex union? Hypocrite? Conservative? Liberal? I don't know...and I'm just being honest here...

I lived a rather bicurious lifestlye years ago, prior to becoming a Christian.

I don't accept that people who choose to live different lifestyles (lifestyles that I personally don't condone) should be humiliated, disrespected or disliked for their sexuality. I think when you hold that mindset...you miss out on beautiful opportunities to connect with people...and from a Christian's prospective, you miss out on showing people what Christ's love is really all about...that we LOVE one another regardless of our choices in life. Doesn't mean that I personally, have to accept and adopt your lifestyle. But most people wouldn't expect me too. And the Christian life itself requires making a choice to follow a particular path.

I don't feel that homosexuals should be denied the opportunity to achieve their own dream (American or otherwise). I don't really have a problem with homesexual marriage or civil unions or whatever you want to dub them...and I don't think that my fellow Christians who BRASHLY lash out and degrade homosexuals are in the right at all. Pat Robertson, to give an example really rubs me the wrong way. You cannot spread a message of love to people when you're speaking out of hate.

And I know that...my children will meet children in their lives who have been raised by same sex parents...they will meet people who live different lifestyles than our family does...I don't want my girls to grow up hating people for their differences...treating the little girl or little boy who was raised by a same sex parents any differently. I want my girls to be a reflection of who Christ is...LOVE.

And for those who do marry...I don't think it's too much to ask for...that they have the same rights that married couples have. I think denying people basic, practical conveniences...you do nothing to close the drift between Right wing conservatism and Left Wing Liberalism. Am I compromising a bit here...yes.

I struggle with this...I know that the Christian life is a narrow path...there is no middle ground...and I also realize that I would be one crappy politician because of this. I tend to vote conservative because MOST of my feelings on the issues I feel strongly about are mirrored by conservatives not liberals...

This is a toughie...


*Foxy Lady*
it is tough, i really want to know if the whole opposition to homosexuality all stems from religion. I cant see any non religious moral issue here. I dont see why any perfect god would have a problem with something so trivial. But then again, I'm not immensely clued up on religion.... it sure is a puzzler. x


Flaming Queer
Atheist_Dave said:
it is tough, i really want to know if the whole opposition to homosexuality all stems from religion. I cant see any non religious moral issue here. I dont see why any perfect god would have a problem with something so trivial. But then again, I'm not immensely clued up on religion.... it sure is a puzzler. x
we've got lots of thread that show all the non religious arguments against homosexuality, and then we destroyed those arguments :D ah yes, those were the days :biglaugh:

yes, the main opposition to homosexuality stems from religion, but it also stems from people not understanding, sometimes because of ignorance, and sometimes because of no experience. (experience as in, having any gay friends, not experience as in experience ........)

why would an all loving God hate/disaprove of homosexuality? from the christian point of view, possible arguments are that GoD came to earth as jesus, who did not participate in homosexual activites, ergo it is wrong, as God is clearly showing his preferance

other than that, i can't think of any christian arguments against it, and the argument i just put up would not hold water in a debate (a debate with me at least :D )



*Foxy Lady*
I seem to recall something in the bible along the lines of "man should never lieth with man". Phrased differently though, I havnt read it for a while. Well there's one evil which roots from religion (yes i did watch it on TV). I hope more people have an opinion, I have seen "happy birthday NETDOC" threads with 50 replies :( x

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I've never met a pagan that had an issue with homosexuality. (Physically met, I should say. I know there's all different types of people in the world, and if someone chooses to have an issue with something, they're going to do so no matter what their religion says.)

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
In Unitarian Universalism, we covenant to affirm and promote 7 Principles. The first (and many say the most important) of these principles is that we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. Because of this, the Unitarian Universalist Association has a long history of supporting BGLT rights and equality. We were the first large religious organization in North America to welcome homosexuals and bisexuals as full members, eligible to become clergy.

Many UU churches have put into practice a program for congregations that see a need to become more inclusive towards bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender people. They are called Welcoming Congregations. It consists of a series of workshops developed by the UUA. The goal of the workshops is to reduce prejudice by increasing understanding and acceptance among people of different sexual orientations. Once a congregation completes all the steps of the program, they are called Welcoming Congregation.

We also have an organization called Interweave. Interweave is a membership organization affiliated with the UUA. It is dedicated to the spiritual, political, and social well-being of Unitarian Universalists who are confronting oppression as lesbians, gay men, bisexual persons, transgender persons, and heterosexual allies. It celebrates the culture and lives of its members.” Interweave membership is open to all interested UUs of any sexual or affectional orientation. It has chapters in many Unitarian Universalist congregations and districts, as well as a Continental chapter. Membership in Interweave involves two primary goals: the creation of local groups for bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender Unitarian Universalists for support, socializing, and sharing life issues; and outreach to the larger bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender community to publicize the religious alternative offered by Unitarian Universalism.


nightwolf said:
It's not up to me to judge. I have no problem with homo-sexual people. But I do know the bible says sex outside marriage is a sin. I also know that our creator (God) did not make a man/women to be with someone of the same sex, thats why Eve was made for Adam instead of another man. But the bible also says it's up to each to work out there own salvation, so with that being said one should pray and see what God has to say about it. I believe there is not a person on this earth that cannot be saved through our Father. So that would be up to the person I suppose.
Interesting. To interject here, since we all already know what God's view is on homosexuality becuz he tells us in his Word the Bible, then what we'd want to pray about is help to leave the homosexual lifestyle (if we are not "straight") and live the way God wants us to. (1Cor.6:9,11; Rom.1:24-27; 1Tim.1:9-11; Jude 7)
You are right that there is no one on this earth that cannot be saved thru our Father.They just have to want it. No one can be forced to worship God on His terms. We all have a choice. :)

As for the starter of this thread (Jim?), being a person who doesn't believe in God, all of our posts may be just for bait on his behalf. Knockout If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If I'm right well, YOU all be the "judge".

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
dawny0826 said:
What would you label a gal who is Christian...100% pro-life, anti-big government, anti-gun control, anti-tax hike but isn't in opposition to same sex union? Hypocrite? Conservative? Liberal? I don't know...and I'm just being honest here...

I would call that person 'Dawn'. :)

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
DTrent said:
Interesting. To interject here, since we all already know what God's view is on homosexuality ....

I'm sorry, I have to say something about that comment. The position you represent is but ONE religion's version of what "God's" view on homosexuality is. Please don't presume to speak for my God who much more accepting of all people.


A fool
Dave, I suggest you read the thread that Mike linked to. It discusses in great depth the extent to which Christianity condemns homosexuality.

I wish I could give a more indepth response here but it would just be one that I had repeated many a time which is also why this thread may not get many responses. Its been done to death too recently :). I did write an article about in which you can find in the article section if you feel like debating any of the points.

I remember I started a thread on secular arguments against homosexuality. There simply just aren't any. That doesn't make it a religious thing either. That is to say I do not believe that the Bible or whatever are the root causes. People have their phobias and use the Bible to justify their feelings. Perhaps a minority are the other way around but they are just that, a minority.