If there is a mass increase in these marriages/companionships AIDS will spread like a wild-fire (This is probable)
It was confirmed long ago that HIV/AIDS isn't the "gay disease" people originally thought it was. It spreads in heterosexuals and homosexuals the same.
- It degrades the value and order of a relationship, because if this is allowed to go on, who says something like orgies or polyamory wont be let loose?
That already happens. Nothing exclusive to gays.
- the bond between a man and a woman is sacred
Yes, but who is to say that the bond between two men or two women isn't just as sacred?
If there is a rapid growth of Homosexual relationships, then children will grow up to be homosexuals as well (This is also statistically probable),
There are also statistics to show that boys who are raised by a single mother will be "girly boys." However, there are plenty of males that were raised by a single mother, myself included, that do not act feminine. I love the fact many seriously think I lack a feminine side. I also know plenty who had both a mother and father to raise them, and they act very wimpy and girly.
Homosexuality is a psychological disorder which is taken to seriously to now be called a natural and cultural thing.
It is a natural thing. Why do you greatly enjoy the things you do? Some strong urge or pull? Why are you repulsed by some things? They just don't seem good or attractive? Think you could live with someone who displays physical characteristics you don't like? I'm sure those questions would have the same answer if asked to homosexuals on "why?"
AIDS is erupting worldwide because of homosexuality, endangering lives (such as the netherlands)
If you manipulate statistics, you can make it look like women who love chocolate are a myth. Just be selective, find people who are sure will give you the results you want, and suddenly a statistic will show exactly what you want.
Further weaken the family, the first and best defense against an ever-encroaching government.
I would say things like drug addictions, alcoholism, and abuse weaken a family on a much larger scale. Those are real problems.
Encourage children to experiment with homosexuality. This will put more kids at risk for HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, “gay bowel syndrome,” human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Whats different about teens expirementing with homo or hetero sex? They will still be at the same level of risk. And even hetero couples can give eachother gay bowel syndrome.
Homosexual households are also more prone to domestic violence. For example: “The incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population,”
No, large amounts and constant usage of alcohol and amphetamines will make a family more prone to domestic violence.
Put more children at risk as adoption agencies abandon the crrent practice of favoring married households and begin placing more children in motherless or fatherless households.
Lots of people grow up with one parent.
Encourage more people to remain trapped in homosexuality rather than seek to re-channel their desires toward normal sexuality.
I have my doubts it can be "re-channeled." Just try to change something you feel so strongly about, the idea is a very part of you. Or try to live as something your not, something you feel uncomfortable as. I was born and raised as a Christian, and while that is certainly the society norm, I never felt it was right for me.
- Pit the law and our government against the beliefs of tens of millions of people who believe homosexuality is wrong.
- Create grounds for further attacks on the freedoms of speech, religion and association.
When it comes to consenting adults, the government has place in what goes on between two people's love life. And even if it was to become illegal to be gay, it won't stop anything. It is illegal to have oral sex in Indiana, but people still do it. A couple of guys in the same house alone isn't probable cause to investigate what they're doing if homosexuality is banned.
I will say with confidence, "evidence" showing gays have higher rates of STDs, and homosexuals disrupting family values is nothing more than politicians with agendas, and statistics too heavily manipulated to be relied on, and serve only to satisfy those agendas.