It is the New Atheism aka Militant Atheists that bother me. They are as likely to try to save you from the belief in God as the Fundamentalists are by trying to get you to accept Jesus in your heart.
I was in a group of Unitarians, where these New Atheists also resided. One by one people with religious beliefs of some sort, left the Fellowship. The New Atheists are mostly left to pay the bills at the Fellowship. They mock people for believing, they spout people like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawkings, and etc. You couldn't say anything religious or spiritual without negative comments or mocking. I left the group as I was very tired of listening to them putting others down, including myself.
That is when I found the book "Why Science Does Not Disprove God" by Amir Aczel. That is when I was able to identify what was happening in my own group. These are some of the people that they quote. And I learned how Dawkins and others are twisting science and people like Einstein in order to try to prove their own views. And they have a desire to destroy religion.
The author of this book is not saying that there is a God, just that it can't be proved either way. He is also a physicist that has a resume from Harvard and U.C. Berkeley. He takes on these Militant Atheists like no one else can.