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Honest opinions from Christians please


Google tells me that John M. Moore has a degree in education, not science, that he is a creationist and founder of the Creation Research Society, but that he once team taught an introductory course in Natural Science at Michigan State University. He is most certainly NOT a scientist.

starlite: Does it bother you that these people lie to you all the time? What does that tell you about their position?

Many scientists, from the past and present, have been and are Bible believing Christians. Historians of science recognize the fact that the very existence of what we call modern science had its origins in a culture that was more committed to a Biblical foundation. They started with what the Bible said, then sought the truth of science from there. Even before Darwin, there was evolutionary philosophy and other anti-Biblical philosophies, but these scientists were still convinced of the authority of God's Word.
Here is a list from books of some of these scientists, from way back when to the present and their field of expertise. Please note that many of these were discoverers in their field of science.

  1. Leonardo da Vinci-1452-1519: experimental scientist, engineer, architect; considered by many to be the real founder of modern science.
  2. Johann Kepler-1571-1630: founder of physical astronomy, discovered laws of planetary motion, developed discipline of celestial mechanics, demonstrated heliocentricity of solar system, published first ephemeris tables for tracking star motion
  3. Francis Bacon- 1561-1626: Lord Chancellor of England, considered primarily responsible for the formulation and establishment of the scientific method in science
  4. Blaise Pascal-1623-1662: considered the father of hydrostatics and one of the founders of hydrodynamics, laid foundation for modern treatment of conic sections, differential calculus & the mathematical theory of probability, development of barometer
  5. Robert Boyle-1627-1691: one founder of the Royal Society of London, father of modern chemistry, discovered basic law relaating gas pressures to temperature & volume which is a basic principle of gas dynamics
  6. John Ray-1627-1705: father of English natural history, authority of his day in botany & zoology, founding member of Royal Society
  7. Nicolaus Steno-1631-1686: developed the principles of stratigraphical interpretation which are considered basic today
  8. Sir William Petty-1630-1677: professor of mathematics at Cambridge (taught Isaac Newton)
  9. Increase Mather-1639-1723: astronomer, founder of philosophical society and one of the first presidents of Harvard.
  10. John Woodward-1665-1728: one of the founding fathers of science of geology, establishment of a paleontological museum at Cambridge & the Woodwardian Professorship of Geolory
  11. Carolus Linnaeus-1707-1778: father of biological taxonomy, the standard classification of plants and animals known as the Linnaean system and still used today
  12. William Herschel-1738-1822: astronomer, one discovery is the recognition of double stars, discovered planet Uranus, catalogued and studied nebulae & galaxies
  13. John Harris-1666-1719: mathematician, editor of The Dictionary of Arts & Sciences in 1704 considered to be the first real English encyclopaedia
  14. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-1646-1716: mathematician, co-discoverer with Newton of calculus, introduced binary notational system
  15. John Flamsteed-1646-1719: founder of the Greenwich observatory, first Astronomer Royal of England, produced first great star map of the telescopic age
  16. Cotton Mather-1662-1727: discovered cause of smallpox, effective in ridding it from the colonies
  17. Gustavus Brander-1720-1787: naturalist, palaeontologist, his abundant fossil collections are in the British Museum
  18. Jean Deluc-1727-1817: coined the word geology, developed modern mercury thermometer and the hygrometer
  19. Richard Kirwan-1733-1812: Irish chemist & mineralogist, president of the Royal Irish Academy (23 yrs), author of first systematic treatise on mineralogy
  20. James Parkinson-1755-1824: physician - recognition of the nature and danger of a perforated appendix, first described condition now know as Parkinson's disease; geologist - first to recognize plant origin of coal
  21. Michael Faraday-1791-1867: physicist, chemist, gifted in scientific experimentation, developed sciences of electricity & magnetism, discovered electromagnetic induction, introduced concept of magnetic lines of force, invented the generator, two basic units in electrolysis & electrostatics named in his honour
  22. Humphrey Davy-1778-1829: chemist, first to isolate many chemical elements, developed theory of heat, invented safety lamp, demonstrated that diamon is carbon
  23. Georges Cuvier-1769-1832: anatomist, palaeontologist, considered founder of science of comparative anatomy, one of chief architects of palaeontology as a separate scientific discipline
