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How can you justify the sheer complexity that evolution would have to evolve?


Premium Member
Holy moly this must be disingenous obvlion . how you do not understand that if you make a statement .. you need to define your terms for your statement to have any meaning .. Statement - Claim - Premise ... You are not being asked to hypothesize .. you are being asked to define what it is you do not believe is a Godly power ... is being able to conjure lighting bolts from the sky a "Godly Power" ? Yes .. or NO NO NO.. I don't care but define your term

and yes .. the definition of God is exactly the subject of this thread .. good grief .. this thread is about if evolution had any help .. did you not know that ? or another bout of disingenuous obvlivion ? Donut
This hypothetical statement "definition for what a Godly power would be . . . . and how one might notice that power at work if such existed and was messing with the experiment. .. ? concerning God is an argument from ignorance, based on a religious agenda.

Not really the subject of the thread, but you made the statement.


Veteran Member
Hilarious you go around accusing others of willful ignorance .. .. you unable to figure out that if you make a statement - claim- hypothesis - premise .. or just generally having a conversation .. and you use a term "God" in this case .. it is up to you to define what that term means.

You are very free to try and find a single quote of me in my 20k+ posting count history where I ever made the claim "gods do not exist".
I can only repeat myself.

When someone claims X exists, it's upto them to define X.
When I respond to that claim with disbelief, I don't have to do anything except -at best- explain why I don't find the claim convincing.
What I certainly don't have to do is define X. That's the job of the one making the claim about X.

You cry out "I am not a God Believer" "nor am I claiming Godly power exists"

but then cry out .. "I don't see why i should define God / Godly power" -- and not continue on in willfull ignorance ?

And I explained it. I'm not the one making the claims about these things. Instead, I'm the one responding to those claims.
It's upto the one making the claim of X to define X.
I then look at said claim and their definition of X and conclude I don't find it convincing. Therefor I don't believe it.

It's rather simple, really. Not sure what it is you insist on arguing about.

Do you believe gooblodockbloblo is real?
NO? Is your disbelief a claim?
Do you feel like it is your job or my job to define what gooblodockbloblo is?


What is the problem .. define your terms ..

They aren't "my" terms.

what would be an example of a Godly power that you don't believe in .

Which god?

the above was your ridiculous Projection of your failings onto another poster.

You have no idea which mistake I was talking about that @YoursTrue has been repeating since at least june 2021, do you?

Who is the one continuing to make the same mistake . over and over. believing one does not have to define one's terms when making a statement ..

No, I don't have to define the terms of claims that other people make, just like you don't have to define what gooblydockbloblo is.

What does not matter to the fact if there is a god or not .. A definition of God ? Wrong .. NO .. Sorry .. Wrong answer. The definition matters everything ..

Yes, definitions matter. So if you are going to claim X exists, then properly define X.

Many have defined God as a Sun .. each Sun a God. and you ask "How does that matter to whether a God exists or not" ? when obviously it matters a whole lot .. as the Sun exists .. the fact that there is a Sun .. and as such that there is a God.

Cool. We already have a word for "sun". It's "sun". It's a star.
If you are going to define "god" as being a pencil, then sure then I believe "god" exists. I just call it a pencil though.

Now, if you are going to add additional baggage to said definition and then also state that the sun-god is a sentient being that can think and "do" things with intention and purpose. Then obviously I'm going to disagree.


Well-Known Member
This hypothetical statement "definition for what a Godly power would be . . . . and how one might notice that power at work if such existed and was messing with the experiment. .. ? concerning God is an argument from ignorance, based on a religious agenda.

Not really the subject of the thread, but you made the statement.

No arguments were made -- Donut ! You are being asked to define your terms.

Asking you to define what a Godly power would be is not an argument from ignorance ... the argument from ignorance is your refusal to define the terms you use.

The subject of this thread involves the definition of God .. and it is you who made a statement using the term God .. and thus are being asked to define your terms such that we not remain ignorant of what you mean.. and that you are no longer arguing from ignorance.

Strange that these atheists are so terrified of defining their terms.. normally this type of "Thought stopping behavior" comes from the religious right.. folks with a religious agenda .. like that which you have apparently adopted and now trying to project onto others.

Sup SunnyD .. Your beliefs are based on self delusion .. the delusion that you understand the meaning of the words you use .. but clearly this is not the case - unable to define what a Godly power would be.


Premium Member
No arguments were made -- Donut ! You are being asked to define your terms.
Nonetheless the statement was made by you!
Asking you to define what a Godly power would be is not an argument from ignorance ... the argument from ignorance is your refusal to define the terms you use.

