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How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Do you understand the definition of evidence?, which needs to be more objective than simple the claim of an ancient text without provenance or an independent objective basis.

Simply relying on the text of the Bible is not evidence by definition and is circular reasoning.

This does not change what the authors of Genesis wrote and believed concerning the the days of Creation. The accounts of Genesis and the Pentateuch were accepted as being literal by the authors of the NT whether 7 days or 7 to 10 thousand years.

Nothing here addresses the evidence for the history of the universe 13.8 billions of years old, and the history of life over 3.7 billions of years.
Evidence, like the postulate that Dr. Hawking made when he said the universe can and did come from -- uh -- nothing? (zilch)? Except, of course, no one really KNOWS what gravity is, do they? Well, Dr. Hawking isn't thinking now (at least many might say that he isn't thinking...maybe some would say his brain is still going...) but maybe if he were alive he could figure how it is that gravity was just "there" and responsible for the formation of the universe...:) Always something good to settle one's brain on at least for him and Einstein and some others, I guess. :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You do not remotely understand science nor the plain high school level English as to what is proof, how it is applied not even what is theory.

You remain happily hiding in Plato's cave based on ancient tribal beliefs without science or a basic understanding of the English language,
Back we go to good old Dr. Hawking...hmm?


Premium Member
Back we go to good old Dr. Hawking...hmm?
Hmmmm . . . ? Dr Hawking represents Dr, Hawking not science. Why go back to Dr, Hawking . . .?

Boomerang thinking?

The topic of the thread is evolution.

Failure to respond . . .
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Active Member
Scientists do believe that. Again -- like the word proof or not, there is no evidence that fish evolved eventually to become humans.
It would be more accurate to say that humans, and all other tetrapods, evolved from some species of Devonian fish. Many other species of Devonian fish evolved into radically different species of Mesozoic and modern fish.


Well-Known Member
Scientists do believe that. Again -- like the word proof or not, there is no evidence that fish evolved eventually to become humans.

That is the theory.

Again -- lots of things in the dark, so to speak. In other words, just not there. :) But! have a good one.

According to Scientists, subject matter experts and a quick google search .. posting the first thing found

.. "Several hundred million years ago, fish began to grow limbs that enabled them to walk across the bottom of the water. Modern mammals, including humans, evolved from these fish"

So .. friend "in the dark" lost and can't find the path to redemption .. relying on Parlor Tricks and Snake charms .. thinking this is a solid foundation.. denial of reality in order to prop up some religious fallacy.

according to those scientist people .. there is at least some evidence .. but so lost is this line of questioning in the big picture .. which is observation of what the rules of the universe are .. who are you to say that God's tool for creation is not Evolution ?

and get back to me with the answer to the " the Whole Bible is God Breathed" fundamentalist falsehood question .. and tell me what to do with the children of idolotrous parents to be put right with God .. lets kill two birds with one stone :)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
According to Scientists, subject matter experts and a quick google search .. posting the first thing found

.. "Several hundred million years ago, fish began to grow limbs that enabled them to walk across the bottom of the water. Modern mammals, including humans, evolved from these fish"

So .. friend "in the dark" lost and can't find the path to redemption .. relying on Parlor Tricks and Snake charms .. thinking this is a solid foundation.. denial of reality in order to prop up some religious fallacy.

according to those scientist people .. there is at least some evidence .. but so lost is this line of questioning in the big picture .. which is observation of what the rules of the universe are .. who are you to say that God's tool for creation is not Evolution ?

and get back to me with the answer to the " the Whole Bible is God Breathed" fundamentalist falsehood question .. and tell me what to do with the children of idolotrous parents to be put right with God .. lets kill two birds with one stone :)
Meantime there is absolutely no fossil that evidences fish morphing (I mean evolving) to be land dwelling animals. This does not mean that I do not think there are fossils that have been discovered like Tiktaalik, but again -- there is nothing to show that water dwellers actually became land dwellers, especially in the "little increments." As far as the rest of your post (and query), I will answer that in another post.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
So .. friend "in the dark" lost and can't find the path to redemption .. relying on Parlor Tricks and Snake charms .. thinking this is a solid foundation.. denial of reality in order to prop up some religious fallacy.
Not sure what you mean here. Perhaps you can explain if you care to what you mean by "can't find the path to redemption..." etc. Do you know the "path to redemption," whatever you think that means.(?)


Well-Known Member
Meantime there is absolutely no fossil that evidences fish morphing (I mean evolving) to be land dwelling animals. This does not mean that I do not think there are fossils that have been discovered like Tiktaalik, but again -- there is nothing to show that water dwellers actually became land dwellers, especially in the "little increments." As far as the rest of your post (and query), I will answer that in another post.

YT -- you must stop this -- just gave some evidence .. but you have evidence outside of that ... use your Brain .. think for self .. a species mutating over time can morph into anything .. small changes add up


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
YT -- you must stop this -- just gave some evidence .. but you have evidence outside of that ... use your Brain .. think for self .. a species mutating over time can morph into anything .. small changes add up
Again...from the"evidence," and I appreciate your consideration, bird beaks growing smaller or larger or things like that...they still remain...birds.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
according to those scientist people .. there is at least some evidence .. but so lost is this line of questioning in the big picture .. which is observation of what the rules of the universe are .. who are you to say that God's tool for creation is not Evolution ?
I am saying that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I am also saying there is no evidence that He did not. That's one thing. Another is that I did not always believe that way. I used to believe that "science" always told the truth and nothing but...now if you think that's right, ok, that's your belief.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean here. Perhaps you can explain if you care to what you mean by "can't find the path to redemption..." etc. Do you know the "path to redemption," whatever you think that means.(?)

