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How do you view George W. Bush?



I'm 39.He seems honest but socially inept and the "God tells me to" stuff is bothersome.He will do his best until the next wonderful candidate steps up.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
30: I think Bush is a puppet. I think he thinks he is doing what is right, I just out right disagree with just about everything he does.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
48. I think Bush is mediocre. He was more or less a failure before he became president. Neither god nor the presidency changed him from being a failure.


·´sociopathic meanderer`·
A joint study by PhDs, mathematicians, statisticians, and professors from universities across the country has proven that the official investigation into the exit poll discrepancy was highly flawed and it failed to address the primary issue. They have also established -- using conclusive statistical evidence -- that the intent of the voter was not expressed in the 2004 presidential election and the obvious statistical anomalies, which have yet to be explained, indicate clear corruption. The material is a little thick, but it isn't that long of a read…


If I were to list the red flags and indications of fraud it would take pages. Not to mention the endless conflicts of interest between voting tabulation companies and their clients.


Well-Known Member
"How do you view George Bush?"

I don't look down into the toilet much...so I can't really answer that. Besides it is probably too dark to see him anyway.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
It''s like that old Russian blessing...

Бог в мае благословляет и держит tsar, как далеко прочь как по возможности.
May the Lord bless and keep the Tsar, as far from us as possible. :D


A fool
I like the way Bill Bailey put it. Bush is like a school yard bully threatening all the other kids with "give me all your sweets" whilst Blair can be seen lurking round the back, occasionally jumping out, leering a bit and going "Yeah or else"


Well-Known Member
17: If I could have voted, I would have voted for Bush. I will never say that he is a perfect president... I may even go as far as to concede that he's far from it, but good god--with Kerry as an alternative, I don't see why it's so surprising that he won.


Active Member
I'm 16. I personally disagree with many of Bush's actions and decisions. However, I don't think Kerry would really do that much better of a job - although I'm being extremely hypocritical here, he's much to wishy-washy to be an effective president.

P.S. No*s brought up an excellent point in his original (verbose) post:

No*s said:
Now, I also believe that he is religious, and that being so, he cannot cease being so. In fact, that's his exact sentiment. Like any religious/political belief, it will influence his decisions. As such, we can expect him to pass laws that reflect that attitude. It's unfair to expect otherwise, because everyone will do that. When their faith doesn't inform their decisions to a degree, then you learn something about that person's faith.
Originally I was particularly critical of Bush for letting his religion dominate his decisions in office - the ban on gay marriage was especially offensive to me, as I have an uncle (for whom I have the utmost respect) who is gay. But, like No*s says, everyone who holds the same beliefs as Bush would do that, so I guess I can't blame just him for that.


groovydancer88 said:
Originally I was particularly critical of Bush for letting his religion dominate his decisions in office - the ban on gay marriage was especially offensive to me, as I have an uncle (for whom I have the utmost respect) who is gay. But, like No*s says, everyone who holds the same beliefs as Bush would do that, so I guess I can't blame just him for that.
[font=arial,verdana,helvetica] The Oath of Office: [/font] [font=arial,verdana,helvetica]I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States.

So where in his oath did he say that he would apply Christianity's view on the 14th amendment to the constitution?

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Is that "Defending" or "Protecting" the constitution?