If you like a god that likes to murder people, than the Abrahamic god is for you.
If you look in the Bible, there are an amazing number of people that God wants his followers to murder. For example, in Exodus 35:2 God lays down this commandment:
For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.
Think about that how many people work on the Sabbath -- all the employees of Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Home Depot, Linnens & things, grocery stores, convenience stores, power plants, airlines, hospitals, emergency services and on and on and on. Don't rabbis, priests and preachers work on the Sabbath? God wants all of them dead.
First if anyone was killed for that purpose it would not be murder.
Second, that verse is not to be taken literally, but spiritually for the following reasons:
Ezk 18:32 - God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies...
2 Pet 3:9 & 1 Tim 2:4 - It is not God's will that any should perish
God is not going to command something that is not His will and gives Him no pleasure.
The Sabbath is not about attending a religious service, it is about remembering 2 things
--Who sanctified us---Ex 31:13 and who freed us from bondage---Deut 5:15,
Anyone who continues to work to become sanctified and to be freed from bondage(the law), will die spiritually because they will eventually realize they can't sanctify their self and tgshey can't free themselves from the bondage o the law.
We see the principle of dying spiritually in Gen 2:17. There God tells Adam the DAY he eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he will die. He ate but did not die physically, he died spiritually.
Even if you want to take the verse literally, their death not change their eternal destination---heaven or hell. The one keeping the Sabbath was going to heaven, not matter what else they did and the one who breaks the Sabbath, was going to hell anyway.