  24. Charles Babbage-1792-1871: mathematician, developed first actuarial tables; invented speedometer, skeleton keys, ophthalmoscope & locomotive cowcatcher; development of first true computers including use of punched-card directions and information storage & retrieval systems
  25. David Brewster-1781-1868: founded science of optical mineralogy, described light polarization, invented kaleidoscope
  26. John Herschel-1792-1871: astronomer, discovered over 500 new nebulae, catalogued stars & nebulae of both northern & souther hemispheres
  27. John Dalton-1766-1844: father of modern atomic theory, formulated gas law of partial pressures, first to recognize & describe phenomenon of colour-blindness
  28. Jedidiah Morse-1761-1826: leading geographer of America, first American textbook of geography
  29. Benjamin Barton-1766-1815: physician, botanist, zoologist, wrote first American textbook on botany
  30. John Kidd-1775-1850: professor of chemistry at Oxford, pioneered use of coal as a source of chemicals
  31. Peter Mark Roget-1779-1869: physician, physiologist, one of the founders of University of London & Medical School at Manchester, wrote Roget's Thesaurus
  32. William Prout- 1785-1850: Chemist, physiologist, leader in sciences of nutrition &digestion, first to identify basic foodstuffs as fats, proteins & carbohydrates, work in atomic weights of elements
  33. Samuel F.B. Morse-1791-1872: invented the telegraph, artist & founder & president of National Academy of Design, built first camera in America, made world's first photographic portrait
  34. Joseph Henry-1797-1878: physicist, Princeton professor, discovered principle of self-induction, invented the electromagnetic motor & galvanometer, secretary & director of Smithsonian, charter member of National Academy of Sciences
  35. Matther Maury-1806-1873: known as the pathfinder of the seas, founder of modern sciences of hyrography & oceanography, charted winds & urrents of Atlantic
  36. James Simpson-1811-1870: one of the founders of gynaecology, discoverer of chlorophorm
  37. James Joule-1818-1889: studies on heat flow, discover of mechanical equivalent of heat which made possible the conversion of heat energy into mechanical energy leading to law of consevation of energy which principle is the first law of thermodynamics
  38. Adam Sedgwhick-1785-1873: geologist, identified and named rock systems know as Cambrian & Denovian
  39. William Whewell-1785-1866: named Eocene, Miocene, & Pliocene epochs, coined terms anode, cathode, ion, scientist, physicist & catastrophism, contributions to study of tides, invented anemometer
  40. Louis Agassis-1807-1873: palaeontologist, father of glacial geology & science of glaciology, studies of living fish & fish fossils, taught at Harvard, established Museum of Comparative zoology at Harvard
  41. George Stokes-1819-1903: physicist & mathematician, developed science of real fluids, chair at Cambridge
  42. Rudolph Virchow-1821-1902: father of modern pathology and study of cellular diseases, first to describe leukemia, responsible for major hospital reforms & public health measures
  43. Gregory Mendel-1822-1884: considered the father of genetics as he provided the basis for the understanding of heredity
  44. Louis Pasteur-1822-1895: physicist, chemist, establishment of germ theory of disease, demolished the then-prevalent concept of spontaneous generation, developed vaccines to control disease including rabies, diphtheria & anthrax, debveloped processes of pasteurization and sterilization
  45. Henry Fabre-1823-1915: studies of insects, called the father of modern entomology
  46. William Thompson, Lord Kelvin-1824-1907: established scale of absolute temperatures (degrees Kelvin), established thermodynamics as a formal scientific discipline, formulated its first & second laws
  47. Joseph Lister-1827-1912: surgeon, development of antiseptic surgery using chemical disinfectants
  48. Bernhard Rieman-1816-1866: mathematician, developed concept of non-Euclidean geometries, Einstein developed much of his theory of relativity & space curvature on the basis of Riemannian geometry
  49. Sir Henry Rawlinson-1810-1895: archeologist, exposed & deciphered the Behistun inscriptions of the Persian King Darius
  50. Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert-1817-1901: agricultural chemist, developed nitrogen & superphosphate fertilizers
  51. Sir William Huggins-1824-1910: astronomer, showed that stars were comprised mostly of hudrogen, first to identify the doppler effect leading to the idea of an expanding universe
Up until this time, it is significant to note that 717 scientists signed a manifesto titled The Declaration of Students of Natural & Physical Sciences (London, 1864) which affirmed their confidence in the scientific integrity of the Holy Scriptures. This list included 86 fellows of the Royal Society.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Starlight, I do not believe that anyone said being a Christian precludes one from being a scientist, only that those scientist with a creationist agenda tend to tweak the facts.


