But even if consensus is right why is everything done in the name of global warming highly beneficial to the rich and detrimental to everyone else and results in even more CO2 production.
Because the rich are the ones that hold the keys to society's technology. And the rich like money.
Also because politicians are the ones that have to make the decisions to force society in a different direction. But politicians also happen to be in the pocket of the rich. Donations, campaign funding, etc... They also need the rich (the big industries etc) to get anything done.
The failure of capitalistic society to address the problem head on and the lack of "political balls" to make the hard decisions, has no bearing on the science however.
Think about it. A company like Exxon, or just about all sheiks in Saudi Arabia and alike, or big industrialists who will see their expenses / costs sky rocket to turn their business around from the ground up... Do you think these people will happily out of the goodness of their heart literally dry up their own money-making waterfalls?
Fossil fuels are literally their bread and butter. Many of them would literally have to
completely stop their business for carbon emissions to reach 0.
Big oil companies would literally have to
abbandon their entire business model and retool everything, literally everything, from the ground up, to switch to providing clear energy sources.
Oil tankers, drilling platforms, oil raffineries,.... All of it would have to close down and be dismantles and replaced with nuclear stations, solar power stations, wind stations, etc etc.
Even at this critical time in human history, politicians pretty much haven't gone much further then "asking them politely" to do so.
Meanwhile things that would be beneficial to the average man and have a dramatic impact on CO2 production are not being done because most would hurt the rich who brought us global warming
I, as an average Joe, can "do my part" by taking my bike instead of my car. By setting the heat to 19°C instead of 21.
But as an impact on the big picture, that is just a bad joke.
Impactful change has to occur at the root of the problem. But nobody seems to have the balls to force them to do so, because of many many many conflicts of interest.
It does. I can't for the life of me imagine how people can still doubt this.
This is more like class warfare and the poor (99%) are losing.
Imo, the poor always lose unless they put the rich in the guilotines in situations like this.
And afterwards, new rich people take the place of the displaced ones and it simply starts over.