My goodness! The account tells you (Genesis 3:1-6). Because the Devil, who was using the serpent (Revelation 12:9), misled and lied to Eve, telling her they'd be like God.
Excuse me? Are you saying we shouldn't punish people when they know what they've done is bad? Because that's what you've just asked!
No, they were designed with perfect bodies, probably with rejuvenating telomeres, made to live forever,
The serpent said they would be like God, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL, if they already knew it why even have the temptation to eat the fruit in ththe first place? They disobeyed your God yes but it's not like it helped them out in any way so why punish them. They ate a fruit off of a tree! So why would animals die? Death was a punishment, God killed the first animal.