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Admiral Obvious
theory of evolution is just a theory.
yes it is.
It is a scientific theory.
Definition 1:
Function: noun
1 : the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
2 : abstract thought : speculation
3 : the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>
4 a : a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn> b : an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory <in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all>
5 : a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>
6 a : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b : an unproved assumption : conjecture c : a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations>
Now I understand that most people think that a 'theory' is ONLY definition 2, but as you can see above, that thinking is just flat out not true.


Depends Upon My Mood..
i have heard of asexual as not having sex organs, but no i have not heard of asexual a having a lack of sex drive.

There are people with a full set of sex organs (male or female) with no sex drive.

Check it out."They" exist"




Active Member
Sounds to me like you are merely evading answering the question.
Though I will concede that perhaps you are not explaining your position very well.
yes! not explaining my position very well would be a better discription. i am trying! i have just never been ask alot of these questions before. i should spend more time thinking about the question and then answer, but i don't know how long some people are willing to wait for an answer before they loose interest.


Active Member
Are you joking or are you really this ignorant?
if you have proof that evolution exist, and is not just a educated guess. i haven't read anything that had solid evidence. we are talking about darwins theory right the same guy that began his point of view by visiting an island. i am a believer in God. i believe that everything was created and serves a purpose. Gold has never evolved in to anything else but gold. the theory of evolution is to unstable for me to many unanswered questions to be true. But if you have info please send me a private message. i enjoy learning.


Well-Known Member
if you have proof that evolution exist, and is not just a educated guess. i haven't read anything that had solid evidence. we are talking about darwins theory right the same guy that began his point of view by visiting an island. i am a believer in God. i believe that everything was created and serves a purpose. Gold has never evolved in to anything else but gold. the theory of evolution is to unstable for me to many unanswered questions to be true. But if you have info please send me a private message. i enjoy learning.
I must ask a few questions. Do you know the difference between theory and scientific theory? And do you know the difference between scientific theory and scientific fact? For example, in the case of evolution...
Evolution as theory and fact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The same applies everywhere, even for something as obvious as gravity.


Active Member
And how many 'potential purposes' in your life have gone unfulfilled?
well to me pupose in life is to learn to control body and mind. to learn how to deal and act with others. to live life that would provide a better outcome after death.
to live life according to truth. life can become meaningless once truth opposes their purpose.[/QUOTE]
this is what i stated earlier.

i would imaging quite a few potential purposes as of today, but i don't keep count. this doesn't mean i can't fulfill them later.


Active Member
Ftv1975 writes: a purpose has gone unfulfilled, but there or other purposes that can be fulfulled.

If the purpose of a person is to abstain from sex (and marriage) because they do not have a need or a function for this type of experience, how has this person’s purpose gone unfulfilled?
abstaining from sex that God says is wrong then that has been a purpose fulfilled. man i just can't answer your question without bringing God into the discussion. Marriage exists i feel to learn how to raise children to learn how to live in a commited realationship under the guidlines given by God. this includes alot more but this is basically the idea.

if you have the time to respond, please do not forget this question.

cardero writes: So if someone wants to freely pair up with a member of the same sex, get married and raise a large family, what consequences besides this person completing or fulfilling their purposes and being happy are your proposing?
well i guess i would say that they have served their purpose as far as they know. Getting Married to me is a religious thing that was adopted by the United States. Eternal Marriage can only happen through God. if a person doesn't know or doesn't believe that this is true i don't have much to say. it is not my place to pass judgement. And if this is what is read when i write that i am tryint to judge same sex lovers that is not my goal.



Active Member
Good question.

I wonder if he honestly believes that every time someone has sex without the intention of making a baby that they are not fulfilling the "purpose" of their sexual organs?
i am just saying that the main purpose of sex is to procreate. not to say that other purposes aren't being fulfilled when having sex in a marriage.


Active Member
You're missing the point. Legs (evolved) are for walking and running. There's nothing wrong with dancing. The larynx is for speech. There's nothing wrong with singing. Noses are for smelling. There's nothing wrong with using them to hold your glasses up. There is no moral relationship between an organ's physical purpose and what you do with it, and it's a mistake to look in that area for morality. You have to ask other questions, such as whether you are using it for good or ill.
morality becomes an issue when organ's are missed used. you are right i shouldn't bring morality in this. i was just wanting to state that killing is a purpose being accomplished because that person has the ability to do so. the ability to have sex does mean having sex with anything or any body is healthy or good.
legs are for dancing, and many other things. vocal cords are for making noise speech singing and other things accomplish that purpose. true glasses are made to fit the nose.


Guardian of Asgaard
morality becomes an issue when organ's are missed used. you are right i shouldn't bring morality in this. i was just wanting to state that killing is a purpose being accomplished because that person has the ability to do so. the ability to have sex does mean having sex with anything or any body is healthy or good.
legs are for dancing, and many other things. vocal cords are for making noise speech singing and other things accomplish that purpose. true glasses are made to fit the nose.

Sex is very healthy actually. Its has a variety of health benefits.

Sex is good. If its not, you're not doing it right ;)

Morality is not an issue because its pathetic for people to impose their own morality upon people who don't give a flying **** what other people think morality means.

If the bible = book of morals if would go a long way towards explaining the awful things we see in this world.


Active Member
Just what qualities do you see men and women having that aren't shared by the opposite sex? Really I'm curious, beyond the physical just what are the differences?

And here's a bonus question: are these differences there naturally or are they there because men and women were raised to be that way(yes the old nature vs. nurture argument)?
in quality i mean a distinguishing attribute. because of the physical there are emotional, and social differences. it would be better if i direct to a sight then explain. i don't seem to be expaining things very well.


please let me know what you think. i haven't had the nature vs. nurture discussion before. i am pretty new to these topic discussion sites. i have only been doing this for about 3 and a half months.


Active Member
Sex is very healthy actually. Its has a variety of health benefits.

Sex is good. If its not, you're not doing it right ;)
all sex is healthy to you?

Morality is not an issue because its pathetic for people to impose their own morality upon people who don't give a flying **** what other people think morality means.
how am i pushing my morality on you or anybody else?

If the bible = book of morals if would go a long way towards explaining the awful things we see in this world.
please explain.:)


Active Member
I must ask a few questions. Do you know the difference between theory and scientific theory? And do you know the difference between scientific theory and scientific fact? For example, in the case of evolution...
Evolution as theory and fact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The same applies everywhere, even for something as obvious as gravity.
Views on Evolution here is a site i hope you look at. all i am asking is if you have proof that evolution exist please direct me to something that has caused to to come to this conclusion.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
theory of evolution is just a theory.

With all due respect, if you deny the theory of evolution, you are either poorly informed or irrational. Either way, not much creditability can be lent to your statements.


Guardian of Asgaard
please explain.:)

At the very very least, sex is a stress relieving method. For people like me who are currently in exam week for university, it helps a lot ;) An alternative to sex is running, but with bad knees, i can only run 3 or 4 imes a week. Its also currently 41 degrees celsius where im sitting, very unpleasant running conditions.

Maybe not you personally, but when the yanks had their whole vote about same sex unions thats pushing morality. What makes me more annoyed is that the vote was for rights for 4 or 5% of the population. Not at all fair.