Depends on who you ask. Personally, from what I know about the current healthcare system, we should be even further down the list, making the innaccuracy of the WHO assessment work in favor of access to healthcare reform .
Eh, what the heck? No, I'm not Canadian, I've stated in other threads that I live in the Bible Belt, and in Missouri, which is in America, not Canada, last I checked .
And this Sunday morning, I'll be moving to a college which is still in Missouri .
Oh, whoops - I had you mixed up with Contentus Maximus from your Reagan thread. Sorry about that.
Hard to keep it all straight! You people all look the same to me. Just little black letters on a little grey screen.
Anyway, book recommendation interlude: Trust Us, We're Experts.
(BTW, I realize that the Centre for Media and Democracy, like the Cato Institute, serves an ideological agenda. "CMD's mission is to promote transparency and an informed debate by exposing corporate spin and government propaganda and by engaging the public in collaborative, fair and accurate reporting." Nevertheless, their books are fact-based and informative. Which makes a lot of sense, since the ideological agenda in question is simply that people should be aware of facts in addition to Corporate PR.)