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How can we know "God" exists?


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
But to be sure of things you can't see.....you have only your reason.

Reason is not on par with empirical evidence. Also, I point out again that appeal to fear is a fallacy, and fallacies are illogical.

I see billions of copies of a form that does no more than learn.
Each occasion produces a unique spirit.

If you believe this, live it. Stop using your computer, stop spreading your dogma, stop believing in general... None of these are learning.

I am sure this effort is not in vain.
I am sure that death is not final.

You are sure of no such thing, you are hopefuo of it. And hope is meaningless when dealing with objective truth.

A recent radio interview with a specialist of resuscitation.....
the brain might continue several hours after the heart stops beating.
Some people have returned to speak of experience beyond the body.

No they havrn't they speak from experiences induced by the brain freaking out.

Stands to reason that such things could happen.
also stands to reason...if the chemistry fails altogether the bond is broken.

Doesn't mean the spirit fails with it.
Although denial will likely play against the continuance

Perhaps something happens, but what you believe has nothing backing it but fear and hope. I do indeed deny your reasoning, it is fallacious and goes counter to what we know about humanity. You know nothing on this, you simply give up reason and allow hope to cure your fear. More power to you, but there is no objectove truth / knowledge to be had from your reasoning.


New Member
Knowledge is key to any question. Without knowledge we are left to flounder in a world of conjecture. How can we reasonably trust anything that has it's basis in conjecture? The answer to the original question then lies with the one seeking the truth. Referencing the New Testament bible, James chapter 1 verse 5 reads: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. After you have asked, be quiet and listen, but not with a doubtful heart, but with real intent. Remember that to whom much is given, much is expected. It may take several attempts, because until a pathway or connection to God can be established, you the witness must prove to be a reliable recipient, meaning you will do something worthwhile with the information you would receive. One great way to prove worthy of further light and knowledge, would be to continually seek after it to benefit your life and the lives of those around you. Why would God answer anyone whose motives are purely selfish?
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Knowledge is key to any question. Without knowledge we are left to flounder in a world of conjecture. How can we reasonably trust anything that has it's basis in conjecture? The answer to the original question then lies with the one seeking the truth. Referencing the New Testament bible, James chapter 1 verse 5 reads: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. After you have asked, be quiet and listen, but not with a doubtful heart, but with real intent. Remember that to whom much is given, much is expected. It may take several attempts, because until a pathway or connection to God can be established, you the witness must prove to be a reliable recipient, meaning you will do something worthwhile with the information you would receive. One great way to prove worthy of further light and knowledge, would be to continually seek after it to benefit your life and the lives of those around you. Why would God answer anyone whose motives are purely selfish?

God doesn't answer anyone period, no matter what their "intentions" are.


Rogue Theologian
Reason is not on par with empirical evidence. Also, I point out again that appeal to fear is a fallacy, and fallacies are illogical.

If you believe this, live it. Stop using your computer, stop spreading your dogma, stop believing in general... None of these are learning.

You are sure of no such thing, you are hopefuo of it. And hope is meaningless when dealing with objective truth.

No they havrn't they speak from experiences induced by the brain freaking out.

Perhaps something happens, but what you believe has nothing backing it but fear and hope. I do indeed deny your reasoning, it is fallacious and goes counter to what we know about humanity. You know nothing on this, you simply give up reason and allow hope to cure your fear. More power to you, but there is no objectove truth / knowledge to be had from your reasoning.

Far too much assumption on your part.
Not that assumption cannot be used as a tool of reason.

Going all the way back to the singularity ....science would have you believe in cause and effect.
I agree.
God is the Cause and the universe is the effect.

Good reason?....I think so.

God then creates Man....and for the intent of forming fresh perspective and interaction.

Your stubborn call for evidence will render nothing.
Your assumption will lead you to nothing.
nothing awaits you during the hour of your last breath.

You claim I have fear of death.....nay.
I have something to look forward to.
I don't see that you do.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Going all the way back to the singularity ....science would have you believe in cause and effect.
I agree.
God is the Cause and the universe is the effect.

That's just a huge leap. The cause could just as easily have been some random event.

God then creates Man....and for the intent of forming fresh perspective and interaction.

Or, man evolves (as does all life) and survives for no objective purpose or reason other than we have the fitness. Why not accept what can be proven?

Your stubborn call for evidence will render nothing.
Your assumption will lead you to nothing.

Of course it will render nothing seeing as how your beliefs are likely false.

nothing awaits you during the hour of your last breath.

Well of course not, you cannot survive death.

You claim I have fear of death.....nay.
I have something to look forward to.
I don't see that you do.

You've created something to look forward too because of you blatant fear of your existence coming to an end. I don't need to look forward to anything, I appreciate my life and don't really mind that I will die.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Like I've said, I don't mind your beliefs, I just mind you pushing them as objective truth.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
If a "truth" doesn't exist on its own externally it's not an objective truth.


Well-Known Member
Buzzwords? Do you get high from reading my writing? I'm flattered :bat:

No, just confused.

You said, "What else could truth possibly ensue other than to be objectified internally?"

What does it mean for truth to ensue something? And what do you mean by "Objectified internally?"