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Well-Known Member
then what we'd want to pray about is help to leave the homosexual lifestyle (if we are not "straight") and live the way God wants us to.
As already pointed out, your God is only one of the many different Gods/Goddesses various people follow and/or believe in. Also, homosexuality is not a "lifestyle," it's a sexual orientation. Homosexuals seem to be viewed as some unchanging archetype. We live in different ways. I also don't think prayer could change sexuality. All one can do is avoid homosexual relationships, but it doesn't change that person's sexual orientation. It'd be like praying to change your eye color. Your eye color isn't going to change. All you could do is wear contacts that change your eye color to mask your real eye color, but when you take them out, your eyes are still their regular color. Make sense? Probably a stupid analogy, but whatever.
standing_alone said:
As already pointed out, your God is only one of the many different Gods/Goddesses various people follow and/or believe in. Also, homosexuality is not a "lifestyle," it's a sexual orientation. Homosexuals seem to be viewed as some unchanging archetype. We live in different ways. I also don't think prayer could change sexuality. All one can do is avoid homosexual relationships, but it doesn't change that person's sexual orientation. It'd be like praying to change your eye color. Your eye color isn't going to change. All you could do is wear contacts that change your eye color to mask your real eye color, but when you take them out, your eyes are still their regular color. Make sense? Probably a stupid analogy, but whatever.
Do your homework on the subject go to http://www.realityresources.com and learn how God can heal the homo & transsexual.:sarcastic But note, even Jerry dosen't know what to do with the interssexed.;)


Well-Known Member
Well, not believing in God, I don't think God can "heal" homosexuals. I looked at that site and nothing there convinced me to change my views. It's the typical homophobic arguments masked as concern for homosexuals' spiritual well-being by "curing" them and making them "heterosexual." I think ex-gays are just denying their sexual orientation and are just repressing thier homosexuality. They are not "healed" and all of a sudden heterosexual.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
DTrent said:
Interesting. To interject here, since we all already know what God's view is on homosexuality
Wow, you're right! My goddess notes that everyone is equal and deserving of respect, and I wouldn't presume to argue with her on that! I'm glad that we share the same diety!
(Seriously, though, we don't all share the same views on Diety, or the same belief that specific books are more holy than others. :) )


Active Member
standing_alone said:
As already pointed out, your God is only one of the many different Gods/Goddesses various people follow and/or believe in. Also, homosexuality is not a "lifestyle," it's a sexual orientation. Homosexuals seem to be viewed as some unchanging archetype. We live in different ways. I also don't think prayer could change sexuality. All one can do is avoid homosexual relationships, but it doesn't change that person's sexual orientation. It'd be like praying to change your eye color. Your eye color isn't going to change. All you could do is wear contacts that change your eye color to mask your real eye color, but when you take them out, your eyes are still their regular color. Make sense? Probably a stupid analogy, but whatever.
So true, Standing Alone and you explained it very well.

As to the question, I personally have no problem with homosexuality. I think religious bias is behind much of the nastiness so many display to homosexuals but I also think that homophobia plays a big part too.


Flaming Queer
Divine Androgyne said:
Do your homework on the subject go to http://www.realityresources.com and learn how God can heal the homo & transsexual.:sarcastic But note, even Jerry dosen't know what to do with the interssexed.;)
a brilliant article, i must say

however, i must also say that it is filed with dogmatic (insert rude word here)

i think this sums it up:

HOMOSEXUALITY: Represents a drive to meet unmet emotional love needs.
The person is misidentified with his own masculinity or her own femininity &
tries desperately to fill up the deficit by joining someone just like themselves.
if you think this is why people are Gay, then you are very, very wrong - and please, before you start telling other people to do their homework, do your own........ propperly :sarcastic


Active Member
Buddhism teaches to, and expects from, its followers a certain level of ethical behaviour. The minimum that is required of the lay Buddhist is embodied in what is called the Five Precepts (panca sila), the third of which relates to sexual behaviour. Whether or not homosexuality, sexual behaviour between people of the same sex, would be breaking the third Precept is what I would like to examine here.

Homosexuality was known in ancient India; it is explicitly mentioned in the Vinaya (monastic discipline) and prohibited. It is not singled out for special condemnation, but rather simply mentioned along with a wide range of other sexual behaviour as contravening the rule that requires monks and nuns to be celibate. Sexual behaviour, whether with a member of the same or the opposite sex, where the sexual organ enters any of the bodily orifices (vagina, mouth or anus), is punishable by expulsion from the monastic order. Other sexual behaviour like mutual masturbation or interfemural sex, while considered a serious offense, does not entail expulsion but must be confessed before the monastic community.

A type of person called a pandaka is occasionally mentioned in the Vinaya in contexts that make it clear that such a person is some kind of sexual non-conformist. The Vinaya also stipulates that pandakas are not allowed to be ordained, and if, inadvertently, one has been, he is expelled. According to commentary, this is because pandakas are "full of passions, unquenchable lust and are dominated by the desire for sex." The word pandaka has been translated as either hermaphrodite or eunuch, while Zwilling has recently suggested that it may simply mean a homosexual. It is more probable that ancient Indians, like most modern Asians, considered only the extremely effeminate, exhibitionist homosexual (the screaming queen in popular perception) to be deviant while the less obvious homosexual was simply considered a little more opportunistic or a little less fussy than other 'normal' males. As the Buddha seems to have had a profound understanding of human nature and have been remarkably free from prejudice, and as there is not evidence that homosexuals are any more libidinous or that they have any more difficulties in maintaining celibacy than heterosexuals, it seems unlikely that the Buddha would exclude homosexuals per se from the monastic life. The term pandaka therefore probably does not refer to homosexuals in general but rather to the effeminate, self-advertising and promiscuous homosexual.



