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How does god talk to you?


New Member
Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?


Jesus in me
Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?

From the evidence it appears that Moses heard an audible voice which is what I figure you mean by direct. I personally have had only one audible and it was not from God but from a heavenly chior.

Moses saw an actual burning bush. Whether the fire was physical or an image is debatable but a vision may or may not be an image seeable with the eyes. My visions were all mind images as those that are found in dreams.

There are a number of stories of angels visiting people in the Bible but I haven't had that experience yet.

I hear the voice of God speak to my mind while awake and also while in a subconscious state. Also I hear God through a Rama (word of God that becomes more clear or meaningful).

The definition of mental illness is an inability to cope with mental manifestations. People of God don't have trouble coping because they understand the manifestations and where they are coming from and anything from God is good. The mentally ill do not believe that the manifestations come from an outside source, so they perceive their minds as giving them trouble. Also those who are hearing demons and doing what a demon tells them to is going to have their life messed up. Most people do not have an open gateway to the spiritual world through their minds but a physical knock on the head or the use of hallucinogens can alter that gateway leaving the person perplexed.


Well-Known Member
Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?
The book of Job comes to mind.


Active Member
I hear the voice of God speak to my mind while awake and also while in a subconscious state. Also I hear God through a Rama (word of God that becomes more clear or meaningful).


now of course it would be absurd to even assume the possibility of that voice actually being your own conscience/mind/thoughts. right.

why dont you give us an example of god speaking to you. what did he say lately? whats new? how's he doing? and what type of voice does he have?


Jesus in me
now of course it would be absurd to even assume the possibility of that voice actually being your own conscience/mind/thoughts. right.

why dont you give us an example of god speaking to you. what did he say lately? whats new? how's he doing? and what type of voice does he have?

As the saying goes assume means you make an *** of u and me. The possibility exists, so discernment is necessary to tell the difference.

Recently I had a prophetic word from God. It is a more sure word because I have no way of knowing the future but God does know. One sunday morning about a month ago God came to me while I was still in a sub-conscious/semi-conscious state. He said that they were going to slip something in at church. I had no idea what He meant at the time. Later that morning reading the confession of sin it finished with "in the name of Jesus." At that point the Holy Spirit quickened my attention to it as the fulfillment of the prophesy. That phrase had never been used with a confession of sin before and should not have been used since it is not Jesus who causes us to sin nor do we sin in His name. If we have sinned it is because we didn't allow Jesus to save us from it.

This is a strange question. I think what you are seeking is some way to recognize God's voice. In truth God does not have a voice, He creates one. For that reason God's voice is not necessarily the same for everyone. If I were to suppose that you were seeking God's voice, my advice is to hear His words in the Bible. God's word is very different because He is different and His ways of saying things are different from our ways of saying things.


gOd is every'thing... and every potential thing...

gOd speaks to me in any'thing or every'thing or no'thing.


Well-Known Member
Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?

If you read Ex 33:11, you will see that the Bible says that God spoke to Moses face to face just as a man would speak to his fellow. Several times in the Hebrew Scriptures, the wording seems to tell us that people actually talked directly to God's face, or that they saw His face. This is not really the case though. The Bible tells us that definitely, no man has ever seen God's face, nor can a man see God and live, Ex 33:18-23, John 1:18, John 6:45,46, 1John 4:12.
So, what was meant when the Hebrew stated that men talked to Jehovah God?? In the case of Moses we have the exact meaning of God talking to Moses, face to face. Notice Ex 25:22. When the Israelites were God's chosen people God actually ruled the nation, a Theocracy. The Ark of the Covenant was a symbol of God's presence with His people. In between the wings of the Cheribs on the Ark was a bright cloud or light, called The Shekinah. From there God would converse with Moses.
Other places where people stated they had seen God it was a vision or a dream. In the case of Abraham, when telling about Jehovah conversing with Abraham. it was actually God's angel, incarnated, speaking for God, Gen 18:1,3 20 ,32,33, Ex 3:2-6, Isa 6:1,5.
Just before Stephen was killed, he went through a quick history of the Jews. One of the things he mentioned was the fact that it was through angels that God had transmitted his laws, Acts 7:30-33, 35,38, 54-56.
The Bible does not contradict itself, so when it is said that someone spoke to God, we must search to find out just what is meant. Remember, Jesus said no one has ever seen God at any time, John 1:18.
Since we have God's word, the Holy Bible today, we do not have God's angels visiting us. We have everything we need in His word, Matt 6:8. God knows what we need so He has given us the answer to every problem we can ever face. There are many principles, called Recursive Principles, that give us answers to any problem we face, even though the exact problem may not have been faced in the past.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Anyone and I stress, anyone, who thinks that "god" is talking directly to them is, at the very least, mildly delusional. It's not like they are able to trace the message back to its source with any great accuracy and merely assume that such "communication" comes from their primitive conception of "god".


