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How Creationism Hurts Chrsitian Colleges—And Their Students

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
Most evangelical colleges teach evolution, but churches don’t. So when unprepared Christian students begin to study science and lose their faith, it feeds deep distrust of academia.

The sky is falling! Fellow Christians, gather your children and seek shelter. Hold your hands over their ears while you flee. If you don’t they might hear about … evolution.

This was the reaction of Marvin Olasky, the editor of the evangelical magazine World, to my “revelation” in The Daily Beast a few weeks ago that most evangelical Christian colleges teach evolution to their students. “Teach evolution” was my phrase for what is happening. Olasky describes it instead as “insinuating evolution,” which sounds sinister. He suspects that my revelation will be the hot topic “in the hallways” at the meeting of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) which began Wednesday in Los Angeles.

That is the begining of a though provoking article by Karl W. Gibberson, read the rest here: How Creationism Hurts Christian Colleges—And Their Students - The Daily Beast

When you look at evolutionists posting to the topic, it is obvious that evolution theory has a fundamentally detrimental effect on people's spirit. It is so bogus to see a bunch of deeply sarcastic individuals say there is nothing spiritually nefarious going on with evolution theory.


The Lost One
Well, it all depends on the context...doesn't it. For example, is Noah derived from an ancient Babylonian text about the Epic of Gilgamesh? Or is the Epic of Gilgamesh derived from an earlier Hebrew text? Or are both accounts derived from a third source? Does the simularities proves the fallacy of the Bible? Or, on the other hand, does the parallism of the time of Noah's existance and the end of the Holocene Wet Phase in climate history defend the biblical account of Noah? Was the flood local as per the parallism of the epic of Gilgamesh, or world wide as interpreted by new creationist?
There are no earlier text or knowledge of Genesis creation or Flood before the 1st millennium BCE. None of the biblical texts exist before this millennium.

The Babylonian story of Gilgamesh have spread east and west, during the 2nd millennium BCE. And the story of flood muat have been known as far west as Egypt an the Hittite Kingdom as early as mid-2nd millennium BCE, because fragments of tablets of Gilgamesh and other Babylonian myths have been found in the Levant, like the cities of Ugarit and Megiddo, that have been dated to around this time.

And the Babylonian story of Atrahasis or Utnapishtim have been derived from much older sources, from Sumerian literature of the 3rd millennium BCE, where the hero was known as Ziusudra.

The Hebrew or Israelite author(s) borrowed from the Babylonian Atrahasis or Utnapishtim, and adapted the myth to suit their own audience.

The Babylonians couldn't have borrow from earlier Hebrew texts, because there were no Hebrew texts before the 1st millennium BCE, and the Paleo-Hebrew didn't exist before 1100 BCE.

The most complete text that we have about about the creation of man and the Flood, come from the 17th or 16th century BCE - Epic of Atrahasis. I am talking about text that are extant, not the oldest myth. Older than the Epic of Atrahasis about creation and flood is the Sumerian tablet we call the Eridu Genesis, but it is very badly preserved, because of severe fragmentation.

How could any Babylonians borrow any Hebrew text that didn't exist exist at the time?
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The Lost One
I'm getting my bachelors degree this spring and then I'm going to Canada for grad school (two of my choices are in British Columbia). I don't foresee myself ever coming back for longer than the holidays.
Congrats, about your bachelor...and not about there being churches all over the places where you live.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting my bachelors degree this spring and then I'm going to Canada for grad school (two of my choices are in British Columbia). I don't foresee myself ever coming back for longer than the holidays.

Congratulations on your degree and a warm welcome to Canada.


Veteran Member
When you look at evolutionists posting to the topic, it is obvious that evolution theory has a fundamentally detrimental effect on people's spirit.
How so? What detrimental effects on their spirit have you observed? Actual examples would be nice.

It is so bogus to see a bunch of deeply sarcastic individuals say there is nothing spiritually nefarious going on with evolution theory.
So your seeing is bogus. Okay, if you say so.
(Actually, I believe you.)


When you look at evolutionists posting to the topic, it is obvious that evolution theory has a fundamentally detrimental effect on people's spirit. It is so bogus to see a bunch of deeply sarcastic individuals say there is nothing spiritually nefarious going on with evolution theory.
Sarcasm comes easily to anyone with a brain after trying to correspond with you. It has less to do with their being evolutionists than it does to the way in which you express yourself.
According to creationism, the father god damned all of humankind for eating the fruit of knowledge. Most theists dismiss scientific facts because facts rip holes in fantasies.

