What I do know is-
I do know an awful lot more biology than you do.
I don't doubt that for a moment. But what you have been taught by your teachers has little meaning to me because I have no faith in the kind of science that tries its best to eliminate all reference to the design we see so evident in nature. Attributing the design to nature itself is very empty reasoning. It's basically a desperate attempt to deny the obvious IMO.
"Kind" has no meaning in biology. It is only a bible
term. I dont care to talk bible.
All that is observable in nature is governed by laws, put in place to make sure that "kinds" remain separated. It's why species in the oceans and on land can share habitats and it never occurs to them to mate with other species. It is physically impossible anyway. They are programmed to remain separate for as long as their species exists. Is that just a fluke?
"Kind" is not a scientific term? It is to the Creator. I cannot help it if you have problems with Biblical words. They are the words we accept and live by.....you are free to live by your own acceptable words. Taking them away doesn't alter the argument.
I can attempt to walk you thru some basic concepts
but not if you are fighting it with everything you have,
and asserting things that have no basis other than
some biblical interpretation.
There is nothing in nature to fight with what is in the Bible. (Please remember that I do not subscribe to YEC) What makes you think that God could possibly be at odds with his own creation? What makes you think that you need to "walk me through" anything? That is based on the assumption that you believe I am in error.....I believe atheists are in error, blind to the obvious....so we are on opposite sides of this issue. Do you expect that I could "walk you through" creation? Have you dismissed it without understanding what the Bible actually says?
What we see in this age, when evolution is taught as fact to children, is actually humans taking on the role of gods themselves. They have taken creation and claimed to be able to eliminate all reference to its Creator. Human interpretation of what is assumed to have taken place on this planet over millions of years, without any concrete evidence that macro-evolution is even possible, is the height of arrogance IMO. What good has this accomplished in your opinion? Its just made a religion out of science.
I have no beef with biology because I see it as God's science, not something belonging to atheists who apparently hijacked it to claim it for themselves....with no Creator required. I'm sorry but you can't wish him away with a theory.
None of the above is snark, attack, or anything like
that. I am just talking straight.
I understand that your beliefs are strongly held.....so are mine. We are all after the truth.....aren't we?
I do not accept the godless ramblings of science, designed to discredit the one whose work they study, or to overlook or excuse the widening gaps that many people are coming to see as impossible to explain without intelligent direction in the processes that are right under their noses.
I cannot see how undirected "accidents" can result in the myriad life forms that inhabit this earth, let alone explain how they are equipped to replicate themselves so that their species is perpetuated in self sufficiency, in specifically designed habitats, for as long as their habitat is protected from greedy humans who want to claim that land for themselves. They do this without a single thought of the damage they are doing to it or its residents.
There is no respect for the Creator or his creation. I believe that there will be an accounting, because that is what the Bible says will happen. You can choose to disbelieve everything it says.