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How did humans evolve?


The cake is a lie
In the mythology of Cake, we hold fast to the belief that there was a highly specialized man-like ancestor from which we all descended: The Cake Man. The Cake Man was perfectly designed the make, decorate, and eat cakes of every variety imaginable. Cake Man was able to make cakes beyond our wildest dreams; the cakes made by humans today are laughable in comparison to their great works.

Unfortunately, Cake Man fell from grace and we are the result.


Active Member
Humans evolved in exactly the same way as all other organisms, by mutation and natural selection, it really isn't that complex a scientific theory, a moderately intelligent child could grasp the concept.

It's more about denial and clinging to another belief that..well..is erroneous.

I'm sorry about picking up an old post, but if there is one thing that irks me when it comes to evolution vs. creationism it is the concept that human evolution is simple science, and that a child could grasp it.

Yes, the concept of mutation and natural selection combining to give development to a species is relatively simple.

To doubt the assertion that something so fantastically complex as the human body came about purely by evolution, however, is not an indictment on peoples' intellect or scientific ability. I would challenge you to find anyone who is unimpressed by the things you can find in any decent anatomy and physiology textbook. People can devote their entire career to studying minute aspects of it. The entire thing screams that there is a case to answer for as far as evolution is concerned. Perhaps that case has been answered, but I am not surprised that there are people who think it has not.

That is not, however, an endorsement of ID as in any way scientific. I have made my sentiment on that known already. Evolution is scientific fact, ID can never really prove itself scientifically. However, elements of current human biology are so marvellous that the claim that someone is stupid for considering there could be some doubt as far as full evolution (from after biogeneis to now) is concerned, I consider such a claim dull, overtired and frankly not true.


My friend said this after she saw my son again, after having not seen seen him for 14 years; "OH MY....same lil face on a bigger body." heh heh

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
uh huh... but you notice she didn't say..."oh my goodness why is his head so big!"

A human infant has a head one third his body size... an adults head is one eighth the total body size.
This is allometry.

here is an example, the chimpanzee has a much higher rate of allometry than a human.

To be accurate the retention of juvenile traits is peadomorphy.



Well-Known Member
uh huh... but you notice she didn't say..."oh my goodness why is his head so big!"

A human infant has a head one third his body size... an adults head is one eighth the total body size.
This is allometry.

here is an example, the chimpanzee has a much higher rate of allometry than a human.

To be accurate the retention of juvenile traits is peadomorphy.


Neotenic evolution....hehe



Life seeks to survive. When things are not too ruff, life seeks to grow.

There are things that are alive. And there are things that are not alive. Things that are alive, differ from things that are not alive, in the way that, within life's border's, there's a supernatural order, to things.

This supernatural order, can be found within many personal borders, in very degrees of complexity. Many borders are within larger borders.

Life forms can recognize one another through a biological process. Transcending the biological process of recognition, man has developed an awareness of things, through his relationship with words. And because word recognition affords man a bridge through time, a man with a name need not die when his body does.

The concept of evolution affords man a growing understanding of how his body came to be.

The concept of creation affords man a growing understanding of how his mind has come to be.

The difference between religion and psychology, is time. For man has begun to say; I'm no longer religious, but I am still psychological. The cause and effect of words, is creation by God.

Psychosis (Med): A disorder of the mind, characterized by illusions, delusions, hallucinations, etc.

The stars are one of many things that have been noticed by man. Long ago, there began a generational quest to gain an understanding of what stars are. Many people, through many generation, have helped to compile a great deal of information concerning the stars, yet, what each generation has received from the previous, is but a place from which to start from. Yes, the path is toward perfection, we hope, but a clearer view is the best each generation should hope for.

Helping with Health

Learning Curve

Habit of Distortion

Evolution vs. Creationism, yeah right! People striving to develop a mental picture of reality, at this time, find evidence indicating that the Earth's oceans are where life began its process of growing in complexity. As life acquired more ability, it spread to the land. And these land animals adapted to the land's/ground's temperature. We call them cold-blooded. These animals had thick hides and scales to protect themselves from the many parasites also dwelling on the ground. And they abandoned their eggs in the ground, and the temperature was sufficient for their growth. Then life moved in the trees! Animals that moved into the trees, found that the movement of the trees in the Earth's magnetic field, caused the magnetically migrating mitochondria to provide a higher degree of circulation within their cells, bringing about the warm-blooded metabolism. And without parasites being the problem they were, a breathing porous skin develops. Now, when warm-blooded animals move from the trees back down to the ground, they must compensate for the movement the trees once provided in the magnetic field, because this must now be maintained. And the height of the trees, up away from the parasites, must also be compensated for, or the animal's health suffers. And overtime, these animals instinctively adapt through the use of things such as nests, hooves, and Beds.