Wonder Woman
starlite, did you even bother to read the responses to the other "examples" you gave? fail fail fail fail..............

Now you give us this list of names as if it supports your claim. First off...if you quote mine to "prove" your claim in the first place then chances are you got your information about these names from the same place/s as the others and are not accurate. Second, and let me make this VERY CLEAR to you, just because someone may believe in a god it doesn't mean that they necessarily believe in the Abrahamic one, and even if they do it also doesn't mean they take the entire bible literally. If an honest person truly believed the entire bible to be literal, including Genesis, then they wouldn't even feel the need to get into scientific fields because they already believe they have all the answers. If a truly bible-believing person were to honestly and openly study real science and learn from the facts they would find their beliefs in Genesis being literal squashed like a bug. The bible and scientific facts simply DO NOT work together. No scientist worth his education would say otherwise. And no other educated person would either.

Simply, your list does nothing to "prove accredited and respected scientists put more stock in the bible being true than science". Epic Fail.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I'm just going to highlight a few of these, mostly biologists and geologist.

John Woodward- sadly mocked in his lifetime for his errors about how rocks form.

Carolus Linnaeus- early developer of evolutionary thought.

Gustavus Brander- proposed the idea that the climate had changed from prehistoric times, and that that the world was not fixed as we know it today.

Jean Deluc- proposed the non-literal interpretation of 'days' in the bible as being extended Epochs... one of the first to point out 6000 years was not enough time for the Earth.

Georges Cuvier- Proved extinction and thus that God let things die off. (Then a heretical idea) Helped prove that the Earth was older than the 6000 year biblical account and that reptiles had once ruled a human free world.

Jedidiah Morse- preached about the "illuminati conspiracy" and the evils of "Unitarianism".

Adam Sedgwick- Uniformitarian, denied a global flood and attacked both Darwinian evolution and the "intelligent design" opposition of the day. Remained friendly with Darwin despite the differences.

William Whewell- postulated the idea of "natural theology" as opposed to "revieled theology" and was a major influence to Darwin. Darwin cites his work in The Origin of the species.

Louis Agassis- argued for an Ice Age and against all humans decending from Adam and Eve (for racist reasons) Insead he said that God made each race seperately on each contenant.
This opposed Darwin's view that all humans are related by common ancestry.

William Thompson, Lord Kelvin - Estimated the Earth to be much older than the Bible hints... 20-40 million years old. Stated "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now."
He was wrong about a few other things too. ;)

So as you can see, nothing about being a Christian or a scientist means you can't also accept science and ideas that seem to contradict a literal interpretation of the bible.



Intentionally Blank
More to rant about......

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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This article is about the profession. For other uses, see Scientist (disambiguation).
A scientist, in the broadest sense, refers to any person that engages in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge or an individual that engages in such practices and traditions that are linked to schools of thought or philosophy. In a more restricted sense, scientist refers to individuals who use the scientific method.[1] The person may be an expert in one or more areas of science.[2] This article focuses on the more restricted use of the word.

