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How did Bernie Sanders and his staff come to be so Biblically illiterate

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Whirlycakes had already posted this same thread a few months back where Sanders criticized somebody in a gov position for openly displaying religious bias by publically addressing nonchristians that they're going to hell, or something like that.
I loved it that he had the courage to openly deny Christian beliefs of hell put it straight up its a bad belief that is highly exclusive, making it have no proper place in the state of a pluralistic and highly diverse society.


Veteran Member
My information does not come from Biblical sources, it comes from the history of the times (see link, et al). If you just want to regurgitate what's been fed to you all your life then be my guest. But there are many places now that you can find real answers. Look for yourself.
If I was regurgitating what I'd been fed at school I'd still be a Christian, but I've thrown off those shackles and freed myself.
Still not answering my 'Eye of a Needle' question, I see.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
One would hope that a presidential candidate was knowledgeable of what they were talking about. The venerable "Orange Meanie" deserves a far better prepared nemesis to defeat in 2020, it's not even fair at this point.
Yet Trump gets a pass in the knowledge and reason department because...? I don't think any of his potential opponents have anything to worry about. The bar is so low that it's laying on the ground.
You have such a hardon for Trump that you commented without having any idea what the OP was babbling about.


What? Me worry?
If I was regurgitating what I'd been fed at school I'd still be a Christian, but I've thrown off those shackles and freed myself.
Still not answering my 'Eye of a Needle' question, I see.

Go you even know what the Eye Of the Needle refers to in the time period. Please, do yourself a favor and look this stuff up.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Go you even know what the Eye Of the Needle refers to in the time period. Please, do yourself a favor and look this stuff up.
Love the display of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics as you attempt in futile desperation to reconcile conservative political views with Christ's teachings and examples.


Veteran Member
Go you even know what the Eye Of the Needle refers to in the time period. Please, do yourself a favor and look this stuff up.
I'm not as dumb as you seem to think I am with your disparaging posts.
I know fully what the eye of a needle was in biblical times - your still not answering the question.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Whirlycakes had already posted this same thread a few months back where Sanders criticized somebody in a gov position for openly displaying religious bias by publically addressing nonchristians that they're going to hell, or something like that.
I remembered seeing a thread like this before. I didn't remember who started it.


I don't think any of his potential opponents have anything to worry about.

Then why are they worrying? It seems Trumps support has grown since the impeachment and this is from those that oppose him. The dems know they are in trouble in 2020 and they did it all to themselves. The venerable "Great Orange Sultan" will crush his enemies like bugs and wipe them away like excrements from a boot.

You have such a hardon

I do, and it's a glorious one at that throbbing and pulsating with the subtlety of a runaway freight train.
You can sense it


yawn <ignore> yawn
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.
Maybe Sanders learned early on that Trinitarianism is an irrational pagan heresy, and Trinitarian Monotheism is oxymoronic.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Love the display of cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics as you attempt in futile desperation to reconcile conservative political views with Christ's teachings and examples.
What can you expect when "two Corinthians" is given a pass despite it being a dead give away he was talking out of his ***. "It's how the say it in Europe" is what Ive been told, even though Trump isnt European and Americans who know amything about it know we say "second Corinthians."

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I try an avoid these types of threads but I have to say what my first thought was when I read this title

"How did Bernie Sanders and his staff come to be so Biblically illiterate"

Does it freaking matter?


yawn <ignore> yawn
The money changes were cheating everyone, with the blessing of the Sanhedrin (who were getting a cut of the profits). Please don't try to make this something it's not.
How could you possibly know what was really happening in The Temple 2000 years ago?

And if your perception was true, how is that different from modern capitalist banks and credit card providers who also get a cut of most everything, and buy the politicians needed to maximize that cut?


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
What can you expect when "two Corinthians" is given a pass despite it being a dead give away he was talking out of his ***. "It's how the say it in Europe" is what Ive been told, even though Trump isnt European and Americans who know amything about it know we say "second Corinthians."
Lmao '2 Corinthians'?? No-one says that.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Go you even know what the Eye Of the Needle refers to in the time period. Please, do yourself a favor and look this stuff up.
It wasnt a gate, because that wasnt around during that time. You couod used it that way, it wouldn't have been understood. In fact, it may not even be referring to a camel but a rope, with some translations to an anchor line. Wither way, they cant pass through the eye of needle, an expression even understood by the Jews and the Talmud, sans gate theory that didn't appear until centuries after the fact.
And the money changers being con men is pure speculation amd has no Biblical support.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
Too cool for school?

Bernie's and his staff were so Biblically illiterate they didn't realize it was Jesus explanation of John 3:16 they were perturbed about with their shallow world view understanding. People who don't accept the Son sent from the Father "stand condemned" is exactly from Jesus explanation of John 3:16.

Isn't Bernie Jewish???