"Haven't the unbelievers seen that the heavens and the earth were joined together (in one singularity), then we clove both of them asunder.
(The Qur'an, 21:30)
Quaint language but yes, that is my understanding.
The seven layers are common to the Hindu esoteric tradition as well,..known as the lokas and talas,.. involutional and evolutional complementary opposites. They are supposedly joined at 'laya' centers.
Laya is a sanskrit word from which the word 'layer' is derived and means 'point of dissolution'.
So to be born into a 'higher' kingdom of the Oneness, one must pass through the process of dissolution (death).
Since Allah is the immanent and transcendent Oneness of the multiverse, the apparent 'death' is an illusional one.
Still, for we mortals who presently are identifying with the loka/tala representing physical earth, it requires great courage and faith to surrender to Allah.