Types of scientists

Archeologists Astronomers astrophysicists Biologists astrobiologists, botanists, entomologists, evolutionary biologists, ecologists, geneticists, herpetologists, ichthyologists, immunologists, lepidopterists, microbiologists, neuroscientists, ornithologists, paleontologists, pathologists, pharmacologists, physiologists,and zoologists Chemists biochemists Computer scientists Engineers though this field handles in technology, the uses of math and science (physics) is involved. Geographers geologists, mineralogists, seismologists, volcanologists, hydrologists, glaciologists, limnologists, meteorologists, and oceanographers Educational psychologists Library scientists Management scientists Mathematicians Medical scientists Military scientists Philosophers Physicists Psychologists Social scientists anthropologists, demographers, economists, geographers, political economists, political scientists, and sociologists Technological and agricultural scientists

Are you trying to allege that John M. Moore, Ed.d, is a scientist? Of biology? If he was a scientist of anything, it would be education, no? And even that is questionable. Maybe you can provide us with his extensive list of scientific publications regarding anything? What is clear is that he was not a Biologist, which is the only relevant issue here.

You were going to provide us with that huge list of Biologists who agree that the Bible tells us what we need to know about Biology--not Biological science. Got that list ready for us?

It's really important to bear in mind that creationist website are full of lies. If you keep that in mind, it makes this whole subject much easier to understand. If you doubt me, name any creationist website and I will find lies on it for you.


Intentionally Blank
Many scientists, from the past and present, have been and are Bible believing Christians.
Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be?
Historians of science recognize the fact that the very existence of what we call modern science had its origins in a culture that was more committed to a Biblical foundation. They started with what the Bible said, then sought the truth of science from there.
That's right. And what they found out, immediately, is that the earth is very old, and there was never a worldwide flood, and the best explanation for the diversity of species is the Theory of Evolution.
Even before Darwin, there was evolutionary philosophy and other anti-Biblical philosophies, but these scientists were still convinced of the authority of God's Word.
Wow, no wonder you're confused. Evolution isn't an "anti-Biblical philosophy." For heaven's sakes, who told you that? Evolution is a scientific theory in the field of Biology, nothing more. Unless you think the Bible is opposed to science?
Here is a list from books of some of these scientists, from way back when to the present and their field of expertise. <snip list>

Of course they were. I agree completely that devout Christians can be scientists. What's your point?
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Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be? That's right. And what they found out, immediately, is that the earth is very old, and there was never a worldwide flood, and the best explanation for the diversity of species is the Theory of Evolution. Wow, no wonder you're confused. Evolution isn't an "anti-Biblical philosophy." For heaven's sakes, who told you that? Evolution is a scientific theory in the field of Biology, nothing more. Unless you think the Bible is opposed to science?

Of course they were. I agree completely that devout Christians can be scientists. What's your point?

The point is: each was created according to it's kind and did not evolve


Wonder Woman
The point is: each was created according to it's kind and did not evolve

Which scientists disagree with. Even ones who believe in god. Evolution happened. There is not one scientist worth his education that believes we were all just plopped here "as is". They wouldn't be true searchers of fact and evidence, which is what scientists really are, if they did. They would be frauds through and through.

I'm sorry, but real educated people know that we evolved. Educated people don't honestly believe that we were "assembled as is". And YES, that entirely means I am calling anyone who doesn't recognize this fact uneducated and I have no qualms in saying so.

I am so beyond tired of humoring those willfully ignorant people who rather hide behind a "holy" book with blinders over their eyes than to really look and listen and learn something. Cause "Heaven forbid" they should have to question their beliefs. :sarcastic


Resident Liberal Hippie
The point is: each was created according to it's kind and did not evolve
Your Faith and the accepted scientific theory do not coincide. Accept it.
You are welcome to your beliefs, rejoice in your ignorance.
If you choose to challenge the theory of evolution on equal ground, you must provide observational facts to back up your claim, submit papers to publications accepted in the scientific community, have your findings peer reviewed and accepted, and be ready to lay down your findings if someone else discovers you are wrong.


