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Homosexuals, should we accept them, are they really homosexual?

So, some of you may be aware of Leviticus 18 22: "[FONT=arial, helvetica]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

So does that mean you are allowed to be homosexual as long as you don't practice your sexuality?

And because everyone is a sinner we should treat them no differently, but then the Catholic church despise homosexuals, but not people who cheat on husband/wife.

Also I was told that homosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards there own sex, but it's actually quite common for animals to practice homosexuality too.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Also I was told that homosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards there own sex[/FONT]
As a bi woman, I can tell you that this much is rank bull ****.

As for the rest, I won't tell you what to think. I will thank you, deeply, for recognizing both that too many religious folks do despise us, and that this is hypocritical.

As a bi woman, I can tell you that this much is rank bull ****.

As for the rest, I won't tell you what to think. I will thank you, deeply, for recognizing both that too many religious folks do despise us, and that this is hypocritical.

I actually feel quite sorry for the homosexual community, considering I don't believe it's when they are confused, but just how they are.
What I'm trying to figure out, is homosexuality acceptable or not. Even if it may seem unfair.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I actually feel quite sorry for the homosexual community, considering I don't believe it's when they are confused, but just how they are.
What I'm trying to figure out, is homosexuality acceptable or not. Even if it may seem unfair.
Well, consider the rampant sexual inequality in the Bible, a much more pervasive theme than the homophobia. From my perspective, being Catholic doesn't mean you have to be a homophobe anymore than it means you must be a sexist.

People on both sides of the God debate tend to insist that it's all or nothing when it comes to Scripture. I don't buy it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Homosexuals, should we accept them, are they really homosexual?
Accept them....yes!
Are they really homosexual?....I'm not going to ask to see proof. I'll take their word for it.
I read a book, a little while ago about how a child, who was denied his fathers love, was taken advantage by this uncle. The uncle sexually abused him, and the child grew up thinking he was homosexual. He went to a counselor and the counselor said that he wanted love from other boys because he was denied love, touch etc by his father.
The counselor then said that this had triggered him to be confused and think he has feelings towards men/boys.
I wonder whether homosexuality is caused by similar situations to this?


I read a book, a little while ago about how a child, who was denied his fathers love, was taken advantage by this uncle. The uncle sexually abused him, and the child grew up thinking he was homosexual. He went to a counselor and the counselor said that he wanted love from other boys because he was denied love, touch etc by his father.
The counselor then said that this had triggered him to be confused and think he has feelings towards men/boys.
I wonder whether homosexuality is caused by similar situations to this?

I was never abused, or anything similar.

It wasn't caused by anything, it just is.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I read a book, a little while ago about how a child, who was denied his fathers love, was taken advantage by this uncle. The uncle sexually abused him, and the child grew up thinking he was homosexual. He went to a counselor and the counselor said that he wanted love from other boys because he was denied love, touch etc by his father.
The counselor then said that this had triggered him to be confused and think he has feelings towards men/boys.
I wonder whether homosexuality is caused by similar situations to this?
Of those I know personally, none of them suffered such trauma. Some straight acquaintances have though.
My sample size is small though....this isn't a common topic of discussion.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So, some of you may be aware of Leviticus 18 22: "[FONT=arial, helvetica]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

So does that mean you are allowed to be homosexual as long as you don't practice your sexuality?
Depends who you take as your role model.

The people that wrote the Hebrew Bible seemed focused on the act, mostly. So for instance in Leviticus 20, it says to kill men that sleep with each other. The act is what is focused on there, rather than the attraction.

I'd suggest better role models, but that's just me.

And because everyone is a sinner we should treat them no differently, but then the Catholic church despise homosexuals, but not people who cheat on husband/wife.

Also I was told that homosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards there own sex, but it's actually quite common for animals to practice homosexuality too.

People tend to hate the "sins" that they can safely say they do not commit. So, for instance, I don't see large waves of Christians coming out to preach against greed when they tend to live in some of the richest locations in the world. But hating someone with a different sexual orientation than yourself is fairly easy for those with such a mentality, because they can safely say they don't commit the same action.

I read a book, a little while ago about how a child, who was denied his fathers love, was taken advantage by this uncle. The uncle sexually abused him, and the child grew up thinking he was homosexual. He went to a counselor and the counselor said that he wanted love from other boys because he was denied love, touch etc by his father.
The counselor then said that this had triggered him to be confused and think he has feelings towards men/boys.
I wonder whether homosexuality is caused by similar situations to this?
Homosexuality seems based on a number of possible things, ranging from genes to environment to whatever else. Mostly, it seems that people simply are the way they are, sexually, regardless of what went on in their childhood. Abuse can certainly cause sexual hang-ups, but I don't see homosexuality as being one of them.

