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How is the Bible the Word of God?


Active Member
How the Bible is the Word of God.

Imagine standing on the street when another person walks by. Neither of you says anything. You part ways, strangers.
Now imagine that you introduce yourself. You tell him your name. He tells you his name. You are no longer strangers.
That is the power of words. The Bible contains the words that can introduce you to a God whom you had never met.
Suddenly, God is no longer a stranger.

Back to the former strangers on the road. You two sit down at a cafe and strike up a conversation. More words flow. Soon the former strangers grow to know one another and become friends. That is also the power of words. The words in the Bible, God's words ... breathed by His Spirit into the heart of the prophets and apostles and recorded in that book ... have the power to strike up a conversation with God. To make former strangers into friends.

Words with the power to transform the heart of a stranger to God, into a friend of God.
That is the power of the words in the Holy Bible.
All scripture is indeed 'God breathed' ... the word of God as surely as Christ is the Word made Flesh.


How the Bible is the Word of God.

Imagine standing on the street when another person walks by. Neither of you says anything. You part ways, strangers.
Now imagine that you introduce yourself. You tell him your name. He tells you his name. You are no longer strangers.
That is the power of words. The Bible contains the words that can introduce you to a God whom you had never met.
Suddenly, God is no longer a stranger.

Back to the former strangers on the road. You two sit down at a cafe and strike up a conversation. More words flow. Soon the former strangers grow to know one another and become friends. That is also the power of words. The words in the Bible, God's words ... breathed by His Spirit into the heart of the prophets and apostles and recorded in that book ... have the power to strike up a conversation with God. To make former strangers into friends.

Words with the power to transform the heart of a stranger to God, into a friend of God.
That is the power of the words in the Holy Bible.
All scripture is indeed 'God breathed' ... the word of God as surely as Christ is the Word made Flesh.

That's great allegory and retains he beauty of theology.

Welcome to the forums.


Well-Known Member
For me seeing they have the audacity to denounce the civil war doctors for their limited knowledge of the time, and then try and make unsubstantiated biased opinions that Israelites were touched by god so they knew better then these barbaric American doctors is way over the line, when they have to quote mine worthless apologetic website with no credibility to support their unscientific position.

You as being in the medical profession I believe? I thought you would find how they take biblical verses and perversely force the text out of medical context would just be sad that people are this desperate to promote faith beyond its definition.
It did. I was left to ponder the intent of his post because I always like to give the writer the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps I was not understanding. However, even with some thought, I could make sense of it. Outhouse, I wrote and developed a graduate level course in the history of nursing and spirituality. I think I know a bit about it. And yes, I am an advance practice nurse, masters level with a master's in psych and theology. I am in no way tooting my own horn but rather simply,stating that I do know something about all of this. Still, it was his last comment that got me about how Christianity has no parallels to older faiths. That one just is bull merde.


Active Member
There are many aspects to the Word of God.

At the Quantum Level, the Word of God is the Programming Language that exists behind every Atom.

At the Atomic Level, the Word of God is the Proton.

At the Molecular Level, the Word of God is DNA.

At the Human Level, the Word of God is Jesus.

Etc. Etc.



Well-Known Member
There are many aspects to the Word of God.

At the Quantum Level, the Word of God is the Programming Language that exists behind every Atom.

At the Atomic Level, the Word of God is the Proton.

At the Molecular Level, the Word of God is DNA.

At the Human Level, the Word of God is Jesus.

Etc. Etc.

You jump from molecular biology to a statement that cannot be proven at all. Pretty big stretch there, non? And what of those who walk a different path? Are they precluded from God simply on your say so? To the millions of Hindus, Muslims, Jews and so on, I imagine that would be a pretty big shock.


Active Member
You jump from molecular biology to a statement that cannot be proven at all.

It's been proven for thousands of years...



Active Member
Seriously? Prove there is a god scientifically and only then will I take you as being serious.

Sure, I'll start with the Godhead... the Atom, or as I like to call it, "God's Three Dimensional Pixel"...


As you can see, each Sub-Atomic Particle is associated with part of the Trinity.

The Holy Ghost is where we get "Power", or Electrons.

Jesus is the Word or Proton. Why the Proton? Because the Protons are what determine what type of Atom it is. One Word = Hydrogen. Two Words = Helium and so on.

The Father is the Neutral Party.

So for example...

Mark 13:26
"And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory"

The Son of Man (Proton) comes in the Clouds (Electrons). The two combined would be Hydrogen, the Chief Cornerstone of the Periodic Table. Numero Uno.

Electron "Clouds" look like this...


Put it all together and you get the Glory, or the Rainbow...




Well-Known Member
Don't swallow the POE :p

Some people bring stuff like this in from landover baptist. You have heard of that? If not google it real quick.
lol...outhouse, I think I like you dear one. Of course I have heard of landover...what a crock. Did you read the second post he wrote? The godhead is the atom? Lol....seriously? I believe in God but give me a break. Total horse merde.


lol...outhouse, I think I like you dear one. Of course I have heard of landover...what a crock. Did you read the second post he wrote? The godhead is the atom? Lol....seriously? I believe in God but give me a break. Total horse merde.

Yep POE is as POE does lol :p


Well-Known Member
Sure, I'll start with the Godhead... the Atom, or as I like to call it, "God's Three Dimensional Pixel"...


As you can see, each Sub-Atomic Particle is associated with part of the Trinity.

The Holy Ghost is where we get "Power", or Electrons.

Jesus is the Word or Proton. Why the Proton? Because the Protons are what determine what type of Atom it is. One Word = Hydrogen. Two Words = Helium and so on.

The Father is the Neutral Party.

So for example...

Mark 13:26
"And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory"

The Son of Man (Proton) comes in the Clouds (Electrons). The two combined would be Hydrogen, the Chief Cornerstone of the Periodic Table. Numero Uno.

