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how does the christian coalition score your congressman?


Veteran Member


Uber all member
And people tell me that I am overstating the "Christian" perspective. Politicians have become the acolytes and layreaders of the Christian Right, the evangelical tryany of a minority delving in secular power. And what is a religious secular power? .. I call it a theocracy.

Like it or not folks, middle of the road Christianity will join the Christian liberals and non-Christians as suppressed peoples when the power is completely held by this minority. Freedom of religion may be the last to go but it is as certain to be lost as will sexual and reproductive freedoms.

I cry out for my country with tears and anger


Uber all member
From an article that prompted another thread
the thread - http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=13141
the article - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A10687-2005Apr22.html

What these self-avowed Christians do not acknowledge -- and what the American public seems little aware of -- is that the war they are waging is actually against other people calling themselves Christians. To simplify: Right-wing and fundamentalist Christians are really at war with left-wing and mainstream Christians. It is a battle over both the meaning and practice of Christianity as well as over the definition and destiny of the republic. Secular humanism is a bogeyman, a smoke screen obscuring the right-wing Christians' struggle for supremacy.
I'm not alone in this judgement.


Veteran Member
pah i have learned a lot from you on seperation of church and state in the last 6 months in case you were wondering if your ranting made a difference.


Well-Known Member
In Sweden, even the "Christian Democrats" carefully avoid pushing any views or issues as "Christian". They go for a general "ethical" stance.

My opinion is that any politician trying to promote a "Christian" viewpoint here would be laughed out of office even before the news hit the headlines.


My Congressman, Dennis Kucinich, scored only 25. :)

Before the election, I took an Internet "test" which showed that Kucinich was the presidential candidate who best agreed with me on major issues. But because I knew he had no chance of winning, I voted for Kerry.


Well-Known Member
Why am I not surprised mine scored a 90. This is the same person who responds to my letters with objection to some policy or other with a "thank you for letting us know how well we're doing." <sigh>


Melody said:
Why am I not surprised mine scored a 90. This is the same person who responds to my letters with objection to some policy or other with a "thank you for letting us know how well we're doing." <sigh>
Isn't Nick Smith the guy who accepted a bribe for a vote that outrage of a Medicare bill?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Talk about shame -

My two Congressmen (McConnell and Bunning) both scored 100's

2 of my 6 representatives (both Republican) scored 100's

2 more of the 6 scored 92's (both Republican)

The last Republican (an immoral scallywag) scored a mere 90 (I can't tell you how ashamed I am)

The only Democrat scored an 84 - obviously, he is going to Hell.


PS - who says there are no sheep in Kentucky?


robtex said:
Mine, John Carter scored a 92. I voted for democrat Jon Porter for the record. Where does your score on the issues listed to the right? Which ones do you agree with or dissagree with (make new threads if neccessary) and is our congressmen acting as disciples of God?


1) scorecard

2) source of weblink

footnote: the Christian coalition agenda for 2005

Do you think that we should consider

1) How other instutitions score the Christian Coalition's scoring system

2) How do our representatives score the Christian coalition


Veteran Member
angellous_evangellous said:
Do you think that we should consider
1) How other instutitions score the Christian Coalition's scoring system
2) How do our representatives score the Christian coalition
AE go back to the link and read the issues that determine the score. It is on the left hand side. If you are on board with those issues than fine if not ( i am sure am not) than there is a problem percieved. The Christian coalition has been really succesful by being organized. I am pretty much against everything including their existance because they exist for the intragration of church and state.

I posted this so people on here would look up there represenatives and see how those congressman felt about the their including Christian morality in our secular courts.

Of particular interest to me were:

1) hr 760. If abortion is legal than why are they passing bills to make is more difficult to preform?

3)hr 534. Human cloning. Genetics has been the field of medicine that has given us the most medical advances in the last 50 years. We already cloned animals and it has benefited man....I can't see why there is a problem with human cloning.

5) hr 1298 is completely against the constitution. By passing it their belief in God just infringed on mine and your rights.

6) hr 2799 . The courts are secular the 10 commandments belong in church not on goverment property.

7)hr 2765 non christians in dc are now paying for christian educations against their will. if someone wants to send their kid to God school fine...but not with tax dollars.

9) hr 221 ...back to the absince mentality....

11) hr 333 this is complexed but really need to read up on this one...it should have its own thread just for education purposes.

the christian coalition is a part of the reconstruction movement and if they have thier way non christians will one day be jailed or killed for their non compliance..why would any non christian or any christian with non christian friends be in support of this movement?


Veteran Member
The Voice of Reason said:
Talk about shame -
My two Congressmen (McConnell and Bunning) both scored 100's
2 of my 6 representatives (both Republican) scored 100's
2 more of the 6 scored 92's (both Republican)
The last Republican (an immoral scallywag) scored a mere 90 (I can't tell you how ashamed I am)
The only Democrat scored an 84 - obviously, he is going to Hell.
PS - who says there are no sheep in Kentucky?
TVOR I am so pleased that everybody is looking up their represenatives. Knowing is a small victory even if it is just for today.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
robtex said:
TVOR I am so pleased that everybody is looking up their represenatives. Knowing is a small victory even if it is just for today.
Thanks, Robtex, but truth be told, I already knew exactly where my homeys in Congress stood. McConnell and Bunning are OWNED by corporations. McConnell has either Parkinson's or Alzheimer's (maybe both), and his wife (Elaine Chao) is already being groomed to succeed him on name recognition in my home state. As usual, the GOP is already smearing anyone that might seem to be a vialbe candidate - and to their credit, they are doing a masterful job.



I was try to kid around above. The issues are serious, and there possibly are some Christians who will use it as a serious tool, which is scary. I hope and speculate that the abuses of power by the Christian right (groups such as the Christian coalition) will cause a huge backlash and people will be more concerned with liberty than tyranny.


Well-Known Member
seagull said:
Isn't Nick Smith the guy who accepted a bribe for a vote that outrage of a Medicare bill?
LOL...I hadn't heard that one, but wouldn't surprise me.


User of Aspercreme
I really don't understand why everyone is so afraid of the Christian Coalition, personally. They have an agenda, and I don't agree with everything that they are doing, but they are no different than every other organization out there that lobbys to Congress. The only difference in them and anyone else is that right now they, and just about everyone in Congress, believe that they have been given a national referendum and therefore have a lot of power with voters. I highly doubt that things will get to the point that freedoms will be taken away, pah. I think you're being a little over dramatic. I do have concerns myself with them, but I don't think that they will ever have enough power to change our Constitutional rights.


Prince of Dorkness!
I'm not afraid of them at all. I just do not support most of their agenda, and so it is comforting to have a Congresscritter that is actually representing at least some of my views for once.