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How Do You Worship Your God(s)

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.


He who struggles with God
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

I often just bow my head expressing my gratitude every once in a while as well as pray for a few things for humanity ( peace being the primary) while in the back of my mind never expecting much from this impersonal transcendent(?) being.


Premium Member
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

Hinduism is quite ritualistic, so I worship God and gods with puja, meditation, japa, pilgrimage, and more. Daily.

It will vary from Hindu to Hindu.


If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

Someone said; " All the time I keep on thinking and searching of new and different ways to worship my God, in order to make him happy. "

And then again said; In above paragraph, I have underlined the way I worship my God, I think.

And then again said; Not only God, one can make anybody happy through this crazy way, I think.

And then again said; Its the most natural and effective way, I think.


Baha'is can worship God anytime ...anywhere but there are certain obligatory prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah that are recited alone and privately (not in congregation).

There are instructions accompanying the prayers...You must perform ablutions before the prayers..washing your hands and face and you must face the Qiblih or Bahji the last abode of Baha'u'llah on earth ... which is located in the Holy Land...Israel near Akka.

The Short Obligatory Prayer is brief:

"I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee.
I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.
There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting."

The texts for the Medium and Long Obligatory Prayers can be found here:

Short Obligatory Prayer

Baha'is also recite the Greatest Name "Allah'u'Abha" ninety five times daily...following ablutions and being seated facing the Qiblih.
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Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
I go to temple on occasion as well as meditate. Usually, I also try to worship God by means of showing compassion and good works to my fellow man.


I suppose my rituals could include chanting God's name and doing the rosary. Other than that, I simply try to kneel and submit my will to God. Catholic pews can obviously come in handy for this situation!


I don't believe in any Gods, but do worship the Buddhist three jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) but not in the way you may worship God(s) just by paying respect, taking refuge and making offerings and making dedications before and after my Meditation practice.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

Having become disenamored of the rituals and proscriptions of Hinduism (http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/3509478-post1.html), my worship of, and relationship with God (combined form of Krishna/Vishnu and Shiva, i.e. Harihara) and Goddess (the Tridevi) has become extremely simple and quite deistic... there is only God and Goddess. What I do is to be mindful of God(dess), to praise and to thank.

  • At my altar I light an oil lamp and incense, and ring a bell;
  • I say a prayer to the lamp praising its light, and asking it to illuminate my spirit and burn away my sins;
  • I offer the light to God(dess);
  • I say some prayers of praise to God and say I am His in all my actions, thoughts and words;
  • I praise Goddess as the Universal Mother;
  • I say a verse that translates into English as "Just as rain falls from the sky and goes to the ocean, so do all prayers go only to God";
  • I pray for liberation, enlightenment (spiritual illumination), happiness, health and peace for all beings;
  • I conclude by asking God for forgiveness.
I chant these in Sanskrit, which takes all of 10 minutes. Of course I am mindful of God(dess) throughout the day also, and mentally recite or chant Their names and prayers, and do mini-meditations. And that, as they say, is that. ;)
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Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

I don't worship at all.

I am Brahman. So who would be worshiping who?

The job is Self-Realization (not worship).

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I don't perform rituals. I don't view them as necessary because the greatest temple is the heart and mind. I don't have the tools for them, anyway. I used to be Catholic so I'm "ritual-ed" out, personally.

I pray, continuously study and seek to emulate Their characteristics. I glorify Them by glorifying the aspects of Them that exist in me, so there is autotheism involved in it. I also enjoy music and other art that respectfully glorifies Lord Satan, Mistress Lilith and other Adversarial spiritual figures. My life is my worship.
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Well-Known Member
Baha'is also recite the Greatest Name "Allah'u'Abha" ninety five times daily...following ablutions and being seated facing the Qiblih.

For the record, Art, this is simply done while seated: facing the Qiblih isn't required (that's for the Obligatory Prayers).

And as a further answer to the original question, the Baha'i scriptures state that one's profession--when performed in the spirit of service to humanity--ranks as worship of God!

Peace, :)



we're all stardust
I worship God by trying to understand His magnificent creation... and my method to do that is through science... in my opinion science does not debunk the idea of God, only the archaic fairy tales written about Him...


Active Member
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.
Not just "saying thanks once in a while", but saying it continually in my heart. The Scriptures say,

"God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth".


So Many Gods!
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

I am working on doing daily prayers/having a daily routine but for now I'm celebrating some festivals and giving offerings as often as I can. My typical ritual involves first washing my hands, lighting a candle or two and giving offerings of food and drink or incense to the gods on the altar. There's also doing an act in honor of a god like volunteering at a cat shelter in honor of Bast.


Peace be upon you.
If you worship your holy one(s), what is your worship ritual for them? How do you prefer to worship them; simply by saying thanks once in a while? following your religion's rules? do you bow to the sky? etc.

Peace be on you..
Salät is the Muslim form of formal worship. Muslims offer Salät five times a day.

A formal Prayer consists of units. One unit is a rak'ah and more than one units are raka'ät. A formal Islamic Prayer is 2, 3 or 4 raka'ät depending on the time of Prayer and the kind of Prayer.

There are two sajdahs in each rak'ah. Qa'da is performed in every second rak'ah and the last rak'ah. Only tashahhud is recited in a sitting (Qa'da) which is not the last one.
