Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?
If you read Ex 33:11, you will see that the Bible says that God spoke to Moses face to face just as a man would speak to his fellow. Several times in the Hebrew Scriptures, the wording seems to tell us that people actually talked directly to God's face, or that they saw His face. This is not really the case though. The Bible tells us that definitely, no man has ever seen God's face, nor can a man see God and live, Ex 33:18-23, John 1:18, John 6:45,46, 1John 4:12.
So, what was meant when the Hebrew stated that men talked to Jehovah God?? In the case of Moses we have the exact meaning of God talking to Moses, face to face. Notice Ex 25:22. When the Israelites were God's chosen people God actually ruled the nation, a Theocracy. The Ark of the Covenant was a symbol of God's presence with His people. In between the wings of the Cheribs on the Ark was a bright cloud or light, called The Shekinah. From there God would converse with Moses.
Other places where people stated they had seen God it was a vision or a dream. In the case of Abraham, when telling about Jehovah conversing with Abraham. it was actually God's angel, incarnated, speaking for God, Gen 18:1,3 20 ,32,33, Ex 3:2-6, Isa 6:1,5.
Just before Stephen was killed, he went through a quick history of the Jews. One of the things he mentioned was the fact that it was through angels that God had transmitted his laws, Acts 7:30-33, 35,38, 54-56.
The Bible does not contradict itself, so when it is said that someone spoke to God, we must search to find out just what is meant. Remember, Jesus said no one has ever seen God at any time, John 1:18.
Since we have God's word, the Holy Bible today, we do not have God's angels visiting us. We have everything we need in His word, Matt 6:8. God knows what we need so He has given us the answer to every problem we can ever face. There are many principles, called Recursive Principles, that give us answers to any problem we face, even though the exact problem may not have been faced in the past.