Intentionally Blank
The point is: each was created according to it's kind and did not evolve
Well you have a very odd way of making your points.

1. What is a "kind?" A species? A genus? A family? Something else? If so, what?
2. So nothing ever evolves? We never get any new species? Every species now on earth has always been here and never changes?


Which scientists disagree with. Even ones who believe in god. Evolution happened. There is not one scientist worth his education that believes we were all just plopped here "as is". They wouldn't be true searchers of fact and evidence, which is what scientists really are, if they did. They would be frauds through and through.

I'm sorry, but real educated people know that we evolved. Educated people don't honestly believe that we were "assembled as is". And YES, that entirely means I am calling anyone who doesn't recognize this fact uneducated and I have no qualms in saying so.

I am so beyond tired of humoring those willfully ignorant people who rather hide behind a "holy" book with blinders over their eyes than to really look and listen and learn something. Cause "Heaven forbid" they should have to question their beliefs. :sarcastic

In my opinion....education doesn't determine intellect. Jesus' followers were "considered unlettered and ordinary" because they didn't attend the rabbinical schools and yet how wise they were in a spiritual sense. I prefer the wisdom of God to the wisdom of men.


Seeking More Truth
In my opinion....education doesn't determine intellect. Jesus' followers were "considered unlettered and ordinary" because they didn't attend the rabbinical schools and yet how wise they were in a spiritual sense. I prefer the wisdom of God to the wisdom of men.

I rather get my wisdom from the greatest educator, God.
Getting to spend forever learning, that is going to be awesome.
Forever sounds a lot better than 100 or so years.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
In my opinion....education doesn't determine intellect. Jesus' followers were "considered unlettered and ordinary" because they didn't attend the rabbinical schools and yet how wise they were in a spiritual sense. I prefer the wisdom of God to the wisdom of men.

However, education does determine knowledge. Without knowledge of something, you have no reasonable position of disagreement with it. Claiming ignorance as wisdom is not wise, it is hypocritical and dishonest.


Admiral Obvious
However, education does determine knowledge. Without knowledge of something, you have no reasonable position of disagreement with it. Claiming ignorance as wisdom is not wise, it is hypocritical and dishonest.
You got that right.
To bad there are millions who disagree with you....


Wonder Woman
In my opinion....education doesn't determine intellect. Jesus' followers were "considered unlettered and ordinary" because they didn't attend the rabbinical schools and yet how wise they were in a spiritual sense. I prefer the wisdom of God to the wisdom of men.

"Wisdom" seems an odd word for you to use. Wisdom is not only knowing something, not just knowledge, but the use of the intellect in order to best put that knowledge to proper use. Wisdom is also the search for knowledge. The acceptance that there is always more to learn. A wise person knows they do not have all the answers, but what knowledge they do possess they know how to rationally and reasonably decifer so as best to learn something from.

You, and others like you, who declare answers first and then expect the facts to fit around them, do not show any wisdom. You do not search for answers for you already claim you have them despite having learned nothing. You seem yet to understand that knowledge of the spiritual and knowledge of the physical are two different things. You can want to claim spiritual wisdom all you want, but the inability to see reality at the same time prevents you from claiming any wisdom or use thereof.

In a nutshell, you have deluded yourself into thinking that you are showing wisdom by disregarding facts in favor of allegory that you can't even see is allegory. You, and others like you, have set yourselves up for failure and ridicule for your blatant inaccuracies and lies. Then when called out on such things you play the wounded martyr as if "all people hate Christians because they don't want to hear the truth". It really is a pityful shame through and through. The rest of us are not entertained anymore. This silly act goes on far too many times.

You show no knowledge of reality by your willfull ignorance of science. You show no intellect by dismissing cold hard facts and evidence. You show no wisdom in claiming what you do.
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"Wisdom" seems an odd word for you to use. Wisdom is not only knowing something, not just knowledge, but the use of the intellect in order to best put that knowledge to proper use. Wisdom is also the search for knowledge. The acceptance that there is always more to learn. A wise person knows they do not have all the answers, but what knowledge they do possess they know how to rationally and reasonably decifer so as best to learn something from.

