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How do you view George W. Bush?


The cake is a lie
robtex said:
I would imagine his IQ or intelligence if measurable (which is a debate in itself as far as testing goes) is probably average. What hurts him is his 12 grade vocabulary skills.
Hey, I take offense at that! I'm in the 12th grade and I've not heard anyone in my classes sound as dumb as Bush when they talk. ;)


Veteran Member
Jensa said:
Hey, I take offense at that! I'm in the 12th grade and I've not heard anyone in my classes sound as dumb as Bush when they talk. ;)
sounds like you gotta a lot of smart 12 graders (present company included) in your school who don't have warning stickers on their georgia textbooks about evolution theory:D


The cake is a lie
Nah... believe me, my county isn't quite THAT stupid. ;) We have a lot of creationists, but they're not stupid enough to deface school property (books) with stickers.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
and I've not heard anyone in my classes sound as dumb as Bush when they talk. ;)
Honestly, being that vapid takes a considerable amount of work and dedication. To make it appear so easy requires sheer genius on his part. Carol O'Conner did it as Archie Bunker, but he required several takes for much of his Bigotry. Mighty George does it live and never seems to miss a beat!

Some people say Bush acts stupid. In his defense I would like to point out that this is NO ACT. What we have is reality TV at it's finest.


Well-Known Member
He reminds me of a boy trying to walk around in his daddys work boots.
This has nothing to do with his father being his predecessor I`d have this view regardless.

He`s just a guy who cannot comprehend his surroundings yet muddles through regardless oblivious and in denial about the devastation he`s allowing.

He`s an idiot.

I`m 38


Active Member
Well... This is quite a question, and the very thought of Bush, and further, of trying to define my assessment of his character arouses such venomous malice in me that I could write for days and weeks on it and rant out of control. But in the interest of convenience I’ll try to be brief.

Essentially, I would say that George W. Bush is the spoiled son of a President and he has never been held accountable for any of his actions by anyone in his life. I won’t go into examples, because you all know enough about his history to know what I mean when I say that he has gotten away with doing whatever he wanted from the start. And that’s not a trend I see ending any time soon.

He is condescending, arrogant and also incompetent, but not entirely so. He is good at some things, by virtue of long training. Bush has been raised, trained and vigorously indoctrinated with the idea that politics is business, and that to do good business, you must be good to those in power. Essentially, the idea, or the effect of the idea is that he would continue his families’ dynasty of power by being a civil servant to the elite rich. All he does is to preserve the power and political representation of the elite rich at the expense of the common people.

He is purely Machiavellian, and, in this pursuit of success, the ends justify the means. The ends are consolidating wealth and political power into the hands of a few, and the means include tax cuts devastating to the national economy, the decimation of the environment, the exporting of American jobs, and sending the sons of the poor to die in unjust war. He is ruthless, immoral and corrupt. He is a disgrace and an embarrassment to our country.


NetDoc said:
I thought I would try to be more positive about him.
The man wants to be known in history as a "War President"...
He wants his name to go into history connected with death, destruction, suffering. I don't know of any other leader that upfront wanted to be known in history for that fact.

I guess that it is normal for leaders to be seen in the memory of people to come, as leaders that led their people 'by example' to prosperity, enlightment, peace and respect... As a born again Christian, that would mean "Walk the path of Christ".

At the moment, This Christ is responsible for killing 100.000+ innocent people... And he ain't done yet.. Now he claims to have a "Mandate" for more... I bet my right arm, his judgementday is going to be a riot.
The war in Iraq has a justification, just not one that the President and his administration is willing to tell us; a justification that makes sense if you've read up on Neocon doctrine.

read the article in the link, it's short.