Plenty of homosexuals grew up in happy and healthy homes, and plenty of heterosexuals experienced sexual abuse as children.



Hostis humani generis
Absolutely we should accept someone for being homosexual.

Factors such as race, creed, orientation, gender, social status and so on should not factor into whether we accept someone or not. What two--three--or four [or more :D] consenting adults do in their bedrooms is none of my concern. :)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I read a book, a little while ago about how a child, who was denied his fathers love, was taken advantage by this uncle. The uncle sexually abused him, and the child grew up thinking he was homosexual. He went to a counselor and the counselor said that he wanted love from other boys because he was denied love, touch etc by his father.
The counselor then said that this had triggered him to be confused and think he has feelings towards men/boys.
As a psychology major, I can assure you those ideas are not true. We don't exactly know for sure what causes people to be homosexual, but we do know it's a very normal and natural thing to happen. As for causes, for every study that shows a biological/nature cause, there is another that shows an environmental/nurture cause, especially what hormones a fetus is exposed to during prenatal development.


Active Member
I can't let one of these slip.

Leviticus says a lot of silly things and was really a lawbook to keep the temple staff pure. A fun article called A Letter to Louise is one of my favourites to cite in this instance, it paints a view which explains the biblical texts supposedly regarding homosexuality as not really being about homosexuality but being about heterosexuals who, as their godlessness enslaved them into lust, stopped discriminating between the sexes or even species.

Besides, common sense can tell you it is unfair of God to condemn people for the way they were born - especially when it is in regard to who they fall in love with. God can not be omni-benevolent and hate gays or at least their 'lifestyle'.


Intentionally Blank
So, some of you may be aware of Leviticus 18 22: "[FONT=arial, helvetica]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

So does that mean you are allowed to be homosexual as long as you don't practice your sexuality?
1. For most of us, it means we think Leviticus 18, as well as the rest of the odd prohibitions in Leviticus, such as the one against eating oysters, have no relevance to our life.
2. There are two kinds of homosexuals, male and female. If this verse applies to homosexuals at all, which is doubtful, it only applies to the male ones, at most.

And because everyone is a sinner we should treat them no differently, but then the Catholic church despise homosexuals, but not people who cheat on husband/wife
Yeah, well the Catholic Church lives in a glass house, and would do well to take care of its own sexual morality rather than other people's[FONT=arial, helvetica].

Also I was told that homosexuals are confused and don't really have sexual feelings towards there own sex, but it's actually quite common for animals to practice homosexuality too.
You were told wrong.


Intentionally Blank
I actually feel quite sorry for the homosexual community, considering I don't believe it's when they are confused, but just how they are.
What I'm trying to figure out, is homosexuality acceptable or not. Even if it may seem unfair.
Acceptable to whom? The World Child Sexual Abuse Confederacy?


Intentionally Blank
I read a book, a little while ago about how a child, who was denied his fathers love, was taken advantage by this uncle. The uncle sexually abused him, and the child grew up thinking he was homosexual. He went to a counselor and the counselor said that he wanted love from other boys because he was denied love, touch etc by his father.
The counselor then said that this had triggered him to be confused and think he has feelings towards men/boys.
I wonder whether homosexuality is caused by similar situations to this?

No. The book is probably fiction. If not, the counselor is mistaken. Most gay men feel that they have been gay since they realized they had any sexual or romantic feelings.
No. The book is probably fiction. If not, the counselor is mistaken. Most gay men feel that they have been gay since they realized they had any sexual or romantic feelings.
Look man, don't hate. I have no personal experience with homosexuals, hence the whole point in this thread.
I just don't know what to believe/follow with Leviticus saying homosexuality is wrong, then going into explain, that it's the practice of homosexuality is wrong vs. homosexuality fullstop.


Intentionally Blank
Look man, don't hate. I have no personal experience with homosexuals, hence the whole point in this thread.
I just don't know what to believe/follow with Leviticus saying homosexuality is wrong, then going into explain, that it's the practice of homosexuality is wrong vs. homosexuality fullstop.

Yes, I understand. You're trying to learn. How about if we set Leviticus aside for a minute while you learn? After all, I doubt that you follow any of the other prohibitions in Leviticus, such as not eating bacon or wearing clothing of mixed fibers, right?

If it's any help to you, I'm a 55-year old lesbian. I've been a lesbian all my adult life. And due to my curious nature, have read hundreds of books and talked to hundreds of lesbians about their lives. So, as they say on reddit, ask me anything.