You, and others like you, who declare answers first and then expect the facts to fit around them, do not show any wisdom. You do not search for answers for you already claim you have them despite having learned nothing. You seem yet to understand that knowledge of the spiritual and knowledge of the physical are two different things. You can want to claim spiritual wisdom all you want, but the inability to see reality at the same time prevents you from claiming any wisdom or use thereof.

In a nutshell, you have deluded yourself into thinking that you are showing wisdom by disregarding facts in favor of allegory that you can't even see is allegory. You, and others like you, have set yourselves up for failure and ridicule for your blatant inaccuracies and lies. Then when called out on such things you play the wounded martyr as if "all people hate Christians because they don't want to hear the truth". It really is a pityful shame through and through. The rest of us are not entertained anymore. This silly act goes on far too many times.

You show no knowledge of reality by your willfull ignorance of science. You show no intellect by dismissing cold hard facts and evidence. You show no wisdom in claiming what you do.

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Proverbs 2:1-6, 10, 11[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Frequently in the Bible, knowledge is linked with other attributes such as wisdom, understanding, discernment, and thinking ability. Grasping the basic differences between these greatly illuminates many texts. The setting and the use of a word affect the sense. Nonetheless, certain interesting differences emerge when one notes the Bible’s references to knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discernment, and thinking ability.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Wisdom.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Wisdom is the ability to put knowledge to work, or to use it, the intelligent application of learning. A person might have considerable knowledge but not know how to use it because of lacking wisdom. Jesus linked wisdom with accomplishment in saying: “Wisdom is proved righteous by its works.” “Wisdom is the prime thing,” for without it knowledge is of little value. (Pr 4:7; 15:2) God abounds in and provides both knowledge and wisdom.— James 1:5.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Understanding.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Understanding is the ability to see how the parts or aspects of something relate to one another, to see the entire matter and not just isolated facts. The Hebrew root verb [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]bin[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] has the basic meaning “separate” or “distinguish,” and it is often rendered “understand” or “discern.” It is similar with the Greek [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]sy·ni´e·mi.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Thus at Acts 28:26 it could be said that the Jews heard but did not understand, or did not put together. They did not grasp how the points or thoughts fitted together to mean something to them. A person with understanding is able to connect new information to things he already knows.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Discernment.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] A Hebrew word frequently rendered “discernment” ([/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]tevu·nah´[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]) is related to the word [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]bi·nah´,[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] translated “understanding.” Both appear at Proverbs 2:3, which the translation by The Jewish Publication Society renders: “If thou call for understanding, and lift up thy voice for discernment . . . ” As with understanding, discernment involves seeing or recognizing things, but it emphasizes distinguishing the parts, weighing or evaluating one in the light of the others. A person who unites knowledge and discernment controls what he says and is cool of spirit. (Pr 17:27) The one opposing God displays lack of discernment. (Pr 21:30) Through his Son, God gives discernment (full understanding or insight).—2Ti 2:1, 7, [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]NW,[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]NE.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Thinking[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ability.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Knowledge is also related to what is sometimes translated “thinking ability” (Heb., [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]mezim·mah´[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]). The Hebrew word can be used in a bad sense (evil ideas, schemes, devices) or a favorable one (shrewdness, sagacity). Thus the mind and thoughts can be directed to an admirable, upright end, or just the opposite. By paying close attention to the way God does things and by inclining one’s ears to all the various aspects of His will and purposes, a person safeguards his own thinking ability, directing it into right channels. (Pr 5:1, 2) Properly exercised thinking ability, harmonious with godly wisdom and knowledge, will guard a person against acting unwisely.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
Proverbs 16:18