Most theists are not fundamentalists. The idea that most theists reject science is itself a fantasy.


pro scapegoat
Most theists are not fundamentalists. The idea that most theists reject science is itself a fantasy.
Sure, but it is a fantasy propogated by that minority of theists, not by atheists, or by the majority of theists who do not reject science. It is a dangerous fantasy indeed.

The Hammer

Premium Member
When you look at evolutionists posting to the topic, it is obvious that evolution theory has a fundamentally detrimental effect on people's spirit. It is so bogus to see a bunch of deeply sarcastic individuals say there is nothing spiritually nefarious going on with evolution theory.

How in the world does belief in evolution equate to a detrimental effect on the spirit of a person? Please, explain this, as I am curious.

Also, where is this sarcasm? Besides a little in the OP I think, there has not been much sarcasm on this thread.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
How in the world does belief in evolution equate to a detrimental effect on the spirit of a person? Please, explain this, as I am curious.

Also, where is this sarcasm? Besides a little in the OP I think, there has not been much sarcasm on this thread.

You do not read very well. For instance there also was a post by monk of reason, where the "bullcrap" of creationism was said to destroy the credibility of the church. etc.

It is very simple, creationism is the only theory which describes how things are chosen in the universe. Mainstream science currently does not acknowledge freedom is real, the mathematics have not been worked out yet. Do away with creationism = doing away with all knowledge about how things are chosen. Spirituality, and regular subjectivity, requires that freedom is acknowledged. Do away with all knowledge about freedom = do away with all subjectivity.

Sorry but can you point to any evolutionist who has some appealing innocent sort of radiating spirit? The humanity of evolutionists I find awful. And this is not just in instances where they fight for evolution, just generally their spirit is sarcastic, sardonic, mean etc. also amongst each other and in general.

The Hammer

Premium Member
You do not read very well. For instance there also was a post by monk of reason, where the "bullcrap" of creationism was said to destroy the credibility of the church. etc.

It is very simple, creationism is the only theory which describes how things are chosen in the universe. Mainstream science currently does not acknowledge freedom is real, the mathematics have not been worked out yet. Do away with creationism = doing away with all knowledge about how things are chosen. Spirituality, and regular subjectivity, requires that freedom is acknowledged. Do away with all knowledge about freedom = do away with all subjectivity.

Sorry but can you point to any evolutionist who has some appealing innocent sort of radiating spirit? The humanity of evolutionists I find awful. And this is not just in instances where they fight for evolution, just generally their spirit is sarcastic, sardonic, mean etc. also amongst each other and in general.

I cannot point to anything, for you will not see what is placed in front of you. If you think humanity is being destroyed by peoples lack of belief in creationism, then there is no point in arguing with you, because you fall under the camp of which the OP was talking about that is ruining our society with unscientific pseudo-religious non-sense.

Mohammad Nur Syamsu

Well-Known Member
I cannot point to anything, for you will not see what is placed in front of you. If you think humanity is being destroyed by peoples lack of belief in creationism, then there is no point in arguing with you, because you fall under the camp of which the OP was talking about that is ruining our society with unscientific pseudo-religious non-sense.

Creationists are the only people in society who actually accept as plain fact that freedom is real.
Creationists are the only people in society who actually accept as plain fact that freedom is real.

The notion that only creationists believe that freedom is real is not only false but unrelated to the real world. No one is questioning the freedom of creationists to spout their absurdities. But freedom of expression does not imply freedom from criticism. Creationism makes many demonstrably false claims. It deserves all the ridicule it gets.
When you look at evolutionists posting to the topic, it is obvious that evolution theory has a fundamentally detrimental effect on people's spirit. It is so bogus to see a bunch of deeply sarcastic individuals say there is nothing spiritually nefarious going on with evolution theory.

Well, what's so spiritually nefarious about it? What detrimental effects have been documented? And what do these alleged effects have to do with whether evolution is a sound theory of the diversity of species?
by evolution

There are old world creationist, and new world creationist. New world creationist believe the world is only 6000 years old. I am an old world creationist that believes new world creationism is a reckless attempt to provide any answer to reject scientific knowledge that seems to contradict Biblical teachings. Old world creationism embraces science and finds parallisms between scientific knowledge and scripture. But that doesn't mean necessarily all old world creationist are theological evolutionists too. Theological evolutionism bisects the word of God as to the creation of mankind. On the Fifth day of creation we find indirect reference to creation of animals by evolution...excluding man.

The idea that humans were specially created whereas non-human organisms evolved is an empirical claim. Where is the biological evidence that supports it?