Unlike other lifeforms on earth, man does not want to wait for biological growth to solve the problem. Anyone doing a report/study of the bed and its history, is led to Jesus, in the same way a report/study of the automobile would lead one to Henry Ford. Most evident in history is the fact that the mass utilization of the bed is occurring due to the efforts of Christianity. For 2000 years, the politics of caste system mentality has tried to prevent equality among men. Evidence indicates that the holy spirit helps people understand the Bible, because the holy spirit is history. And history indicates that Darwinian medicine is just history repeating itself, because politics doesn't want to talk about what it did to Jesus. History indicates, God is not a respecter of persons.

Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
"Darwinian medicine?"

Where did that term come from? What have you been told it means, it stands for?

Now, what does it mean if Jesus is famous for the bed, and everyone learns it, as they should have from reading the New Testament? If I am right?

"The bed is evolutionary medicine. People that do not compensate for the height of the trees suffer health problems due to sleeping on the ground. Some agree the term "hell" means "the grave". So, getting people using raised beds is how Jesus and his followers were keeping others from an early grave."

So, why have "Darwinian medicine", if Jesus already pointed it out and used the idea to heal us, and it's recorded in hishory?

Why is/has history being/been asked to repeat itself, if it is already recorded as having happened, in history books as well as our lives?

"Cornerstone of Human Society"

"While we know that some animals can communicate with each other, in ways that are as yet little understood, we also know that man is the only living being that has developed speech. Words are symbols by means of which we can communicate our thoughts to each other. Ordered thought is impossible without a vocabulary of words. And without words there could certainly be no abstract thinking -thought not connected with the material things which we know through the senses." - Encyclopedia of Popular Science.

Jesus teaching and using evolution. The reason for the bed.:rainbow1:

Politics wants it classified as religion, while it should have been in every history book for the last 2000 years, so that it could have its educational effect on everyone, like recorded history is saved in the hopes of doing.

Why do you want to play politics with people's education?

Why didn't you learn about Jesus and the bed in grade school?

You can now see that it was an important event in "our" history, right?

Are you educating/teaching all the people you know about this newly uncovered important information, and there-by allowing them to become more informed, more helpful, and wiser and better educated?

Or are you hiding it, playing politics with it in hope that your favorite politicians will still get the ignorant/uninformed votes they need?

If not, you and they are suffering needlessly. And the reason why is clear. Your education was incomplete. And thus; you were unable to become the teacher you should have learned to be. Because ignorant politicians wanted the teachings of the teacher Jesus, somewhere other then the history books and class room.




Matthew 8:25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.

Matthew 10:25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!

When people are taught in school about Henry Ford and the automobile, Thomas Edison and the lightbulb, Jesus and the bed, and Moses and smoking, religion need not apply.

1 Samuel 2:3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.

1 Kings 17:24 And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Neotenic evolution....hehe
not entirely... there is lot more to human evolution than peadomorphesis.

It can't account for changes to the brain, legs, hips, arms, hands, feet and so on...



New Member
I'm a theorist @ heart, and I've got ideas about how things came to be several different ways in my mind. I don't know which one actually occured, but the one that makes the most sense to me and pops up most often is creation ex nihilo, yes. Of course, things created can and do still evolve.

True, creatures do evolve now, but they do it on a microscopic scale. If you read the Bible, which I hope you do, you would understand that God created the creatures with his word and that he didn't use evolution for it at all. I like that you call yourself theorist@heart, I am one of those my self, but I also have bases for my theories--the Bible. My question for you is "what are your bases?". Where did you get the information to form this decision about creation?


Intentionally Blank
True, creatures do evolve now, but they do it on a microscopic scale. If you read the Bible, which I hope you do, you would understand that God created the creatures with his word and that he didn't use evolution for it at all. I like that you call yourself theorist@heart, I am one of those my self, but I also have bases for my theories--the Bible. My question for you is "what are your bases?". Where did you get the information to form this decision about creation?
Mine is empirical, and based on the scientific method.
My question for you: why do you believe that the Bible is true?


Well-Known Member
True, creatures do evolve now, but they do it on a microscopic scale. If you read the Bible, which I hope you do, you would understand that God created the creatures with his word and that he didn't use evolution for it at all. I like that you call yourself theorist@heart, I am one of those my self, but I also have bases for my theories--the Bible. My question for you is "what are your bases?". Where did you get the information to form this decision about creation?

Drawing on as many sources as I had to hand, including the Bible, I formulated my theories and hypotheses based on reason and intuition.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
True, creatures do evolve now, but they do it on a microscopic scale. If you read the Bible, which I hope you do, you would understand that God created the creatures with his word and that he didn't use evolution for it at all. I like that you call yourself theorist@heart, I am one of those my self, but I also have bases for my theories--the Bible. My question for you is "what are your bases?". Where did you get the information to form this decision about creation?

:eek: OK, you got me. Now where's the hidden camera? *looks around suspiciously*