Hi Folks..
Seriously. This perplexes me. If someone was literally doing that stuff, it would be the biggest thing in the history of the world.
lol - wait - let me stop laughing....Ok thats better..lol..Look - it practically IS the "biggest thing in the world".. 2000 years later and the world is still debating it arguing it fighting over it none stop...probably will be for a long itme to come....lol..NOTHING in our entire history has affected the world more than this one event....
As to His truth - look its simple - He said actually you are a kind of "super mind" - the Divine Mind - but you dont yet realise this Self truth...WHEN you come to realise who and what you are, then you too will do these things....Now - heres the bit most will struggle with - but I will say it plainly...MIND CREATES YOUR VERY EXISTANCE - literally so...what you BELIEVE is indeed the main cause of the reality you directly EXPERIENCE !! That IS true - but only its direct experience will convince you
Trouble is the world is full of none believers who have never expereinced their truth...And so as we grew up they TAUGHT us THEIR TRUTH as they falsely have it, and so we along with them became also deluded, just as they are...NONE of us then are experiencing our truth today - not many of us - not allowed to - all the deluded religions are led off down the wrong track as they search His truth - and all those fully deluded athiests with their consatnt denials bring doubt and uncertainty to us - literally stifling our creative potential, making us have doubts and worries - and so we give up our power and adopt THEIR reality instead as we need their acceptance to fit in with this "society" we have now made for ourselves ...Remember always we are SELF CREATED - yet we have ALWAYS allowed OTHERS to define who and what we are here in life,yes..??..
Not many of us can get past this delusion we impose upon our Self - and this is WHY such things SEEM to be impossible and unbelievable.....
BUT - I assure you (all) - encounter your actual nature - in the way Christ alone revealed - and as He promises all these mysteries will indeed be DIRECTLY revealed to you
And if any need proof of modern miracles - if any need proof that yes indeed - PERSPECTIVE OF SELF - quite literally - defines and actually CREATES the thing you believe the Self to be - then please go check out a remarkable lady - Anita Moorjani - she wrote a book now called "Dying to be me" and it is truly remarkable and fully verified by all concerned....
I and a few others had the chance to speak to her on another forum, way back as she was going through all this and trying to make sense of what had happened...Because you see, she ONCE had full on CANCER - to the point that they decided to end support and turn off the machines..She had gone into a coma - full organ failure.absolutely riddled with tumours....She DIED - met entities she called "beings of light" - they TAUGHT her about mind and energy - just as Christ did identical truths - and with this knowledge she REVIVED her body - came back to full life - came back to FULL HEALTH - AS IF SHE HAD NEVER HAD ANY CANCER AT ALL !!!
Now this is truly a MIRACLE - is it not..?...In spirit - these beings revealed to her that if she CHOSE to come back - then she would live and her body could be fully healed as said, as if it had NEVER even been diseased at all...And indeed this is EXACTLY what happened - all verified by her doctors, specialists and everyone concerned fully perplexed...The only logical explanation is HER own explanation -she learned of such truth DIRECT FROM SPIRIT and did indeed HEAL HER BODY FULLY - new tests performed showed a continued diminishing of the cancer until just a few short weeks and she was totally cancer free, as if she had NEVER ever been ill at all.....
THIS LEVEL OF SELF UNDERSTANDING - direct experience of Self as SPIRIT -as living and CONSCIOUS ENERGY - is vitally required to perform these bona fide miracles...We MUST come to know and fully appreciate WHO and WHAT we actually are...
I and the Father are one already Christ said - the task now is to BECOME ME - Angels and guides will come give you whatever you require He promises and Anita is a clear example of the living proof that what He taught is legitimate..As He said first before all things, come to KNOW THY SELF - for those with ears to hear....