Jesus in me
Anyone and I stress, anyone, who thinks that "god" is talking directly to them is, at the very least, mildly delusional. It's not like they are able to trace the message back to its source with any great accuracy and merely assume that such "communication" comes from their primitive conception of "god".

Every spirit shows its colors sooner or later. The spirit of God is distintive in that it is good. A person well versed in the Bible knows God and the person who listens to God speak on a regular basis kows Him even better.

A Christian has no excuse for making assumptions because we know very well that there are evil spirits that will try to mess a person up.

First things are not necessarily bad things. If you don't know fundamentals then how can you handle complex things. Will a person who does not know how to add, subtract, multiply or divide be able to do calculus? I suppose you would mean that a person shouldn't stay in a primitive state but I would associate tat with a person who doesn't listen to God because they miss out on the complexities that that the supreme intelligence of the universe can provide.



Citizen Mod
Anyone and I stress, anyone, who thinks that "god" is talking directly to them is, at the very least, mildly delusional. It's not like they are able to trace the message back to its source with any great accuracy and merely assume that such "communication" comes from their primitive conception of "god".


Jesus in me
How do you know which spirits are good and which are evil?

The Bible stands as a standard for good and evil.

Joh sys this:
1Jo 4:3 and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it cometh; and now it is in the world already.

Sometimes the devil quotes scripture as in:
Mat 4:5 Then the devil taketh him into the holy city; and he set him on the pinnacle of the temple,
6 and saith unto him, If thou art the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and, On their hands they shall bear thee up, lest haply thou dash thy foot against a stone.

A demon spirit came to my wife once and quoted her a bible phrase in Latin a language she didn't know. He said "ecce homo," which is from the dialog of Pilot with the crowd presenting Jesus to them after He was scourged. It means "behold the man." She figured the demon wasn't good when it wouldn't let her get off the couch. She made it go away by singing the old sunday school song "Jesus loves me."

Sometimes it isn't easy to tell if the spirit is good or not. Balaam got mad at his donkey because it wouldn't move and he thought it had an evil spirit but actually it was not moving because there was an angel with a sword in front of it. Balaam heard God well enough but he didn't like what he heard, disobeyed God and ended up dead because of it.

I have to watch that all the time because I am able to replace God's word to me with my own wishful thinking. These days it isn't as bad because the sole desire of my heart is to please God and not myself.


Well-Known Member
Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?

Read Ex. 33:11,18-23. Hear it seems that God spoke directly to Moses. Sometimes in the Hebrew Scriptures it seems that a person is speaking to God Himself, when it is really an angel representative of God, Gen 18:1-3,13,22-31, Acts 7:30,53-Ex 32:7-16.
During what is called the Mosaic Despensation, God acted differently toward His people than He does today. Today there are no real Theophanies, as in early days.
Today God speaks by His word, The Bible. It was very interesting to me to hear that in other countries, when people have been shown Bible truths, the people sometimes said; This is the mouth of Jehovah. Jehovah is the personal name of the only true God, The Almighty God who created all things.
Consider Matt 6:8, which says that your Fasther knows what you need before ever you ask Him. Within the Holy Scriptures are the answers to every one of mans problems. Of course some of the things we have today were not discovered or invented in the days that the Bible was written. There are, what is called in Theology, Recursive definitions or Principles. This means that the things written in the Scriptures can be applied to todays problems. It just takes a study of God's word to apply the principles correctly.
God's word is an Omnibus, it covers everything we will ever encounter.


Well-Known Member
I just have a dream about the Book of revelations. To be specific, I dreamed about the anti christ and his followers. Btw,:redcard: I don't know if it's from God anyway...


Jesus in me
I just have a dream about the Book of revelations. To be specific, I dreamed about the anti christ and his followers. Btw,:redcard: I don't know if it's from God anyway...
God speaks through dreams. Tell me the dream and I will spiritually discern its origen for you.


God speaks to us in many ways. First you have to believe in order to hear Him, not that He isnt speaking you dont hear Him because you dont believe. God speaks through reading His word(bible), He speaks when you need to make a decision(He the one telling you to do the right thing). God bless