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How can the right (and centre) have better (or any) conversations with the left?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Liberalism is more emotion based
Liberalism is based in empathy and equity. American conservatism, like conservative American Christianity, is self-serving and indifferent to the needs of outsiders except as they define them using their religious principles: they need to be saved. Look at the congressional Republicans. Was there ever a greater example of people who only care about themselves? Look at the MAGA defendants flipping on one another left and right, with more to come to come. Look at Trump himself. Can a person be more selfish that that? Yet Republicans love him and his values even if they are starting to look elsewhere for somebody who can win.
The Right is more about the time tested common sense logic, that immigration needs to be done in a controlled way, so we do not exceed our ability to provide
MAGA Republicans don't care about immigrants at all except when they need cheap labor, and even then, they don't care about the people, just what they can do for them and for how little.
The Right would prefer teach or promote self reliance
Pah-leeze! Every one of those people has their hands out for post-disaster FEMA checks and is whining that Biden and government haven't done enough for them. And now, demanding that Biden and the Democrats bail them out
For example, since uncontrolled immigration is a Lefty brain child, Righty Governors, in my revenue model, can send the bill to the Lefty Governors, whose party endorsed this brain fart. The Left can pay the whole tab.
That's my attitude about Texas. Suck it up. It's your border. Deal with it yourselves. Let's see some of that famous self-reliance. I'd like to see Abbott and Texas sued for the expenses they created for sanctuary cities with criminal sanctions and a huge punitive fine for both Abbott personally and the state of Texas. Or just succeed already and show us some of that alleged self-reliance.
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A striving disciple of Jesus Christ
What's the difference, in your mind, between my "they're all about" and your "I've never heard" except semantics? You gave your experience being around conservatives, I gave mine. Yours isn't better than mine, it's different. How much of that's down to perception is, as always, part of the equation.
Good call. Guilty as charged. I'll take my own medicine and be more careful about using superlatives.

I think we've taken a step toward being able to have a discussion, because we've identified something that causes it to stall?
Also - honesty isn't the opposite of generally. That's a bit of wordplay that may be completely unconscious on your part, but no, I don't "need" to speak more honestly than I'm already speaking.
Then again, maybe we haven't taken a step.

No, my own guilt noted and exposed, I'm going to double down here. It wasn't fully honest for me to say I'd never heard a conservative say X. Rather, because that has not been the rule for me, I used language to generalize away the exceptions, thereby forcing that I take a defensive posture in regards to what you were saying. When the truth—honesty, not generalizations—compels me that I know what you're talking about; that there are some MAGA believers who think and talk along the lines you offered. I do agree with that. So, yes, generalizing destroyed honesty here—and prevented discourse.

So I'm going to risk further censure by asserting still that we need—all of us—to move away from generalizing toward honesty. If you feel that your saying what you said about the MAGA faction was not a generalization, but was 100% honest, then clearly I'm not talking about you in that instance, as you did not generalize.

Further, I'd offer that our speech drift from a focus on factions (people) toward principles, ideas, issues. Yes, I assert that we need to do that. If you feel that this assertion is not appropriate, perhaps instead of offering simple disagreement in reply, you could offer why such a shift in focus is not needed, not appropriate, etc?

And no, I don't "need" to stop seeing anyone as belonging to a political faction,
I would reword what I said: "We need to stop [focusing on] one another as belonging to political factions."

I see and reocognize faction and many obviously want to see themselves as belonging to a political faction. That's literally what MAGA hats are meant to do. They're an intentional identifier. Maybe it would be more helpful not to tell people what they "need" to do, just share what you feel the need to do.
That's just it; politics in a democratic society is each of us having an opinion on what everyone should do—and discussing those opinions, not telling persons to keep their expressions confined to themselves. If you feel that God has no place in schools and you seek to have the view effected in society, that affects those who believe otherwise, and vice versa. If you apply to yourself the suggestion you gave to me you'll stand up and say "this is what I need to do." I doubt that would have much effect on the question of God in schools. Correct me if I err, but you have many ideas about what we all should do in our nation. Is this not correct? Functional democratic government is based on what we all agree to do; dysfunctional democratic government is based on what the faction in power determines we should do (which seems to be where we are today). Clearly, then, if we can't rid ourselves of identifying as part of a faction, our job is to engage in dialogue to see if we can arrive at the point where we all see ourselves as of one faction and are making decisions unitedly. We can't get there if I speak only for myself. Someone must assert a common vision and we all discuss discuss discuss until we arrive at accord. Why not me?
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Well-Known Member
People can get bent if they like; I prefer to use the words that express the truth.