*Foxy Lady*
Thanks for all the great opinions guys. As for the person who said god can cure homo-sexuality, 1) I can assure you it is not a "condition" or "virus" that can be or needs to be cured 2) I did not start the thread to get advice on how to cure myself, just poeples views on the matter.

Thanks people x


Maize said:

I'm sorry, I have to say something about that comment. The position you represent is but ONE religion's version of what "God's" view on homosexuality is. Please don't presume to speak for my God who much more accepting of all people.
Apology accepted...
I'm sorry but IF your religion is Christian (which follows the Bible) , WHAT in the Scriptures I quoted do you not understand to be God's view on this matter of homosexuality?

Actually, I am not presuming but am speaking on what has already been written for Christians to accept and adhere to. Honestly, I did not make them up.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
DTrent said:
I'm sorry but IF your religion is Christian (which follows the Bible) , WHAT in the Scriptures I quoted do you not understand to be God's view on this matter of homosexuality?

I am not Christian, neither are many other members of this forum who have very different ideas about God than you do.


nightwolf said:
It's not up to me to judge.
We are our own judges, juries and executioners. Who better to judge humans than humanity itself?

I have no problem with homo-sexual people.
I have had, up until very recently anyway, seemingly insurmountable problems with hetero-sexual people.

But I do know the bible says sex outside marriage is a sin.
Those problems I spoke about with hetero-sexuals above often begin and end with their religious beliefs, the various brands of Christianity being chief among them.

I also know that our creator (God) did not make a man/women to be with someone of the same sex, thats why Eve was made for Adam instead of another man.
I know that my creators (my parents) did not make me to be with someone differently sexed (thanks to the precious homosexual genetic material contained in one or both sets of their chromosomes); that's why, as a man, I was made for another man instead of a woman. It is in this way that homosexuality comes down to us through ... heterosexuality.

But the bible also says it's up to each to work out there own salvation, so with that being said one should pray and see what God has to say about it.
Since I'm not Christian, I have no salvation to "work out", no prayers to say and no time to wait for some invisible, supernatural, necessarily male monster to breathe a single, solitary word to me.

I believe there is not a person on this earth that cannot be saved through our Father.
I'm not looking for salvation. My heaven and hell are right here and right now. (I'm just this side of hell, but I'll be leaving for heaven in about an hour.) I had but one alcoholic, dead-beat "father", and he's been dead now for some time.

So that would be up to the person I suppose.
I'd rather die a thousand horrible deaths than fall victim to any religious belief.


godfree1 said:
We are our own judges, juries and executioners. Who better to judge humans than humanity itself?

I have had, up until very recently anyway, seemingly insurmountable problems with hetero-sexual people.

Those problems I spoke about with hetero-sexuals above often begin and end with their religious beliefs, the various brands of Christianity being chief among them.

I know that my creators (my parents) did not make me to be with someone differently sexed (thanks to the precious homosexual genetic material contained in one or both sets of their chromosomes); that's why, as a man, I was made for another man instead of a woman. It is in this way that homosexuality comes down to us through ... heterosexuality.

Since I'm not Christian, I have no salvation to "work out", no prayers to say and no time to wait for some invisible, supernatural, necessarily male monster to breathe a single, solitary word to me.

I'm not looking for salvation. My heaven and hell are right here and right now. (I'm just this side of hell, but I'll be leaving for heaven in about an hour.) I had but one alcoholic, dead-beat "father", and he's been dead now for some time.

I'd rather die a thousand horrible deaths than fall victim to any religious belief.
Question: Any reason why you'd wanna frequent this board if you're beliefs are as they are? I mean, perhaps you're looking for something here to make more sense to you?
Or you could just be interested in what others believe just for some general knowledge??:confused:


Veteran Member
DTrent said:
Question: Any reason why you'd wanna frequent this board if you're beliefs are as they are? I mean, perhaps you're looking for something here to make more sense to you?
Or you could just be interested in what others believe just for some general knowledge??
There is quite a number of non-theists on this board. One can articulatly explore religion without believing in God though that may be an interesting thread for you to pose on the debate forum sometime.

In particular to Godfree1 qoute:

" I know that my creators (my parents) did not make me to be with someone differently sexed (thanks to the precious homosexual genetic material contained in one or both sets of their chromosomes); that's why, as a man, I was made for another man instead of a woman. It is in this way that homosexuality comes down to us through ... heterosexuality."

May I ask what your response to this is?


*Foxy Lady*
kudos to god free, I couldn't have put it better myself (Although I'm not gay I like everyone:s). What exactly is the christian view on bi-sexuality, is this as bad? Even though I do like women? Will the father forgive me for defying him? Will I be consumed in his fiery wrath? Please your views on this x

Peace x


Well-Known Member
To answer the OP, I have no religion, but as a whole I love gay guys...they give me less competition for the girls I chase.


DTrent said:
Question: Any reason why you'd wanna frequent this board if you're beliefs are as they are?
Why "preach to the choir"? Don't Christians ever wonder why everyone isn't Christian? If you were born in Iraq to Iraqi parents, do you really think you'd be the Christian you are today? Somehow, I doubt it ...

I mean, perhaps you're looking for something here to make more sense to you?
Nothing the religious say about religion makes any sense to me at all, and that's not likely to change. I'm actually here solely for my own entertainment, if it makes any difference to anyone.

Or you could just be interested in what others believe just for some general knowledge??:confused:
I'm not interested in what others believe; I'm interested in what others know. ;)