The subject of this thread involves the definition of God .. and it is you who made a statement using the term God .. and thus are being asked to define your terms such that we not remain ignorant of what you mean.. and that you are no longer arguing from ignorance.

Strange that these atheists are so terrified of defining their terms.. normally this type of "Thought stopping behavior" comes from the religious right.. folks with a religious agenda .. like that which you have apparently adopted and now trying to project onto others.

Sup SunnyD .. Your beliefs are based on self delusion .. the delusion that you understand the meaning of the words you use .. but clearly this is not the case - unable to define what a Godly power would be.

his hypothetical statement "definition for what a Godly power would be . . . . and how one might notice that power at work if such existed and was messing with the experiment. .. ? concerning God is an argument from ignorance, based on a religious agenda.

Not really the subject of the thread, but you made the statement. justified by the subjective "what a Godly power would be," which could be used to justify any of the conflicting beliefs as to what God possibly would be.

You cannot objectively " but clearly this is not the case - unable to define what a Godly power would be."

You can only claim it as a subjective belief.
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Well-Known Member
Nonetheless the statement was made by you!

his hypothetical statement "definition for what a Godly power would be . . . . and how one might notice that power at work if such existed and was messing with the experiment. .. ? concerning God is an argument from ignorance, based on a religious agenda.

Not really the subject of the thread, but you made the statement.

You cannot objectively " but clearly this is not the case - unable to define what a Godly power would be."

You can only claim it as a subjective belief.

I havn't claimed anything ... other than it is you who is arguing from ignorance .... unable to define what you mean by the term God ?

You are failing basic logic friend .. incorrectly using terms you do not understand "argument from ignorance" and failing to define your terms.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I leaned that far more were mythical after I quit believing than when I was a believer. What is odd is that you cannot deal with any of the failures of the Bible. What eventually made me lose my faith was realizing how poor the ethics are of the Bible. Not so much what Jesus taught. He appears to have been many years ahead of his time. I am talking about the myths about him that arose after he died and who will get to heaven and why.
Your statements are basically untrue. We usually make decisions in life about what we believe. I say usually because there are some brought up in particular households and nationalities that do not allow much for variance of beliefs.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Your statements are basically untrue. We usually make decisions in life about what we believe. I say usually because there are some brought up in particular households and nationalities that do not allow much for variance of beliefs.
P.S. there are those who think, like you do, that much if not most of the Bible is mythical, but certain purportedly well educated ones here believe that the Bible is virtually mythical yet also go to church or synagogue. Naturally this does not mean they believe in God, they could be "cultural" churchgoers, or synagogue attendees. Have you asked others here why they believe in God?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Prove it. I think that you will only be able to show that people are not "your kind of Christian". But even the Bible warns you not to hold that sort of belief.
You made the statement about Christianity. So what do you think is Christianity? Afraid to say? Seems like it. (Have a good evening.)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
P.S. there are those who think, like you do, that much if not most of the Bible is mythical, but certain purportedly well educated ones here believe that the Bible is virtually mythical yet also go to church or synagogue. Naturally this does not mean they believe in God, they could be "cultural" churchgoers, or synagogue attendees. Have you asked others here why they believe in God?
We do not just "think it". We know it. If you did a comparison of the two Nativity myths you could easily see that there is no way that both of them could be true. And when looked at rationally both appear to be false.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You made the statement about Christianity. So what do you think is Christianity? Afraid to say? Seems like it. (Have a good evening.)
I already answer that question of yours just a few posts back. Maybe not on this thread. But if not here then elsewhere. What do you think that a Christian is? I would ask you if someone claimed that God was a liar would that person be a Christian, but you probably can't make up your mind on that one yet.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
We do not just "think it". We know it. If you did a comparison of the two Nativity myths you could easily see that there is no way that both of them could be true. And when looked at rationally both appear to be false.
We've been through that before. I will go over it perhaps tomorrow for your edification again. You don't have to believe what I say, but that's ok. Kind of like National Geographic which you don't think is a good source of information because you didn't like what it said about sediment. However, it gets detailed and I am willing to discuss it ASAP, but time is closing in and I am human, that means I need to rest somewhat. Unlike God's rest on the "7th day..." :)
So would it be a fair statement to make that you USED TO believe in God when you belonged to a church, but you no longer believe there is a God or gods, is that right?
And bye for now--hopefully later we can go over the purported difference of dates some imagine when it comes to Jesus' birth.