This was published in 1997. Recognize any of the people who signed it? We know that Iraq never had any WMD's, Bush himself recently admitted that there is little hope for finding them. According to this militaristic point of view shouldn't we be worried about Iran? If Iran goes nuclear America cannot have control in the Middle East. Look at a map, Iran is bordered on the west by Iraq, and on the east by Afganastan; two American strongholds. If Iran tries anything it will be faced with a two front war. The justification for military action in Iraq is to contain Iran, a cold war strategy. Bush and Co. couldn't sell us the war for the real reasons; he needed the hearts of the American people before he could go to war. His reasons for going to Iraq keep changing because they are all lies. I absolutely abhor the means employed to reach these ends, but what will history say?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
You give the man WAY to much credit. He ain't that smart. Greedy? Oh yes, but just not that smart.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
I'm 34.
The man comes across as a twit, pure and simple...listen to him when he's in full swing and you would be led to think the man couldn't get out of his own way to save himself in the event of a fire. The thing that has just occured to me reading this thread is that he could improve on this if he chose to. One would think the camp followers would be doing something about it...
Call me paranoid, but the fact he presents as someone who is not too bright - and no-one has jumped on the improvement wagon during his first term - concerns me somewhat. The whole thing smacks of an agenda.
He may be a bumbling git, but the bloke standing behind George with the hand up his bum to make his mouth move in a lifelike manner knows exactly what he's about...


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Well, once again, I venture into US politics which I know little about.

In the UK, I think Your George Bush is seen as a ' badly made clone ' (they forgot the brain) of his father; His father actually pulls the strings; if you watch carefully on T.V, you can actually see the strings from certain angles.

The only thing he seems to be 'good at' is trying to outdo tony Blair with his 'Power walk'- when you watch them togeather, you really can see that man is a close relative to apes.........................:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
NetDoc said:
You give the man WAY to much credit. He ain't that smart. Greedy? Oh yes, but just not that smart.
I'm not giving Bush any credit. He's just a figurehead, the public face of the administration; Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, etc... they are the evil geniuses who are pulling all the strings.
I pretty much agree with No*s' assessment. It was well thought out and well supported, unlike some of the wild speculation and accusations flying around this thread.

I think George W. Bush was genuinely worried about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein and the possibility of him having WMD, and I think he genuinely cares about the suffering Iraqis have endured. If he didn't really think Saddam was a threat, and if he really was as Machiavellian as many of his critics claim, he would have kept his attention on Afghanistan and wait until after his re election (which he would have won easily) to shift the focus to Iraq.

I'm 19.


The Devil's Advocate
michel said:
In the UK, I think Your George Bush is seen as a ' badly made clone ' (they forgot the brain) of his father; His father actually pulls the strings; if you watch carefully on T.V, you can actually see the strings from certain angles.
Junior is much more conservative than Senior. And if Daddy Bush were pulling the strings I don't think that he would have had this administration say that we were going into Iraq to finish the job that he failed to finish 12 years ago.


The Devil's Advocate
How I view Bush:

I agree with No*s that Dubya's critics have seriously misunderestimated his intelligence, thereby lowering expectations, which has worked to his advantage. Substance-wise, he lost the debates to Al Gore. But Gore came off as a pompous *** <sigh...> and Dubya did better than people thought he would do. Basically, the Dems were saying "he's an idiot. he's an idiot." for months. When he didn't turn out a complete idiot, people actually thought he was smart. Apparently, we still haven't learned from this.

The man is not an idiot (tho his command of the English language is exceptionally poor), but his extreme anti-intellectualism alarms me. He's basically proud of the fact that he's never voluntarily read a book.

I disagree, however, on the assessment of Bush's character. I think he's an arrogant, spoiled, compassionless, silver-spoon fed brat who believes that the world is due to him and quickly loses his temper when things don't go his way. The following article is basically in line with my views of him:



The cake is a lie
From Bash.org: < WarrioR > The Weakest Link is fascinating program. They ask a bunch of people questions and they keep getting rid of the dumbest person, so just the smartest person is left. It is kind of the opposite way we elect a president.


Well-Known Member
I'm 42. G. W. Bush is doing a bang up job, just like his dad. They both learned at the same educational training facility. They're like two guys who are stone cold drunk swinging sledgehammers in a glass factory.
