There are so many weird claims and weirdly wrong claims in this post, that I don’t know where to begin.
You are first the human.
Egotists scientist is the theist. Human.
Pretty basic liar advice.
You look at the ape. It is an ape.
You say the ape had sex.
So the ape is humans sex God who changed biology in the baby forming via he says atmospheric causes.
God he said did it. Heavens god.
Yet a human only living in the same balanced atmosphere supporting human dominion life said it. The ape is still the ape.
With no changes. As evolution my human thesis. It's law status. Human status.
Why man said why I am the God owner as the human. So don't change our heavens.
If you didn't theory in the first place no problems in human life would exist. Just self acceptance.
So other humans asked pretty basic human questions.
Why are you stating an ape is not a human life for! We know it isn't.
Answer my status. Storyteller egotists. The status science. The human.
Science claimed a human was once an ape.
In reality a human was never an ape.
Natural answer is highest intelligence.
Who realised science is a liar and quoted hence no man is God.
The argument is science arguing against science.
Natural never argued about self presence it was accepted.
You only theoried for change advice as the machine owner.
I needed to quantify he said where life came from!
The correct answer is for human egotism.
As only science argued science.
The argument what changed an ape to become a human.
So if you challenge egotists humans. Ask science to tell us what the ape was before it was an ape. And what God made its pre form change in animal sex!
The reality is no one asked for your theories. As humans make all claims.
Only science is human motivated to quote why they have to tell the stories. Their claim was against humans who said dust nuclear reacting began life.
A sciences non historic human need to argue reality.
Religion just said. No science and no argument. Just accept that the heavens changed. But they don't accept.
The reason. As an ape is still the ape.
Magic he wants.
Mystery said religion.
The human place is science likes to argue even against itself. Humans.