How it is the truth to believe in a socialist model here in the USA. Sounds more like a hallucination based on a bad drug. There are solutions to the abuse that can be realized within capitalism but dividing wealth is not it.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Liberalism is innovative, but it often lacks long term data and pilot testing for its ideas. Conservative is about conserving the past, which has lots of hard data, dating back hundreds of years
You just can't seem to get out of the false-dichotomy stereotypes.


Well-Known Member
But this is the conundrum. It is the "distribution of wealth" that has bred the resentment and sense of disenfranchisement that people like Trump and the populist right more generally seek to tap into.
IN a sense you are correct. Trump uses tax payers money for business enterprises. That is how many of his buildings were even renovated. He used the tax benefits as income to borrow the rest.
Yet to mention this is somehow anathema, apparently. So how is the issue to be addressed, if we are not allowed to discuss it?
Sure..... Distribution of wealth is an ugly term. Taxing the population for infrastructure and public service and education is what most American's can appreciate and apply to rationally.
What seems to be happening is that the Trump types pose as being "on the side" of the economically left-behind, by blaming shadowy "elites" for their predicament and distracting them with culture wars, instead of addressing their economic position.
trump types? Trump0craps, are crazy enough to believe trump and will listen to rhetoric that makes sense but do not realize the man is a crook. Just using them for their vote and actually fulfilling nothing that will help US.
In a sense it is a clever strategy, ..........feed the resentment but redirect it away from the actual injustices - in remuneration, employment practices, etc. that are responsible for their predicament.
Giving business too many latitudes with their work force combined with public funding is bad business. For example: trump took huge tax benefits to rebuilt New York buildings, then bankrupted the debt to the contractors that did the work.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
It also implies that ex-Republicans like David French are not conservatives. When in reality the reason people like him left the GOP was because they are conservatives and saw the party moving away from those values.
Agreed. I think this might well describe groups like The Lincoln Project, essentially centrist Republicans against Trump and MAGA. They posted some really great (and often funny) ads.


Veteran Member
What I would like to see is the Right and Left be able to separate the national income tax revenue, so each side can invest in their own ideas, and pay their own tab, if ideas goes south. The Right now has to share the cost of bad liberal policy, like the border crisis.
... and the left has to share the cost of bad militant policy, like the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
Who do you think has more money in their pockets?


Veteran Member
How it is the truth to believe in a socialist model here in the USA. Sounds more like a hallucination based on a bad drug. There are solutions to the abuse that can be realized within capitalism but dividing wealth is not it.
Ok, we disagree.


Veteran Member
IN a sense you are correct. Trump uses tax payers money for business enterprises. That is how many of his buildings were even renovated. He used the tax benefits as income to borrow the rest.

Sure..... Distribution of wealth is an ugly term. Taxing the population for infrastructure and public service and education is what most American's can appreciate and apply to rationally.

trump types? Trump0craps, are crazy enough to believe trump and will listen to rhetoric that makes sense but do not realize the man is a crook. Just using them for their vote and actually fulfilling nothing that will help US.

Giving business too many latitudes with their work force combined with public funding is bad business. For example: trump took huge tax benefits to rebuilt New York buildings, then bankrupted the debt to the contractors that did the work.
No, I'm not talking about taxation. That can be a means of wealth redistribution, certainly, but that is jumping way ahead of what I mean here. I am talking about the way wealth is distributed across society.

You may know what a distribution graph looks like. I mean something like this:

The tail of this curve, to the right, has extended more and more over recent decades, as C-suite salaries have soared, while income for those on the left hand side has largely stagnated in real terms. That is the source of the resentment I have been talking about.

There are various ways to address this, through industrial policy, legislation on employee job security, programmes to re-invigorate rust belt areas, worker retraining programmes, and so on. One of them may be to tax more at the top end, say, but that would only be part of any serious strategy to address the issue.
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