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Homosexuality not included.


Dr. Greenthumb
If some Christians went picketing McDonald's, I'd totally be down with joining them. I'm pretty sure gluttony is a much bigger issue than homosexuality in the U.S. It really reveals someone's personal bias or hatred when they choose to focus on the "sin" of homosexuality to the exclusion of all others.

Also, it's impossible to be a politician without lying so what does that tell you?
Homosexuality is a bigger issue, because of Marriage issue. Take that away and there wouldn't be so much talk on it. But everyone not in the church (including so called catholics who push for homosexuality) want to attack the church and marriage.


Dr. Greenthumb
And Mcdonalds can not be considered gluttony in its self. Its the person who chooses food as a comfort and overeats alot. Without Mcdonalds many will still suffer from such.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Homosexuality is a bigger issue, because of Marriage issue. Take that away and there wouldn't be so much talk on it. But everyone not in the church (including so called catholics who push for homosexuality) want to attack the church and marriage.

How do you push 'homosexuality'? It's simply a natural orientation for a minority of the population. I couldn't be gay if I tried.

How is it attacking the institute of marriage for wanting to include homosexual individuals into the symbolic celebration of marriage? It seems like it would be expanding it rather than attacking. It's not like they're saying that everyone has to be married to someone of the same sex or that heterosexuals cannot marry. I just cannot understand this.

I would argue that obesity and gluttony are bigger issues since everyone is getting diabetes and having heart attacks. They actually have a harmful impact on people, unlike homosexuality. What are the harmful effects of allowing homosexual individuals be who they actually are as long as they're responsible about it?


Ad astra!
No, your all pretty much wrong. Its from the verse in Matthew 5
[27] You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. [28] But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

You cant masturbate without lusting

That. Is. Hilarious.

No, seriously, that's possibly the funniest thing I've ever read.


Premium Member
I have never been sure why it is debated more than anything else. I once raised the same question on a different site, a Christian site. The debate went pretty much just like this one is going. The thing is, when I go to any Church service, I don't recall the preacher/Pastor (of each service) ever talking about homosexuality at all. I am not saying it is never mentioned, but that I never heard it mentioned myself.


Active Member
Homosexuality is a bigger issue, because of Marriage issue. Take that away and there wouldn't be so much talk on it. But everyone not in the church (including so called catholics who push for homosexuality) want to attack the church and marriage.


The definition of marriage used to be "one man and one woman". The gays have gotten that definition changed...at least in most on-line dictionaries.....

....but not in most minds.

Mine included.


.45 Cal
It's interesting that you guys mention gluttony. I would definately say it's one of the most tolerated sins in the American church and is even flat out ignored on a frequent basis.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
It's interesting that you guys mention gluttony. I would definately say it's one of the most tolerated sins in the American church and is even flat out ignored on a frequent basis.

Yes, it seems that we agree on something then. Although I don't believe in the concept of "sin", I do believe that some actions are harmful to oneself and others. There could be more education on healthy eating habits in churches I suppose, although perhaps there are some.

Probably the other biggest "sin" in America is greed and yet the churches are silent about their incompatibility with the capitalist economy, which is so anti-christian really. Pope John Paul the 2nd even admitted as much.

It's often downplayed that he criticized what he called the “all-consuming desire for profit and the thirst for power at any price with the intention of imposing one's will upon others, which are opposed to the will of God and the good of neighbor.”


Active Member
No, your all pretty much wrong. Its from the verse in Matthew 5
[27] You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. [28] But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

You cant masturbate without lusting

Wait so if I lust in my mind of some random woman I am commiting a sin?

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Wait so if I lust in my mind of some random woman I am commiting a sin?

That's right. No masturbation, no premarital relations, no natural sexual orientations, no wet dreams, no day dreams, no dreaming at all!

They really got the sexual guilt covered on all corners, huh?


Agnostic Theist
No, your all pretty much wrong. Its from the verse in Matthew 5
[27] You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. [28] But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

You cant masturbate without lusting

Sure you can.


Active Member
Watching an obese woman eating at McDonald's also makes my stomach turn, and yet I don't feel that I have the right to force her to stop eating.
And she will still be welcome at any church, even if she has no intention of giving up her gluttony. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. It is also something that most certainly can cause a person harm.


Active Member

The definition of marriage used to be "one man and one woman". The gays have gotten that definition changed...at least in most on-line dictionaries.....

....but not in most minds.

Mine included.
Funny bit of trivia here... when Jesus said what he did about marriage being one man and one woman, he was explaining why divorce is wrong (Mark 10:2-10). Now divorce is commonplace, and they apply the verse to gay marriage instead. So who is it who's really trying to change the definition of marriage?

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
But is it?

As far as I know, it really isn't. There are a few things listed (or suggested) as sins in the Bible which involve homosexuality, but only to the extent which the things listed as heterosexual sins involve heterosexuality.

Lust is, supposedly, sinful regardless of whether or not the object of desire is the same gender as you or not. It's the lust, not what it is directed towards, which makes it sin. Every example I've ever seen given by people claiming that homosexuality is intrinsically sinful is actually talking about something else.

The distinction is subtle, particularly since there has been a long-standing cultural taboo against homosexuality, but to the best of my knowledge it's never homosexuality per se which the Bible is talking about: it's invariably some form of lust.