How could a sensible person believe in the Bible? I think this question is at the root of most of our biblical debates. Like everything, we approach the Bible with our presuppositions about it. I believe the Bible is 100% accurate, that God's Spirit moved in men to record without error the message He wanted us to have. So it's sensible for me to interpret science, history, life in general, through the lens of Scripture and tell others why I believe science, history, life in general, doesn't contradict the Bible. For the person who doesn't believe the Bible is 100% accurate, it's sensible for them to interpret science, history, life in general, through a different lens and tell others why they believe science, history, life in general, does contradict the Bible.
When it comes to Genesis 1, which is being debated a lot on this thread, I believe the Bible teaches that God literally created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Now I admit that I approach this chapter with my belief that the Bible is true, that "there was morning and there was evening" and that the use of the word "day" are to be taken literally. This may cause an uproar, but the "scientific evidence" I have seen for evolution that is suppose to contradict creation, I haven't once seen it hold up or in any way disprove creation.
But I honestly think the real issue here is whether the Bible is true or not. We all base our presuppositions on some type of authority, whether it's the Bible, science, ourself, or whatever. And let's face it, if someone can prove that one part of the Bible is untrue, then we might as well throw out the whole thing, because the Bible claims that ALL Scripture is God-breathed. If Genesis 1 isn't true, but a nice sounding story, then who's to say that God taking on flesh, living a sinless life, dying and rising again, so that those who believe in Him may have life in His name, isn't also just a nice sounding story?
None of this really answers the OP question, but it's what was on my mind. I liked how I worded it better last night before I lost it, but since you don't know what that looked like, I guess I'll get over it