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How do you define SCIENCE?


The Lost One
the continents may have changed.

Except the ancestors of today's Australian indigenous have inhabited Australia for about 60,000 years.

They didn't leave and then come back. And, they didn't just died out (eg Genesis Flood) and new population of aborigines migrated here.

Every little of indigenous cultures have changed much in the last 10,000 years.

Continents don't move as fast as you believe, YoursTrue.

Beside that you are completely ignoring the fact that the tectonic plate of Australia (Indo-Australia plate) is closer to Asia today, then it was 4500 years ago. Per year, the plate has been moving between 6 and 7 cm. So 4500 years ago, Australia would have been 0.27 or 0.32 km further south.

Even at faster rate (7 cm per year), for Australia to even move 1 km, it would have taken over 14,200 years.

The point is that Australia is moving north towards Asia, not south away from Asia.

Again, you not thinking logically.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Except the ancestors of today's Australian indigenous have inhabited Australia for about 60,000 years.

They didn't leave and then come back. And, they didn't just died out (eg Genesis Flood) and new population of aborigines migrated here.

Every little of indigenous cultures have changed much in the last 10,000 years.

Continents don't move as fast as you believe, YoursTrue.
I don't believe humans inhabited Australia for about 60,000 years.
Also, I can't say with certainty how the animals separated from the ark into their various habitats. Going with the account it certainly seems they got to Australia.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
While the discovery of underwater cities may not relate directly to the Flood of Noah's time, it is relevant.
Relevant to what? We know that the ocean levels have varied greatly depending on the climate -- during ice ages, a lot of land becomes exposed that is underwater today. It's what I call a fun fact. I don't really see any deep significance to it.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Woah, woah, woah!!

I’m glad I found this, since it’s based on what I posted!

Please don’t make negative assumptions on that!

The Resurrection that God promises for humans will be a happy time! Im looking forward to seeing my dead loved ones.

Im sorry, but you misunderstood my meaning of “flabbergasted “, I guess.

“So many will be so happy”, is my meaning.

Yes, shocked, because they never thought God was so loving!

There’s a reason He has stayed out of human affairs.
But the coming Resurrection will undo all the injustices mankind has suffered.

That’s what I meant.

You mentioned, in a later post in this very thread, that you don’t want people to assume what you believe.

Please, do the same with all. Clearly, you misunderstood what I meant by “flabbergasted” …partly my fault.

@YoursTrue & I, we meant good things by it.



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I don't believe humans inhabited Australia for about 60,000 years.
Also, I can't say with certainty how the animals separated from the ark into their various habitats. Going with the account it certainly seems they got to Australia.
I don't know what to tell you. Scientific research does indeed indicate that the Aborigines arrived in Australia about 65,000 years ago or earlier, before humans settle Europe. But although I can tell you what science shows, I cannot make you value science.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Woah, woah, woah!!

I’m glad I found this, since it’s based on what I posted!

Please don’t make negative assumptions on that!

The Resurrection that God promises for humans will be a happy time! Im looking forward to seeing my dead loved ones.

Im sorry, but you misunderstood my meaning of “flabbergasted “, I guess.

“So many will be so happy”, is my meaning.

Yes, shocked, because they never thought God was so loving!

There’s a reason He has stayed out of human affairs.
But the coming Resurrection will undo all the injustices mankind has suffered.

That’s what I meant.

You mentioned, in a later post in this very thread, that you don’t want people to assume what you believe.

Please, do the same with all. Clearly, you misunderstood what I meant by “flabbergasted” …partly my fault.

@YoursTrue & I, we meant good things by it.


When you're claiming it will only happen if I believe what you believe it is a threat and coercion.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I don't know what to tell you. Scientific research does indeed indicate that the Aborigines arrived in Australia about 65,000 years ago or earlier, before humans settle Europe. But although I can tell you what science shows, I cannot make you value science.

I know how God got the Koala's back to Australia. He blowed them up. He blowed them up real good:



Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Just to be clear….
(My intent is not to derail this thread, but seeing that @YoursTrue started it, I don’t think she will mind.)

As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe the dead are not alive, anywhere. Ecclesiastes 9:5, et.al.
(This agrees with what many atheists believe. I think.)
This is completely different than what mainstream Christendom & many other religions teach.

But such teachings — that souls go to other realms at death — negates a need for any future resurrection that Jesus promised.
(If the dead are ‘already living somewhere’, then there is no need to bring them back to life, is there?)

God’s future promises for mankind, & this Earth, are indeed happy ones! All resurrected ones, including those who were not taught about Jehovah, will be given the chance to gain accurate knowledge, without misleading influences, & grow to love Him. These will receive marvelous blessings. As He originally intended.
— Isaiah 52:15; 1 Corinthians 2:9.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
I don't know what to tell you. Scientific research does indeed indicate that the Aborigines arrived in Australia about 65,000 years ago or earlier, before humans settle Europe. But although I can tell you what science shows, I cannot make you value science.
Where? Present the evidence.
Because I can show you something that completely refutes such a statement.
I will, soon.

I’ll keep you informed, too, @YoursTrue


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
If it's not all then it's a threat.
Oh brother?

No, it isn’t.

“So many will be flabbergasted.”
Find the threat in that.

All resurrections will be joyful events.

Carl Sagan will be joyously surprised when he gets resurrected.

No threat.

Your flippant & antagonistic remarks will no longer receive responses, from me.


The Lost One
Also, I can't say with certainty how the animals separated from the ark into their various habitats. Going with the account it certainly seems they got to Australia.

Like what?

They all drank Red Bull, grew wings, and then kangaroos, lizards, wombats, koalas, platypuses, all the marsupial, just flew to Australia?

I don't believe humans inhabited Australia for about 60,000 years.

then you are going to ignored the remains that were found at Lake Mungo?

the older remains have been dated to 40,000 years…others were about 22,000 and 12,000 years old.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I think Palestine and Israel are mere pieces of land, and it is unfortunate that someone thinks more of them. The church is both Christ's body and the bride of Christ. An adulterous generation seeks a sign. What we lack is love. We don't need barefoot Jesus to stand on a bit of stone. Its got nothing to do with what is important.

Let me point out how ridiculous it is that you won't accept that the church is the body of Christ and that you are telling me that what matters is a flying man:
"...Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.... Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in." -- Psalm 24​

In Psalm 24 what mountain is of so much import? You must realize its not about climbing a mountain despite its wording. As a US citizen I can reach *any* mountain in the known world. Even a nobody like me can go to a city named 'Jerusalem' today, and I may climb that mountain with a guide. Even I (now that I have a job) can afford to get on a plane and be on the mountains of Jerusalem within six days -- faster if I get an expedited Visa. I'll have a debt for a while -- but I can do it. Sure, I'll have to tip someone five weeks wages, but they'll take me there. Nobody is stopping me from climbing the mountain of the LORD. And how about I wash my hands? How about I have my heart cleaned by a heart surgeon? Then I shall have clean hands and a pure heart. Not what the scripture means? No, of course not. But Jesus must fly and stand barefoot upon a mountain, and the church cannot be his body.

When I say the church is the body of Christ it is every bit as pithy and meaningful as saying Jesus is returning. It is the same thing, pretty sure.

Have an even nicer day.
I don't know what you're saying. I do know that this world is in a miserable situation and has been for....a long time.