The Path of Redemption is the path that puts one right with God .. ? For that my young apprentice .. one must know the word of God from the word of Satan .. and anyone claiming the Bible is 100% God Breathed .. has not found the path of Truth. as without knowing the Commands of this God .. how can one be put right with this God ..

Why have you not answered the question .. you claim to know the word of the Supreme God .. tell us then this word .. From the Bible as you say .. all Gods word. Do we kill the children for the Sin of the Idolotrous parents .. along with the parents .. OR .. do we not Kill the Child for the sin of the Father .. let each be punished for his own sin .

Tell me .. I what to be on the right side of this God ... what path must I follow To Kill -- or not to Kill .. that is the Question .. according to the God you figure inspired the entire Bible .. including stuff that was obviously not "inspired" .. Songs they would sing in church for example .. but let us not digress .. "KILL" or "Not Kill" nothing complicated here.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The Path of Redemption is the path that puts one right with God .. ? For that my young apprentice .. one must know the word of God from the word of Satan
Oops. I stop there. Before 'we' go any further with this, what do you mean that one must know the word of God from the word of Satan.


Well-Known Member
I am saying that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I am also saying there is no evidence that He did not. That's one thing. Another is that I did not always believe that way. I used to believe that "science" always told the truth and nothing but...now if you think that's right, ok, that's your belief.

?? "There is no evidence he did not" .. .. what on Gods green earth are you talking about which this brutal fallacy .. you have no evidence the planet orbiting the star Alpha Century is not made of Green cheese .. but that does not make it true.

and further . .. what God are you talking about .. what do you mean by God? define God .. "The forces of the universe God of Everything" .. well of course that God created the Earth .. and the solar system .. and a bunch of other things after the Big bang .. who cares. Like the wind and the Sun that God does not intereact with humans directly .. the God of Everything .. is actually the God of Nothing .. as this God does not do anything other than watch as creation unfolds .. like a scientist who has an experiment in progress .. She observes the progress but does not interact in any way with the experiment .. and its not a "she" just making fun of your use of the term "He" .. to describe the God of Everything .. as how ridiculous it is to look at the God ofd Everything as Anthropomorphic . never mind having a sex . already limiting this God such that it is no longer the God of Everything .. on the way to the Blasphemy of the "God in a Box" conundrum.

The primordial ooze God is sexless friend .. but it is also a twin -- heh heh . that a story for another day .. getting way ahead when we are still struggling with the "The whole bible is God breathed" problem .. no science skills required .. just a choice .. "To Kill .. or Not KILL"

What is your choice. and why are you dissing science ? and claiming beliefs on my behalf .. We have yet to get into My Beliefs Friend .. we first must understand what Truth is .. and get through that struggle.


Well-Known Member
Oops. I stop there. Before 'we' go any further with this, what do you mean that one must know the word of God from the word of Satan.
What part did you not understand ? You have a choice between two paths .. you can follow the word of God .. or choose a different path .. the path not of God is what ? You have what is doing right by the Father .. and everything else.

Do you not believe in the dark side of the force ? seriously ? or are you feigning oblivion .. pretending.

You have a choice to make .. The Path of God .. or a different Path .. which do you choose .. which is the Path of God among the choices --

Something complicated here ? KILL the Child -- Not Kill the Child

Which is the correct Path .. as per the God of the Bible .. Please tell me what God has commanded on this issue so I can know the correct path to follow to be put right with God .. as opposed to following the path of Ha Satan .. tester of souls .. Chief God on earth according to God's breathed Word .. do not lead us into temptation .. but deliver us from Evil .. apparently the Evil that you don't think is real .. in which case we have the problem of not knowing one's enemy .. and that seldom ends well.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
According to Scientists, subject matter experts and a quick google search .. posting the first thing found

.. "Several hundred million years ago, fish began to grow limbs that enabled them to walk across the bottom of the water. Modern mammals, including humans, evolved from these fish"

according to those scientist people .. there is at least some evidence .. but so lost is this line of questioning in the big picture .. which is observation of what the rules of the universe are .. who are you to say that God's tool for creation is not Evolution ?
Aren't the 'rules of the universe' the blind, impersonal laws and constants of nature? Where does God or intention come in?
The evolution of fins to enable walking is just ordinary natural selection.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Meantime there is absolutely no fossil that evidences fish morphing (I mean evolving) to be land dwelling animals.

This would be a true statement if you added "that I accept" between evidences and fish.

Adeus amigo.
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Simply relying on the text of the Bible is not evidence by definition and is circular reasoning.
Just what exactly are you responding to?! Shunyadragon, referencing Scripture is not circular reasoning, since the subject under discussion is the Bible and what it says!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Just what exactly are you responding to?! Shunyadragon, referencing Scripture is not circular reasoning, since the subject under discussion is the Bible and what it says!
I thought the subject under discussion was the truth-value of the various claims, their evidence, and sources.
How reliable is the Bible as a historical, ecological or biological text? What objective evidence does it cite in support of its claims, and what other sources are referenced in the footnotes?


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Back we go to good old Dr. Hawking...hmm?
Won’t he be surprised when he’s resurrected?! - Acts 24:15; John 5:28,29

I lot of people will be!

I just hope their pride or independent spirit won’t get in the way of them accepting God’s Kingdom governing this Earth, through Jesus’ kingship!
-Matthew 6:9,10; Revelation 21:3,4.

Goodnight, my sister.