yeah now it isn't but it was gay people who proliferated it and spread it
the guy who brought it to america was a gay- canadian? i think
Homosexuals cannot help their feelings, they are born like it. Why should they be forced to live a lie in order to satisfy the idealist's ignorant view of the world.
yeah right, and if hitler would have been born an aborigine in australia, he would have had an inexplicable jew hater/mass murderer be cause he was born that way
its their environment, kids telling you at school that your gay just because you are different, after awhile you start to believe it,
people have to have a reason to be different, why they feel uncomfortable w others
the easiest explanation in our societies, plus there are stereotypes, how a strait guy should act, watch out if your naturally effeminate or if your a girl that hangs out with guys,
Being gay, or lesbian, may be 'wrong' for you. That doesn't mean it's 'wrong' for someone else. Everyone is perfect in God's eyes. Everyone is exactly where they are suppossed to be for their own path. We can not look at someone and say 'you are wrong' because we do not know their path. We can NEVER know the path of someone else.
were all perfect in Gods eyes?
BS to an extreme
we are imperfect in gods eyes, some of of us so evil he cant stand to look at us
why do you think he doesn't walk with man any more?
If something bothers you about an alternative lifestyle, the only course of action you can take is to examine your own feelings. Why does this bother you? And what do you need to do to change your feelings of judgement, to feelings of acceptance. We are to love unconditionally, that means with NO CONDITIONS. Jesus didn't pass judgement on sinners, he didn't make them promise loyaty, he just healed them, and loved them, and planted seeds of compassion. The rest is up to God. If God made everything, then he made the gay man/woman as well. It has to serve a purpose, otherwise, you are suggesting that God made a mistake.
God didn't create the world were in today, he created one without sin then we perverted it and twisted it, just like we twisted and pervrerted the acts of sex
were not all nice and okay and we caant just do what we want.