I'm only Hume ian
The empirical realizations of Wheeler's delayed-choice thought experiment, the solutions to Einstein's equations in general relativity that allow future states to determine past states, and the capacity for observers to force past states to be determined by choice (the latter is the most contentious in its most popular form, i.e., that of Penrose & Hameroff, and less contentious models such as Stapp's are only relatively superior given the severe lack of evidence other than possibilities).
Thanks, Legion, for all the info. You have definitely schooled me, exposing my unfamiliarity with the literature/science. I have not yet looked up the things to which you refer, but am anxious to do so.
It also contradicts quantum physics and leads to paradoxes in the general theory of relativity. Is your belief dogma, religion, ignorance, or a sophisticated interpretation of modern physics the nuances of which resolve the apparently obvious indeterminacy of physics?
Let me just clarify that I am not what they refer to as a "hard" determinist, which is an antiquated view that is not consistent with quantum mechanics. Ever since I read about the later, I have adopted what could be called quantum determinism. I had never read about any of the things you mention so I am perfectly comfortable admitting that in light of later theories/discoveries, I may be left with a vision that is just as problematic/outdated as an unqualified hard determinism. Please let me know if you know of a good article that explains some of the above. I can't afford to go back to school or buy a textbook, nor do I have the time.
One more thing. Please be nice. Suggesting that my belief in some form of determinism is justified by religious dogma, is insulting and clearly wrong. From the rest of your comments, its clear that you find that the problem with my philosophy is based on ignorance, not some form of religion or spiritualism, both of which are inconsistent with any sort of determinism. School me, but please don't patronize me.
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