I reject conjecture that is not in harmony with the Bible account.
What I mean is, why do you accept every single thing the Bible clams, at face value, without any skepticism or demonstration of the veracity of the claims, while simultaneously rejecting the most well-evidenced scientific theory in existence? That doesn't make sense to me. You have to actually reject demonstrable, observable evidence from multiple different scientific fields (including basic biology) in order to strictly adhere to Biblical claims.
And part of that is bassed on my belief. For instance, Some believe the earth and everything in it was created in six 24-hour days. I do not believe that because it is clear, for one thing, that vegetation and animal life takes more than a few 24-hour days to flourish.
Why do you have this belief?
I do not reject sciece, however.
But you
do reject science when you reject evolution, as I've pointed out many times before. You reject the findings of biology, paleontology, genetics, comparative genomics, chemistry, geology, microbiology, biochemistry, botany, zoology, virology, just to name a few. You reject all of that, in favour of unverifiable Biblical claims.
The theory of evolution at this point in my investigation, is not only questionable, but as I look at it closer -- it is not making sense except that there is a theory that because things seem to look alike, somehow they came about by circumstances rather than divine guidance.
I'm sorry to say it doesn't appear that you've investigated anything or that you are even willing to learn about what evolution actually is. Why do I think this? Because you're still asking the same questions you've been asking since your very first post on this subject, and when evidence is presented to you, instead of reading and reflecting on it, you go off on a tangent and ignore it completely, only to come back and ask for the exact same evidence just a few days later. Evidence for that is right here in the very paragraph I'm responding to. You claim here that "because things seem to look alike" scientists just declare that evolution is a fact of reality, when you know full well there is much more evidence than that. You seem to have completely forgotten about genetics here, for starters.
And again, I must point out that there are plenty of religious people who accept evolution/the theory of evolution as valid science, with the understanding that the God they worship is intelligent enough to have created life to evolve, as all the evidence indicates.