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How Do You Define a "God"?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
This is something I've struggled with for awhile. In my experience, I've come across so many different definitions of what makes a deity, that I'm just not sure if there is a single working definition that can be agreed on.

So, what traits, to you, are required for something to be a god or goddess? What criteria must be met? Please explain why, and what something would be if they met some but not all of those traits.

The moment we say there are "required" traits is the moment we step into favoring one particular theological viewpoint. I find this approach to be unnecessarily ethnocentric, authoritative, or dogmatic. I prefer to keep my baseline definition of the gods culturally neutral, and it seems to me the main factor in common is that gods are that which a person or culture deems worthy of worship. There are no "required" attributes that thing must have, as the attributes of the object of worship necessarily depend on the object in question.

It is worth remarking that by "worship" here I don't necessarily mean whatever image might be conjured by your cultural standards. Manners of worship vary considerably across cultures, but in essence, I mean it is something a person or culture pays respect to, celebrates, adores, or values. Sometimes, though not always, objects of worship also serve as role models for virtuous behavior. In general, there is a sense of that thing being sacred or holy.


رسول الآلهة
This is something I've struggled with for awhile. In my experience, I've come across so many different definitions of what makes a deity, that I'm just not sure if there is a single working definition that can be agreed on.

So, what traits, to you, are required for something to be a god or goddess? What criteria must be met? Please explain why, and what something would be if they met some but not all of those traits.

This is called Ignosticism which is the fundamental point where one questions what exactly is god.
I shall keep it simple and make a definitionthat coincides with the theological evolution in humanity. God is the greatest mind that can be conceived of by a current mind. A guy who lived long before me put it differently: "God is a being greater than which none can be conceived--or, for short, the greatest conceivable being or the most perfect conceivable being"(St Anselm).
The reason why I say 'mind'is because only mental objects are known to exist objectively and when it comes to metaphysical claims one can only assert the existence of the mind of something/someone because there is nothing physical to be related to. The universal definition of god can also bethat god is something worthy of worship but the frst definition already implesies this :D


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Pardon me if I find that a little hard to believe. I'm unaware of any human being who cannot be subdued, moved, tricked, or the like. :no:

Lol, my brain didn't even register that part of the post. Insomnia strikes again.


Well-Known Member
God. The being on whom the existence of the universe depends. Hence
omnipotent: capable of doing anything that it is possible to do
immutable: he doesn't need to change and cannot be made to
omniscient: capable of knowing anything that it is possible to know
good: because as omniscient he must know what goodness is
omnipresent and eternal: because of sustaining the whole universe

A god. A spiritual being created in the image of God and exercising providence.
Perfect examples of their type, although not omnipotent or omniscient.
Unchangeable in their nature and hence blissful.


Daimona of the Helpless
God is that which defies entropy. God is that which sustains but deprives, that which nourishes but starves, that which destroys but renews. God is that which exists not, but is essential to all existence.


Premium Member
This is something I've struggled with for awhile. In my experience, I've come across so many different definitions of what makes a deity, that I'm just not sure if there is a single working definition that can be agreed on.

So, what traits, to you, are required for something to be a god or goddess? What criteria must be met? Please explain why, and what something would be if they met some but not all of those traits.

It's a good question, but my opinion is that it is impossible to define God. :beach:


Daimona of the Helpless
How about this one, straight out of the horse's mouth:

"I will be what I will be" Exodus 3:14

Do you believe in that definition?

What does that mean? I will be what I will be...doesn't make me God. Are you saying that God alone has the will to determine its own existence, and that unfettered purpose is what defines it as God.


Just me
Premium Member
So, what traits, to you, are required for something to be a god or goddess? What criteria must be met? Please explain why, and what something would be if they met some but not all of those traits.
Big. Really, really big.
The simplest big ever.
And there. Hidden, just there.
Something: that's a good one. And nothing.
Mostly, I guess, just blue.


Well-Known Member
I think that quote was "I am what I am"

FInALLY ! The search is over

Popeye is God

אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה is better translated as I will be what I will be.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה is better translated as I will be what I will be.

Why do you figure? Doesn't matter in any case, though, one is present tense the other is future.

But beyond that, it's not really a definition, it shows that God has no description. It seems to be saying that God isn't something organized and determined, God is something chaotic and determining.


Active Member
??????? ?????? ??????? is better translated as I will be what I will be.

I get it. Today must be no joking day.

Ok. I've seen this topic in many threads. No one wants to define God because then they would have to defend their position. Its so much to defend a hazy concept of God