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How did Bernie Sanders and his staff come to be so Biblically illiterate


Well-Known Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
To what, exactly, are you referring?

And by the way, Bernie was born Jewish, and while he believes in God, he practices no religion. So why would you imagine he'd be fussed about anything in John?


Veteran Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
Why should Bernie Sanders or anyone else in politics, for that matter, care what the Bible says, particularly? They are not applying for the job of public theologian.
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I answer the title because like others on this thread i can't make sense of tho OP

How did Bernie Sanders and his staff come to be so Biblically illiterate

I would think by reading the bible the way most people do, i.e. cherry picking the bits they like.


Veteran Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
Why does it matter?
Why is religious adherence so important in US poltics?
I thought JC was a supporter of the poor, the starving, he hated the money changers ... but the evangelical church backs a liar, an adulterer, a cruel capitalist.



What? Me worry?
Why does it matter?
Why is religious adherence so important in US poltics?
I thought JC was a supporter of the poor, the starving, he hated the money changers ... but the evangelical church backs a liar, an adulterer, a cruel capitalist.


He didn't hate the money changers. Most folks have no idea what the significance of the money changer story. Like, what and why were they there, and where exactly were they?


Veteran Member
He didn't hate the money changers. Most folks have no idea what the significance of the money changer story. Like, what and why were they there, and where exactly were they?
So what is the significance of the money changers -- and remind me about rich men and eyes of a needle?


What? Me worry?
So what is the significance of the money changers -- and remind me about rich men and eyes of a needle?

The money changers were not the rich you think they were. They were con men who were sanctioned by the temple to exchange the various coins into coins that would be accepted for worship and to purchase sanctified animals for sacrifice.

"...Because Jews came from all over the civilized world to worship in Jerusalem, they obviously didn't carry Tyrian coins. This problem was solved by setting up tables in the Temple courtyard with clerks called "moneychangers" (liter ally, "tablers") who would exchange Temple currency for foreign moneys. By the time of Christ this "convenience" apparently grew into a racket for bilking, with large profits being reaped at the expense of visiting worshipers. It was this practice, along with the selling of sacrificial animals for profit, that enraged Jesus to the point of driving everybody out of the holy grounds, charging them with making the Temple " 'a den of robbers'" (Matt. 21:13, R.S.V.).'..."

The Money changers were also allowed into the temple grounds that were supposed to be only for people to come and worship. BTW, every temple in the kingdom was required to send an animal for sacrifice once a year to Jerusalem. Instead of bringing an animal that had to be care for over the sometimes long trek, the outlying towns would purchase an animal that had been blessed by the Sanhedrin priest. Of course, this animal could only be purchased by the coins recognized by the temple, and these coins could be exchange by-yep, you guessed it-money changers at whatever rate they desired. This is what ticked JC off, not the rich-man poor-man BS.

The Money of the Jewish Temple - Ministry Magazine


Veteran Member
The money changers were not the rich you think they were. They were con men who were sanctioned by the temple to exchange the various coins into coins that would be accepted for worship and to purchase sanctified animals for sacrifice.

"...Because Jews came from all over the civilized world to worship in Jerusalem, they obviously didn't carry Tyrian coins. This problem was solved by setting up tables in the Temple courtyard with clerks called "moneychangers" (liter ally, "tablers") who would exchange Temple currency for foreign moneys. By the time of Christ this "convenience" apparently grew into a racket for bilking, with large profits being reaped at the expense of visiting worshipers. It was this practice, along with the selling of sacrificial animals for profit, that enraged Jesus to the point of driving everybody out of the holy grounds, charging them with making the Temple " 'a den of robbers'" (Matt. 21:13, R.S.V.).'..."

The Money changers were also allowed into the temple grounds that were supposed to be only for people to come and worship. BTW, every temple in the kingdom was required to send an animal for sacrifice once a year to Jerusalem. Instead of bringing an animal that had to be care for over the sometimes long trek, the outlying towns would purchase an animal that had been blessed by the Sanhedrin priest. Of course, this animal could only be purchased by the coins recognized by the temple, and these coins could be exchange by-yep, you guessed it-money changers at whatever rate they desired. This is what ticked JC off, not the rich-man poor-man BS.

