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Homosexuality and religious.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Closed minded bigots are always 100% certain of course, that's the nature of bigotry, as it has no rational basis.

Nice circular reasoning fallacy as well, amply proving my point about the irrational nature of religious bigotry.

This post is reportable. We each have differing views. No need to act immaturely by accusing people of bigotry. People need to realise that just because we have differing opinions it doesn’t infer bigotry. That is bullying which I take exception to.

Homosexuality is not a religion I have to join which if I do not I become an ‘infidel or homophobic’.

I respect all people especially homosexuals as they taught me the Baha’i Faith and gave me a home, food and shelter when I was going through a crises. So you shouldn’t be making these accusations against me. My religion says the behaviour is wrong but the people must be loved and cherished.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes I guess some groups teach that sex is for baby making only and maybe that makes them a bit iffy about doing stuff for pleasure only without any baby making in sight.
Some groups no doubt like to tell their followers what is and is not allowed in the bedroom.
If too strict means that Christians should say sex outside of marriage is OK, then we are too strict and will probably remain so.
I hear that pornography sex has changed expectations in the young about what should and should not be done during sex. That is probably not really healthy.
I imagine that sex is more normal and expected these days amongst young people.
Trends in sexual behaviour have changed since contraception became available more freely and since online pornography is easily accessed by anyone and since society's views on sexual morality (coming through the media) are not really Christian views.
Interesting that morality is generally not taught in a public school system. I know because I worked for a large school system. Sex education may be taught, how to protect oneself from getting a disease by sexual contact, but not morals. Or abstinence.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Although Baha’is are against war we are not pacifists but believe in justice and collective security to protect the innocent from the oppressor just like any society has a police force to protect citizens from criminals. Same thing except on an international scale so something like an international police force which can arrest and stop crimes committed by dictators and war criminals.
You're against war? Why?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
The claim was made by a theist, I merely offered an example, try actually reading what was posted.

I wish people did read everything and not just read what they want into my posts.

1. The Baha’i Faith Condemns homosexuality as immoral
2. The Baha’i Faith condemns all forms of discrimination, mistreatment and prejudice against homosexuals and Baha’is are encouraged to protect homosexuals from hurt and harm.

People only read about the first point then condemn us but the first point is only a belief, point 2 is how we actually act on that belief which is that we are to be kind and loving. Please don’t just read point one and accuse us of homophobia,


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Interesting from what I read the top person religiously in Russia (Orthodox church there) claims that if men would go to war for Russia their sins would be washed away...and I guess some believe that.

That’s manipulation for political purposes. If the church were truly religious they would call for an end to the war because Ukraine was not oppressing anyone.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That’s manipulation for political purposes. If the church were truly religious they would call for an end to the war because Ukraine was not oppressing anyone.
So when would you not go to war? Of course I don't agree with the statement the Archbishop or whatever he's called said about salvation, kind of sad to mislead people like that but I can understand it in a way. Although I don't believe him.


Veteran Member
Interesting that morality is generally not taught in a public school system. I know because I worked for a large school system. Sex education may be taught, how to protect oneself from getting a disease by sexual contact, but not morals. Or abstinence.

Yes, sexual morality is diverse in society and parents would not want it taught in schools to their kids.
Of course the not teaching of it does leave the impression with the kids that it is all OK and acceptable I suppose. Just as the non mention of God and faith not being demonstrated in society leads kids to conclude that God is not real.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
My recollection is that the law didn't change, but, it was very difficult to enforce, and the Jewish religious courts were discouraged from handing out a death penalty.
The question is why some Christians say they believe the Bible, but they do the same thing Baha'is do and say that the old laws no longer apply. For me, I'm still thinking there is a good change that the religious leaders made up the laws and attributed them to God. So, for me, I'm not sure God ever wanted to have them stoned.


Question Everything
I wish people did read everything and not just read what they want into my posts.

1. The Baha’i Faith Condemns homosexuality as immoral
2. The Baha’i Faith condemns all forms of discrimination, mistreatment and prejudice against homosexuals and Baha’is are encouraged to protect homosexuals from hurt and harm.

People only read about the first point then condemn us but the first point is only a belief, point 2 is how we actually act on that belief which is that we are to be kind and loving. Please don’t just read point one and accuse us of homophobia,

How is this:

1. I condemn beliefs which are homophobic, and so believe those of the Baha'i faith are immoral and prejudiced.
2. I would never harm someone from that faith (unless through self defense), and find kindness the best medicine for changing minds and hearts.
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Then, in the first place, they must have a very good reason why they are choosing to embrace the Message of Baha’u’llah.

Everyone that does choose, has to face what every Baha'i subsequently faces, a complete re-examination of one's pre-conceived ideas, morals, virtues and goals in life.

Regards Tony
Yes, because they are accepted as is. They are shown love. But what happens when the years go by, and the gay doesn't change their ways? At some point the Baha'i community expects them to change, don't they?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
So when would you not go to war? Of course I don't agree with the statement the Archbishop or whatever he's called said about salvation, kind of sad to mislead people like that but I can understand it in a way. Although I don't believe him.

The Baha’i teachings advocate all disputes being solved at the table. And if that is not possible then referred to an International Tribunal for adjudication. Then a decision. An international police force comprised of all nations can enforce decisions made by the Tribunal just like a court of law can issue an arrest warrant.

Basically, once law and order has been established on an international level, war will no longer be used to solve disputes except in very rare circumstances such as a tyrant or oppressor committing mass genocide. Then only by majority vote will collective security be used to intervene, stop the massacre and arrest or kill the perpetrators. Just like any police action. But force cannot be used without first due process and a Tribunal edict.

A Supreme Tribunal shall be established by the peoples and Governments of every nation, composed of members elected from each country and Government. The members of this Great Council shall assemble in unity. All disputes of an international character shall be submitted to this Court, its work being to arrange by arbitration everything which otherwise would be a cause of war. The mission of this Tribunal would be to prevent war. Abdu’l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 156.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That is like someone saying they do not believe in excercise, but do believe in being healthy.

.. or they do not support prisons, or cops, but do want a crime-free neighborhood....

Homosexuals are fed up with being mistreated. And as a Baha’i I am glad to protect any person who is being victimised because he is homosexual but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with homosexuality.


Veteran Member
I wish people did read everything and not just read what they want into my posts.

1. The Baha’i Faith Condemns homosexuality as immoral
2. The Baha’i Faith condemns all forms of discrimination, mistreatment and prejudice against homosexuals and Baha’is are encouraged to protect homosexuals from hurt and harm.

People only read about the first point then condemn us .....
The Baha’i Faith Condemns homosexuality as immoral​

If you open the door....

but the first point is only a belief,
Then you have the moral authority to reject this belief and no longer give it meaning. If you don't, then you value the idea more than the human beings who hapven to be gay. Bad image.

point 2 is how we actually act on that belief which is that we are to be kind and loving. Please don’t just read point one and accuse us of homophobia,
This is wanting your cake and eating it too. Whoever is in charge of Bahai should eliminate the attitude about homosexuality, because it isn't necessary. You claim you don't act on this belief, but you don't have a problem stating it is what Bahai stands for. And you are a member. The harm is done.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
Yes, because they are accepted as is. They are shown love. But what happens when the years go by, and the gay doesn't change their ways? At some point the Baha'i community expects them to change, don't they?

I cannot comment on what if's CG.

In the end, if required, this would be a discussion an elected Local House of Justice (Currently LSA) would discuss with all those involved and it would remain confidential, unless the person chose to make it all public.

Regards Tony