(Hey hi there, how you doing? : ) read your previous posts and answering to them and just giving a perspective and a question; have you ever been hurt by someone so much that it made you wish they died? and now other questions)
Hi Starsoul
No, I can honestly say that I've never wished for someone to actually die. In weaker moments I've wished that they would have a taste of their own medicine, but not for revenge: I wonder sometimes if that wouldn't be the only way to get someone to see what they're doing to other people.
For instance, I've wished before that people who vote against gay marriage would for a week live in a society where other people told them that they can't marry their lover just because other people don't like it.
In reality though, if given the choice to inflict that on someone, I'd never do it. As I said, I only wish it in moments of weakness but I'd never follow through with it, e.g. I'd never vote for such an oppressive bill.
Starsoul said:
Lets say that God loves you so much , he cant see you opting to choose to not to proliferate your genes into another wonderful being by limiting yourself to homosexuality? And He really hates that? ( Now don't go into defensive, just a perspective
You're assuming here that I choose to be attracted to women rather than men -- I don't choose it. I don't choose who I'm attracted to anymore than I can "choose" what my favorite color is.
Secondly, if God loves me then He will respect any choices I make (such as not having children) just as I would respect any choices my loved ones make. This can't work both ways -- either God allows us free will or He doesn't. If I had a child that ended up homosexual, I may not be happy about those circumstances (because I wouldn't want them to go through what I go through) but I would respect it.
I guess that was a bad analogy since sexual preference isn't a choice for many, so I'd
have to respect it. So, a better analogy would be if I had a child and said child decided to join some religion that I don't believe in. I might not like it, but my child has that choice, and I'm going to love my child regardless of making that choice. I would
never punish my child for making some choice that I frown on unless it was a choice that directly hurt people. I might try to reason with them, but I'd never force them to follow my plan for them to the letter -- that would be cruel and make a mockery of any so-called "free will" in the situation.
Starsoul said:
Now don't say that why cant God see me happy, what If He knew that you would definitely be a happier person with heterosexuality and cute intelligent babies? and those babies were going to bring peace and happiness to so many people around them because their mother raised them so well.( now dont say adopted kids could be the same, genes count a lot, and when we are talking about God, fate counts a lot too, maybe your genes were genetically programmed to bring some awesome people in the world, who were destined to bring out the best in this world, and you prevented that, that would make him angry with your choice wouldn't that?)
I can't just decide to start being attracted to men. That's not my fault. If it's really that big of a deal to God, why couldn't he have fixed whatever it is about me that causes me to be disinterested in men and interested in women? Please don't say that I can change it if I try. That's a lie that's destroyed a lot of lives; and besides, I don't want to change who I am because I'm happy, I'm with the person I'll spend the rest of my life with (and love it), and I simply see no reason to try to "change" my sexuality.
Could you decide to start being attracted to women?
There, did you feel that? That feeling of wrongness, possibly revulsion, that probably cropped up in your mind at the thought of that? Well, that's what it's like for me if I think about being attracted to men. (No offense guys, I love you as friends!)
Starsoul said:
Now you would say that God can give other kids better genes if you choose not to use them, but thats the problem with God, He likes you more ; ) Not that He dislikes the others, but others may have their own fate, of being helped/supported/taught/treated probably by your kids?
Now you would say then you were destined to be a homosexual, but maybe God says if that was the case, you wouldn't have been born with a ovaries and a baby producing uterus and your biology, along with your psychology would have to be significantly different than heterosexual females, but it aint. Maybe He'd say that You had the freewill and you chose to violate /mis-use that freewill to your dis-advantage, and he does not want that, and by choosing to do so for a long time, you will influence upon all those who might want to mis-use their freewill as well, and prevent all those awesome intelligent human beings that were programmed into your system, from ever happening!
(just a perspective, this aint no personal commentary : ) )
Either God wants us to have free will or He doesn't.
"Do as I say or else you'll face these dire consequences, but remember you have free will" isn't really free will.
Besides, as I've already explained, my attraction to females and disinterest in men isn't a free choice. It's just there, it's always been there since I was younger. When I dated boys in Junior High and High School just because that was the "normal" thing to do (rather than because I really wanted to), I still found myself thinking about girls when we held hands or kissed.
There are some people who have an amount of choice in their sexuality (such as some bisexuals and pansexuals), but some of us just don't. If God made me, then He made me this way.