Wonder Woman
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Proverbs 2:1-6, 10, 11[/FONT]​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Frequently in the Bible, knowledge is linked with other attributes such as wisdom, understanding, discernment, and thinking ability. Grasping the basic differences between these greatly illuminates many texts. The setting and the use of a word affect the sense. Nonetheless, certain interesting differences emerge when one notes the Bible&#8217;s references to knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discernment, and thinking ability.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Wisdom.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Wisdom is the ability to put knowledge to work, or to use it, the intelligent application of learning. A person might have considerable knowledge but not know how to use it because of lacking wisdom. Jesus linked wisdom with accomplishment in saying: &#8220;Wisdom is proved righteous by its works.&#8221; &#8220;Wisdom is the prime thing,&#8221; for without it knowledge is of little value. (Pr 4:7; 15:2) God abounds in and provides both knowledge and wisdom.&#8212; James 1:5.[/FONT]
I believe that is what I said. Just because you can identify what it is still doesn't mean you have or use that ability. You seem woefully lacking in it.​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Understanding is the ability to see how the parts or aspects of something relate to one another, to see the entire matter and not just isolated facts. The Hebrew root verb [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]bin[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] has the basic meaning &#8220;separate&#8221; or &#8220;distinguish,&#8221; and it is often rendered &#8220;understand&#8221; or &#8220;discern.&#8221; It is similar with the Greek [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]sy·ni´e·mi.[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Thus at Acts 28:26 it could be said that the Jews heard but did not understand, or did not put together. They did not grasp how the points or thoughts fitted together to mean something to them. A person with understanding is able to connect new information to things he already knows.[/FONT]​
And you fail to understand how science works when decifering facts they have found. You fail to understand what a scientific theory is or what it means. You simply don't understand.​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]A Hebrew word frequently rendered &#8220;discernment&#8221; ([/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]tevu·nah´[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]) is related to the word [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]bi·nah´,[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif] translated &#8220;understanding.&#8221; Both appear at Proverbs 2:3, which the translation by The Jewish Publication Society renders: &#8220;If thou call for understanding, and lift up thy voice for discernment . . . &#8221; As with understanding, discernment involves seeing or recognizing things, but it emphasizes distinguishing the parts, weighing or evaluating one in the light of the others. A person who unites knowledge and discernment controls what he says and is cool of spirit. (Pr 17:27) The one opposing God displays lack of discernment. (Pr 21:30) Through his Son, God gives discernment (full understanding or insight).&#8212;2Ti 2:1, 7, [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]NW,[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]NE.[/FONT]​
And since you lack understanding you are also unable to discern that a person who accepts reality and the science in it doesn't necessarily oppose god. Merely your idea of god.​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]ability.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Knowledge is also related to what is sometimes translated &#8220;thinking ability&#8221; (Heb., [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]mezim·mah´[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]). The Hebrew word can be used in a bad sense (evil ideas, schemes, devices) or a favorable one (shrewdness, sagacity). Thus the mind and thoughts can be directed to an admirable, upright end, or just the opposite. By paying close attention to the way God does things and by inclining one&#8217;s ears to all the various aspects of His will and purposes, a person safeguards his own thinking ability, directing it into right channels. (Pr 5:1, 2) Properly exercised thinking ability, harmonious with godly wisdom and knowledge, will guard a person against acting unwisely.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Proverbs 16:18[/FONT]

This last part is merely gibberish in hopes of defending yourself from the fact that you use none of the above. As if "thinking ability", "inclining one's ears" to god, covers you if you don't use the rest. Perhaps we should try a lesson on reading comprehension, since you appear so drastically behind in this subject as well. Up until "thinking ability" you only basically rehashed what I already told you. Perhaps you didn't comprehend? Pity though, that someone can actually know what the words mean yet not have a scrap of the ability to put them to good use in her life.​

edit: I have tried and tried to clean up this quote nonsense and have no idea why the extra quote tags keep appearing when I keep deleting them :shrug:
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You seem woefully lacking

You simply don't understand.​

And since you lack understanding you are also unable to discern

This last part is merely gibberish in hopes of defending yourself

yet not have a scrap of the ability to put them to good use

1 Corinthians 1:26-29