If that be the case, you would not believe in god.
Can you please elaborate? Sutta number?
There is only one sun. Just because you see different raws, doesn't mean they are different than each other. It's one sun, rays and all. What you're saying, instead, is the moon is the same as the sun because they are both in the universe. And even if you accept the moon and sun are different, you still try to put them together to make it unified rather than knowing these are different "things" and made up of different characteristics to make one completely different than the other.
Yes the sun and the moon are different bodies but reflect the same light of the one sun.
Everyone has their own orange juice and apple juice. Don't put it together and say everyone can take a class (or does). Everyone else acknowledges that apples and oranges are different. Even UU respects differences and says that each person can believe his or her own beliefs and the unification is not by a founder but by shared communion of peace and unity among diversity.
You're placing god and a founder in this. This automatically takes you out of the game.
We believe in unity in diversity and the freedom of each person to choose his/her own religion.
We have a Founder of our religion and respect the Founders of the others. As you have a Founder so have we. We just happen to accept all the Founders and their Holy Books.
That's why we have many truths (or things we hold as true/fact) and because they are diverse, they will contradict each other. That does not mean they are not true/fact. Just as I'm not Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, so I don't see these religions as facts but that's okay because I don't put their religion (spirit or not) into my faith just because I share goals and one humanity with them. I feel that is total disrespect, one because I am not practicing with them, and two, it's personal bias because I am a minority, and three I am not part of their traditions, culture, and language.
That's perfectly fine.
But unlike many religions outside Eastern ones, I don't discredit other people what they hold true just because they contradict each other. That's silly. Respect goes beyond acceptance and learning differences.
Very good willed and good spirited attitude.
Many pieces. There are thousands of puzzles. Say they are all fractured. That doesn't mean all pieces go to one puzzle. Solve each puzzle separately. It's not saying these are not all puzzles since puzzles do have something in common to be called a puzzle. It just means try not to fit a circle where a square should be all because it's a puzzle piece just like the rest.
They wouldn't fit anyway
Another statement that does not bring unity. You're saying because other pieces are disjointed, they cannot be put together. Well, if you are making them a part of your puzzle, of course not. If you respect them and let them solve their own puzzle, that's respect. In my view, it has nothing to do with god. In Christian view, it has to do with Jesus. In Muslim and Jewish view it is about the creator. In Hindu there are many things that put their puzzle together. It may contradict to you but you are not Hindu. So....
Yes, everyone needs to work it out for him/herself.
Will you have missing pieces if you finally accept that other people have their own puzzle?
Everyone will have to find that out for themselves.