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How can i get this Woman out of my head,she can't get me out of hers :help:

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I know I may seem to be the last person to depend on when offering advice on how to cope with an affection outside a marriage that you're looking to bar. Surprisingly, hubbie and I have had plenty of experience here. So, allow me to try to help:

- I see you yearning for a exploring the strong connection between you and this woman. First, forgive yourself for having that strong connection after you recognize that it exists, and that it is overwhelming. You are not weird, awful, evil, a bad husband, etc. These things happen in even the best of marriages from time to time, but it is the decision on how to communicate these feelings to your spouse and/or the person of interest. Once the decision is made to communicate your feelings and after you have done so without blame toward anyone....

- Listen to the feelings of your spouse and/or the person of interest. You'll hear a range of either anger, ecstasy, jealousy, fear, or a combination of all. This may or may not even be the most difficult part, but it's HUGELY important. And that is listening without injecting more of what you would like, dislike, want, or fear. Once you have successfully listened actively to the person or people you have communicated your desires to....

- Prioritize your time spent throughout the day and night. I know this seems a really super odd suggestion, but looking over how your spend your time is a good indicator of what you find important. A time journal to document for a few days helps you to see how your time spent lines up with your values and ethics, and is a remarkable exercise in mirroring what you are doing at the moment - which reflects what may be motivating you to participate in your activities and relationships.

- Finally, don't just decide to pursue, maintain, or end your time with the woman you're strongly attracted to, but decide which half-dozen people you would like to surround you in the next phase. Focusing entirely on what you want or don't want with this woman is narrowing your world down to her and her alone as an addition to your entire life. I highly suggest expanding your circle of influence beyond her, and make time and connect with people at work, your neighborhood, family, and friends. When you expand your network of people you have an affection to, you are better able to frame how she fits in the entire scheme of things and people you enjoy being around.

- One last thing....And this is another odd suggestion....clear out any clutter in your car, your office space, your closet, your home that has been bugging you for a while. Trust me, sometimes when there is physical clutter somewhere that you see, the mind is cluttered and affected. Just clean it out and see what happens. I've found at times a super-charged clarity in my life when I've been faced with a difficult decision after I clear out clutter in a specific space. And just make it ONE cluttered space and then see what happens. :)

Good luck! :hug:

Yesterday I cleared the workshop of clutter,then the Car,then the shed,cut down a few dead tree's,i see some good advice here x

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Let me plant a seed of destruction.
Every time you picture her luscious visage in your mind, you shall see me.
Go ahead...try it. Conjure up her image. There! See....that's me in her stead.

Now, should you ever give in to your dumbstick, this image shall cloud your mind.
I caution you though....there is a small risk that you might transfer your affections to me.
But I am a faithful hubby, so temptation would not exist.

LMFAO :bow:,was thinking of trying to eat a dry cured Bacon sandwich but now completely gone of the idea so this suggestion seems to be working already :D


I want Khilafah back
That's really something England.

I'd like to say something on a lighter note before I get serious;

Islam says men and women should not mix. Your case is the reason why.

On a different note, this would've happened with half the attractive and beautiful women you've seen in your life had the circumstances been the same. It's not just this one, there's nothing special about it

You can't force your brain what to think about, you'd need to be me to do that, lol.

Anyway look, if you cease to see and contact her your love for her will die out. I have experience in this field, being a Muslim in a western country and not allowed to have a girlfriend nor sex before or outside of marriage this is one thing I've mastered among other things.

Trust me when I say that you must stop contacting and seeing her. Occupy yourself with doing something and just tell yourself it's not right. Do you really want to ruin your life and that of your wife and kids by doing this?

What would you have said to someone your age in this situation 9 months ago?

I'm telling you this as a friend (have known you here for quite some time now) and as a Muslim, it is wrong from both views.
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Well-Known Member
I have absolultely no authority to give any real advice in this scenario, given I'm young and inexperienced.
All I will say though is please do not give into temptation, you've both got partners and most importantly, children.

The problem with this is that Men are born with a Brain and a Penis...... but not enough blood to operate them both at the same time! :D


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I just thought of something, England. This probably isn't something that's an issue for you, but I recall a person I knew sometime ago who was in your position. Being an American, he had practically been weaned on the notion that he could only have one really true love in his life. So, when he fell in love with his secretary, he left his wife -- convinced he didn't really love his wife because of his passion for his secretary. That proved to be a profound mistake. In the end, his passion for his secretary came and went, and after it went, he was no longer married to his wife either.

Like I said, I don't know how applicable that is to either you or this woman, but I believe that if you perchance have been indoctrinated with the notion that you can only love -- genuinely love -- one woman, and that hence your attraction to this new woman means you do not love your wife, you should be cautious about acting on such a notion.


I just thought of something, England. This probably isn't something that's an issue for you, but I recall a person I knew sometime ago who was in your position. Being an American, he had practically been weaned on the notion that he could only have one really true love in his life. So, when he fell in love with his secretary, he left his wife -- convinced he didn't really love his wife because of his passion for his secretary. That proved to be a profound mistake. In the end, his passion for his secretary came and went, and after it went, he was no longer married to his wife either.

Like I said, I don't know how applicable that is to either you or this woman, but I believe that if you perchance have been indoctrinated with the notion that you can only love -- genuinely love -- one woman, and that hence your attraction to this new woman means you do not love your wife, you should be cautious about acting on such a notion.
Why are you fearing a loin ? Man! :D


I have absolultely no authority to give any real advice in this scenario, given I'm young and inexperienced.

Inexperienced to what ? you mean you need a TRY, like a try ball, before your experience :D
All I will say though is please do not give into temptation, you've both got partners and most importantly, children.
But they can get man and women at first place :D
The problem with this is that Men are born with a Brain and a Penis...... but not enough blood to operate them both at the same time! :D
You mean, you will teach him how to ? :D


Well-Known Member
chinu said:
Inexperienced to what ? you mean you need a TRY, like a try ball, before your experience :D

Inexperienced in the sense that I have never wanted to be in a relationship of any kind, and as a result have been single all my adult life. :cool:

But they can get man and women at first place :D
You'll have to rephrase that last sentence, chinu, as I can't quite understand what you mean. :)

You mean, you will teach him how to ? :D
Oh no lol! :no:
What I mean is it can't be done - it was a joke I heard from an actor or comedian a while back, can't remember who though. Still I think it's pretty accurate!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
That's really something England.

I'd like to say something on a lighter note before I get serious;

Islam says men and women should not mix. Your case is the reason why.

On a different note, this would've happened with half the attractive and beautiful women you've seen in your life had the circumstances been the same. It's not just this one, there's nothing special about it

You can't force your brain what to think about, you'd need to be me to do that, lol.

Anyway look, if you cease to see and contact her your love for her will die out. I have experience in this field, being a Muslim in a western country and not allowed to have a girlfriend nor sex before or outside of marriage this is one thing I've mastered among other things.

Trust me when I say that you must stop contacting and seeing her. Occupy yourself with doing something and just tell yourself it's not right. Do you really want to ruin your life and that of your wife and kids by doing this?

What would you have said to someone your age in this situation 9 months ago?

I'm telling you this as a friend (have known you here for quite some time now) and as a Muslim, it is wrong from both views.

Maybe I should become Muslim then it would be ok to add another two,not sure my bank account would stretch that far though :D.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I have absolultely no authority to give any real advice in this scenario, given I'm young and inexperienced.
All I will say though is please do not give into temptation, you've both got partners and most importantly, children.

The problem with this is that Men are born with a Brain and a Penis...... but not enough blood to operate them both at the same time! :D

Lol,your probably right about the brain and penis :D