The Money of the Jewish Temple - Ministry Magazine
Once again biblical scripts are interpreted in ways to suit the message - it was not how I was taught at school.
Anyway, you ignored my rich man /eye of a needle quote.- what excuse do you give for that quote from Matthew;s gospel?


Veteran Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.

  • Who wrote this stupid piece? Bernie is Jewish. Why would he read the Gospel of John?


Veteran Member
The money changers were not the rich you think they were. They were con men who were sanctioned by the temple to exchange the various coins into coins that would be accepted for worship and to purchase sanctified animals for sacrifice.

"...Because Jews came from all over the civilized world to worship in Jerusalem, they obviously didn't carry Tyrian coins. This problem was solved by setting up tables in the Temple courtyard with clerks called "moneychangers" (liter ally, "tablers") who would exchange Temple currency for foreign moneys. By the time of Christ this "convenience" apparently grew into a racket for bilking, with large profits being reaped at the expense of visiting worshipers. It was this practice, along with the selling of sacrificial animals for profit, that enraged Jesus to the point of driving everybody out of the holy grounds, charging them with making the Temple " 'a den of robbers'" (Matt. 21:13, R.S.V.).'..."

The Money changers were also allowed into the temple grounds that were supposed to be only for people to come and worship. BTW, every temple in the kingdom was required to send an animal for sacrifice once a year to Jerusalem. Instead of bringing an animal that had to be care for over the sometimes long trek, the outlying towns would purchase an animal that had been blessed by the Sanhedrin priest. Of course, this animal could only be purchased by the coins recognized by the temple, and these coins could be exchange by-yep, you guessed it-money changers at whatever rate they desired. This is what ticked JC off, not the rich-man poor-man BS.

The Money of the Jewish Temple - Ministry Magazine

All foreign currency had to be changed in to shekels. As a practical matter most foreign coins were Roman coins... The money changers were taking a piece of every transaction.. They were cheating the poor.


What? Me worry?
Once again biblical scripts are interpreted in ways to suit the message - it was not how I was taught at school.
Anyway, you ignored my rich man /eye of a needle quote.- what excuse do you give for that quote from Matthew;s gospel?

My information does not come from Biblical sources, it comes from the history of the times (see link, et al). If you just want to regurgitate what's been fed to you all your life then be my guest. But there are many places now that you can find real answers. Look for yourself.


What? Me worry?
All foreign currency had to be changed in to shekels. As a practical matter most foreign coins were Roman coins... The money changers were taking a piece of every transaction.. They were cheating the poor.

The money changes were cheating everyone, with the blessing of the Sanhedrin (who were getting a cut of the profits). Please don't try to make this something it's not.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
The event you're talking about happened 2 years ago: Bernie Sanders's Religious Test for Christians in Public Office

Have you been seething with rage about it this whole time or did it only become an issue to you when Sanders decided to run for the Presidential nomination?

For the record, here's the statement that Vought wrote, which Sanders objected to:

Muslims do not simply have a deficient theology. They do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ his Son, and they stand condemned.

And here's what Sanders had to say about this:
“In my view, the statement made by Mr. Vought is indefensible, it is hateful, it is Islamophobic, and it is an insult to over a billion Muslims throughout the world,” Sanders told the committee during his introductory remarks. “This country, since its inception, has struggled, sometimes with great pain, to overcome discrimination of all forms … we must not go backwards.”

@whirlingmerc - do you not consider it discriminatory to label Muslims as "deficient" and "condemned?" If not, why not?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Whirlycakes had already posted this same thread a few months back where Sanders criticized somebody in a gov position for openly displaying religious bias by publically addressing nonchristians that they're going to hell, or something like that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
Considering the things that Bernie supports for the masses, namely help for the poor and struggling, I'd say he gets Jesus more than the evangelicals who support Trump do. Who denies Jesus, but those who do opposite to what he says, or supports those who do the opposite of what Jesus taught. Sanders doesn't appear to be doing that. The right-wing "Christians" however are the deniers of Christ in this case.


One would hope that a presidential candidate was knowledgeable of what they were talking about. The venerable "Orange Meanie" deserves a far better prepared nemesis to defeat in 2020, it's not even fair at this point.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
He's Jewish, so why should he give a damn about what the Bible says? The Constitution establishes America as secular, so why does it even matter? Those who believe as you should not be subjugated to your own personal religious beliefs.