I don't believe time could have always existed. It needs a beginning point.
It can make sense to think of an infinite value when looking forward at something from a specific point (the present) but it could never make sense to begin at an infinite value and arrive at a finite value. E.g. We can imagine the past having an endless amount of "before's" but we could not arrive at present day that way. It's like "climbing up from the bottomless pit" You must've come from somewhere, otherwise you cannot arrive at another point.
Your perception of time is actually based on space-time and not just pure time. This confusion is created by clocks. Time moves to the future, yet clocks cycle like a wave and repeat. We are born, age and die, yet clocks act like reincarnation, with a new midnight each day. That is not how pure time propagates.
A wave is distance and time connected as wavelength and frequency; reflection of space-time. It is not just time. Space-time is like two people tethered in a three legged race, where the team is only as fast as the slowest member. In space-time, time is tethered to space and is limited by space. Clocks need to be compact in space, so time in this limited space, curves onto itself as a wave. The day and the year are based on the movement of the earth and sun in space. This is not pure time.
Say we could cut space-time, and remove the tether, allowing both space and time to act as two independent variables. Now both are faster than when they were tethered in the clumsy three legged race of space-time. If you could move through space untethered to time, you could be omnipresent. The speed of light does not apply, since speed or velocity is the equation; v=d/t. Since we have untethered them we got rid of the tether of the division sign, now we have just d and t with no division and nothing called velocity. Acceleration is d/t/t or space-time plus some extra independent time; force.
Omnipresent is not possible with the limits imposed by the tethers of space-time. If you could move in time untethered to space, you would get effects like the laws of physics the same in all references. This universal nature of independent time, is not restricted to any given space, but has a type of simultaneity, like a coordinated huge universe, in spite of the limits imposed by the speed of light in space-time; omniscience. Concepts like God were the ancient way to describe independent space and time; another realm where the impossible, in space-time, becomes possible
The untethering of space-time was proven by the experiments of Heisenberg; Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
uncertainty principle, also known as
Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle, is a fundamental concept in
quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and
momentum, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more accurately one property is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known.
Positon is about space, while momentum needs time to be expressed. If we assumed just space-time, these two variables should both be known, one from the other, but this was not the case at the quantum level. Space=position and momentum=time, were appearing to be acting like they are more independent of each other and not exactly tethered.
Science screwed the pooch on this one, thinking the erroneous conclusion of indeterminacy justified the new dice and cards science. In reality these experiment, showed an inverse relationship, between independent space and time. which was logical and not random. The golden age of physics disappear, when the dice and card illusion grabbed hold; biggest blunder of science. This is because they did not understand time all by itself, detached from space-time. They thought that ment probability in space-time.
What that inverse relationship tells us is space and time, when detached and independent, become interchangeable. As one get more accurate; gains, the other become less so; loses, but in a type of conservation sort of way. Tethering as space-time makes them appear more distinct and connected. Omnipresence causes all the time to convert to space; t=0.