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How Do We Know God Loves Us?


Official Party Crasher
I appreciate and agree with your statement of God's loving concern manifest in his creation. And it is true we will always be learning about our grand Creator. Still, He has made his appealing personality clear through his written word and invites us to draw close to him, promising He will draw close to us. (James 4:8) So we can have a real friendship with God and come to know him and trust him as a close friend. He invites us to pray to him, throw all our anxiety upon him, and promises to help us. False religions, including many professing to be Christian, have obscured the truth about God. Those who worship with spirit and truth know God as their best friend(John 4:24)

While I do place some weight in the scriptures, I do not place any where near as much weight in them as you do. Religion imho is man made, based on confusion and division. It does little to unite and does more to divide. Simply man's attempt to explain and understand God, road maps to God, and not very good ones at that too! But it's the best we have.

I have a serious problem with Anyone Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu who would judge other religions and compare theres is superior when in truth we are all not that much closer to God then the monkey in the Zoo, I guess you could consider us God's chosen apes :)

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Well-Known Member
I have a serious problem with Anyone Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu who would judge other religions and compare theres is superior when in truth we are all not that much closer to God then the monkey in the Zoo, I guess you could consider us God's chosen apes :)

Friend , if that is your opinion perhaps you should keep it in the 'singular' ! I am certainly a bit further advanced than a monkey in a Zoo.


Official Party Crasher
Friend , if that is your opinion perhaps you should keep it in the 'singular' ! I am certainly a bit further advanced than a monkey in a Zoo.

I said nothing about being more advanced. What I said was "we are all not that much closer to God then the monkey in the Zoo"

I am just happy to be one of God's Chosen Apes! :namaste


Well-Known Member
I said nothing about being more advanced. What I said was "we are all not that much closer to God then the monkey in the Zoo"

I am just happy to be one of God's Chosen Apes! :namaste
Well, to be closer to God you have to be able to communicate better than just a few grunts ??? :confused:
If that suits you - fine ! My aspiration reaches a little above that.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I would make a minor correction: Hinduism is monistic and not monotheistic.In fact Hinduism has never been monotheistic (though some medieval sects started to propagate monotheism fearing Islam but they never drew adequate number of followers).IMHO,Monotheism means one god is true and others are false(or satanic),it is not a surprise that some Christians may beleive in false gods.Moreover,Gita is not considered to be most authoritative scripture of Hinduism.Also,Gita is much later work among hindu scriptures.The text was written around 200-300 BCE ,i.e 2200 years ago,though Krishna is "believed" to have lived around 5000 years ago.

Hi anti, as far as monotheism goes I suppose it depends on how you define it. I don't usually think of monotheism as including definitions about false gods or a Devil. But that doesn't matter to me much...
I am wondering where you got the date for the BG (or in other words, the Mahabharata) being 200-300 BCE and why you consider this dating source to be legitimate? I ask because I have looked into many sources over the last few years and just about every source I find provides a different date but fails to mention how it came to this conclusion.


Well-Known Member
So where in the Bible does God say we are a part of him ?

The statement, "we were created in the image of God," or, "Gods' image," has many variations of interpretation. What belief you hold, will be subject to which belief of interpretation you cling to. God and the universe are one, we are one with universe, albeit, only if we choose to be.

What should also be acknowledged, that the very first thing the alledged Adam and Eve did, after meeting God per se for the first time after eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, is declared God wrong. They trusted their own intelligence over the knowledge and intelligence of God. Nakedness had suddenly become something sinful, and something of which, to be ashamed of.

Human intelligence hasn't diminished since the alleged pairing of Adam and Eve. If anything it has only grow to greater heights with all the knowledge we now have at our disposal. For evidence of this, all you need do is look at the world around you today, not just with technology, but other aspects of human existence, and the many and varied interpretations of the Bible and the American Bill of Rights as just two examples. People have learned to relate and to associate on many different levels, and as such, given as a wide variety of beliefs to believe in. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that what follows in the bible after Adam and Eve and the tree of knowledge, shouldn't really be trusted. This is the message Jesus left, as he tried in vain, to turn the Hebrew people around and give them the "Child like," state of mind, which existed in Adam and Eve, prior to the tree of knowledge.


Veteran Member
There are only three things we can be certain of regarding God

1. God is Great
2. God is Love
3. God is beyond our capability to fully understand the fullness of God.

That God is great is evident by our massive universe!
That God is love is evident by the attention to even the slightest detail (us) in this universe. Size obviously doesn't matter to God as there is attention from every detail from the massive universe to us to the microscopic world as well. And if you examine DNA which is our blue print you will find it resembles a sophisticated language!
The questions always arise of why there is so much suffering and pain and death if God loves us. A valid question but one that can not be fully appreciated or understood as we don't see the whole picture. Religion attempts to answer these questions but falls short imho. We don't know fully. We may never know fully.

By posting that 'God IS love' reminds me of God's main attributes.

God has power
God has wisdom
God has justice
God IS love

Since we are made in his image, not physical of course, but we can reflect or image his qualities to various degrees. Especially as Jesus stressed at John 13:34,35 to follow the divine pattern of Christ-like love.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
By posting that 'God IS love' reminds me of God's main attributes.

God has power
God has wisdom
God has justice
God IS love

Since we are made in his image, not physical of course, but we can reflect or image his qualities to various degrees. Especially as Jesus stressed at John 13:34,35 to follow the divine pattern of Christ-like love.

Great insight!


We're so amazingly special that god just has to love us. I mean, c'mon, look at us.

How could god not choose the human species to love the most? we are superior to every other species. Plus we love to spread hate & fear, rape, and kill innocent people! Yay.

I hope you sensed my sarcasm


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you think he would have known that.
It's the sentence following this one that reveals the true human nature and that is why God has to convert us to become fit for eternal life. In our present state we are 'dead meat'.


Well-Known Member
How could god not choose the human species to love the most? we are superior to every other species. Plus we love to spread hate & fear, rape, and kill innocent people! Yay.

I hope you sensed my sarcasm
That is not sarcasm friend - it's the truth ....and worse !
Unconverted man is only fit for the pit.


That is not sarcasm friend - it's the truth ....and worse !
Unconverted man is only fit for the pit.

The sarcasm was about god loving humans most, and about humans being the "superior species". Sadly everything else is true....humans can really be monsters. :cover: