How did you come to learn about God's unconditional love?
Years and years ago after becoming an adult, I questioned holy books and discovered so much of them simply did not add up. At this point, I wanted to know what was true and what wasn't. After all, if parts of holy books were not true how could one even know if God existed or not. Since I am one who must know I worked on the problem.
In this time-based causal universe, all actions can be seen. I started to study God's actions. How does one know what God's actions are? Since the universe and this world are creations of God, everything about it is a reflection of God and God's actions. If one can understand why things are done then one starts to discover what God is all about and how God thinks. What actually is can not be altered by mankind so truth will be the real truth not some beliefs in a book written by mankind.
Ebb and flow of knowledge along with the fact that everything must add up kept me venturing in the right direction. One must also be open to all possibilities. Truth is truth and it does not depend on what one wants it to be. My quest was to discover the real truth even if that truth turned out to be that God did not exist.
My Journey to Discovery has lasted many many years. This journey has led to God so God is not a belief to me. We are but mere ants. From my experience, I do understand why God is not having open conversations with everybody.
God has the sum of all knowledge. My Journey to Discovery will never end for there is always more to Discover. When one opens one door, it leads to other doors. This hungry student marches ever forward.
I have found no religion that really understands God yet it seems they all carry pieces of the puzzle.
The very first thing God showed me was that mankind carries such a Narrow View. I cry that. I work on mine every day.