You identify Jesus as a god and as the Archangel. In what form was Jesus before he was born on earth? Was he a spirit?
all angels are spirits, so yes, Jesus existed as a spirit before he was born on earth. But his life as a spirit ended when God transfered it into the womb of mary...from that point on, he was fully physical like us.
1Cor 15:47
The first man is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man is out of heaven. 48 As the one made of dust [is] (physical), so those made of dust [are] also (physical); and as the heavenly one [is] (spirit), so those who are heavenly [are] also (God and angels are all spirits)
Do you believe that Jesus' spirit left his body at death and that, as a spirit, he went to heaven?
No. For the reason that the 'spirit' when referring to mankind is the 'life force'. The hebrew word 'Ru′ach and Greek pneu′ma, both have the basic meaning of breath
and both these words are translated as 'spirit'
So the lifeforce within us is our spirit...its our breath from God. When that breath expires, our spirit dies.
So when Jesus breathed his 'last breath', his spirit expired, he died and did not exist for 3 days.
Spirit beings are those beings who exist in the form of invisibility...they are like the wind or like breath which is why they are called 'spirits'. Jesus said that "God is a spirit" because he exists as an invisible, metaphysical entity.
But mankind are not spirits, we were not created to exist invisibly. We are physical beings and the spirit within us is the life force which animates our physical bodies.
Do you believe that he was physically resurrected, meaning that his spirit and physical body were reunited?
No. The scriptures say he was resurrected 'in spirit'....that means that he took on his former life as an angel after his resurrection. For the 40 days that he appeared after his resurrection, the bodies were always different and not recognizable to his close disciples. Like the angels in the past, he had the power to construct and to disintegrate a fleshly body at will.
Do you believe that Jesus is a physical resurrected being now and will be forever?[/quote]
No. When Jesus was resurrected, he was not resurrected back to human life. This is evidenced by the fact that the scriptures say he was made alive as a spirit, not as a human.
1Peter 3:18
Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous [person] for unrighteous ones, that he might lead YOU to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit