Well-Known Member
What doesn't add up is a bunch of people having vehement disagreement inside a utopian Heaven. That means it isn't a utopia. Jesus tells us a transformation is necessary. I'm not ready for Heaven today, but when the time comes, I will be ready, since I've trusted in Christ.
If you need an example of when dogmatism is bad, we can start with I understand you are dogmatic that I should not believe the Bible is the Word of God.
PS. On your hard road of Discovery, are you not discovering facts?
If people are transformed in order to exist it Heaven, then it isn't really them. Why not transform everyone beforehand. I do not see the difference unless your god's feelings are hurt that a child does not believe.
In Reality, the only way people could get along in Heaven would be if they were educated to the point that they would realize Unconditional love is the only way. I see this educating as happening as we speak. I also see all God's kids making it given enough time not just a select few mankind thinks should go.
Believe what you choose. I know the Bible is the word of man. How do I know this? Not only does it not add up; it values so many of the petty things mankind values. As I see it, God is at a much Higher Level and God always adds up. You are welcome to live on beliefs if you choose. You can not say mankind did not write that book---FACT!
Yes, my road to Discovery has uncovered much more than mere facts.
Consider Logic. If God exists then God can be found. When you find God, God will no longer be a Belief.