Electron "Clouds" look like this...


Put it all together and you get the Glory, or the Rainbow...


I respect your right to beleive this however, I do not. And in fact, I am having a good deal of trouble not laughing outright at the 'holy ghost electron clouds'. I mean, I believe you are serious but I would prefer to be left out of this one thank you.


Well-Known Member
Sure, I'll start with the Godhead... the Atom, or as I like to call it, "God's Three Dimensional Pixel"...


As you can see, each Sub-Atomic Particle is associated with part of the Trinity.

The Holy Ghost is where we get "Power", or Electrons.

Jesus is the Word or Proton. Why the Proton? Because the Protons are what determine what type of Atom it is. One Word = Hydrogen. Two Words = Helium and so on.

The Father is the Neutral Party.

So for example...

Mark 13:26
"And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory"

The Son of Man (Proton) comes in the Clouds (Electrons). The two combined would be Hydrogen, the Chief Cornerstone of the Periodic Table. Numero Uno.

Electron "Clouds" look like this...


Put it all together and you get the Glory, or the Rainbow...


Hahaha surely you're kidding right? Like this is actually just being comedic correct? But if it isn't surely you realize there's no basis to say the father is a neutron and the holy ghost is the electron cloud. There's no connection whatsoever.

So what are quarks, and gluons, and messons, and pions, etc? These are all more fundemanetal than your simple extrapolation.


Well-Known Member
How are you making this connection? You can randomly associate any bible quote with anything in science. Its completely unfounded.
I do think that Base believes this and rather regret my initial response. Obviously I don't believe it but he or she seems to and it was wrong of me to disrespect their beliefs. Mea culpa on the one Base.



Active Member
So what are quarks, and gluons, and messons, and pions, etc? These are all more fundemanetal than your simple extrapolation.

Not to be mean or anything, but if you don't see the Atom/Godhead connection, then you surly won't be able to see anything more advanced than that.

I don't know if you're just being a Troll or what, but if you are truly interested in the answers... they are all there.

As far as your other question regarding seed... "How are you making this connection?"

Seed is the Biblical term for DNA. There are many, many passages referring to this.

Here is an example...

Daniel 2:43
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"

That passage is basically warning us of Transhumanism, or to put it another way... GMO people.

Once one understands what the goal of Mankind has been from the beginning, one can see the bigger picture.

The Elites of this world couldn't care less what the average person thinks of all this. They are building the perfect Beast as we speak and soon everyone will know.


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Active Member
I do think that Base believes this and rather regret my initial response.

Oh it's all good. I really think many of you will enjoy the upcoming thread. I just need to find some time to dedicate.

This is Anti-Matter BTW...


I apologize if some of you are into Kabbalah. My research unfortunately has revealed a few things about it that aren't pleasant.



Well-Known Member
Not to be mean or anything, but if you don't see the Atom/Godhead connection, then you surly won't be able to see anything more advanced than that.

I don't know if you're just being a Troll or what, but if you are truly interested in the answers... they are all there.

As far as your other question regarding seed... "How are you making this connection?"

Seed is the Biblical term for DNA. There are many, many passages referring to this.

Here is an example...

Daniel 2:43
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"

That passage is basically warning us of Transhumanism, or to put it another way... GMO people.

Once one understands what the goal of Mankind has been from the beginning, one can see the bigger picture.

The Elites of this world couldn't care less what the average person thinks of all this. They are building the perfect Beast as we speak and soon everyone will know.


Not to be mean or anything, but if you don't see the Atom/Godhead connection, then you surly won't be able to see anything more advanced than that.
This is an argument from credulity. It doesn't further your argument whatsoever. I can just say that surely you won't see how flawed all of your connections if you believe that Atoms are connected to God. You also haven't shown why God is the neutron, or why the holy ghost isnt the neutron. You're just making arbitrary assignments based on a bizarre interpretation of a 2000 year old book.

I don't know if you're just being a Troll or what, but if you are truly interested in the answers... they are all there.
If anything you're trolling because of how far fetched your claims are; your last image cites a random bible quote that has nothing to do with any of the fundamental particles. You haven't shown how there is any connection between the beauty of man quote and particles. The bible doesn't say anything about generations of particles. I could do the same thing you're doing with the scientology manifesto or the quran.

Seed is the Biblical term for DNA. There are many, many passages referring to this.

Here is an example...

Daniel 2:43
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"

That passage is basically warning us of Transhumanism, or to put it another way... GMO people.

WHat evidence do you have that seed is the biblical term for dna? The people who wrote the bible didnt even know about bacteria, let alone dna. And lol, this isn't talking about transhumanism at all.

Daniel 2:43: If “They” are Assumed to be Fallen Angels - A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels

This article discusses various interpretations of this verse, and includes several different translations. They is referring to the nephalim, or rather the fallen angles. Your interpretations is so far fetched and based on absolutely nothing.

Once one understands what the goal of Mankind has been from the beginning, one can see the bigger picture.

The Elites of this world couldn't care less what the average person thinks of all this. They are building the perfect Beast as we speak and soon everyone will know.

There's no evidence that mankind has a goal. And there was no beginning on mankind according to evolution.

And perfect beast? Let me guess, the illuminati are building a gmo monster for absolutely no reason with technology isn't yet advanced enough. And there is absolutely no connection between this and the fundamental subatomic particles. Nor is there any evidence for this so called perfect beast

In conclusion you haven't shown how the bible is connected with any of the scientific terms, and you haven't even attempted to address how the holy ghost is supposed to be related to an electron cloud; the holy ghost could be related to the higgs field, or the elctroweak force, or the strong force, or dark matter, or blackholes, or any other random scientific association you can think of.


Well-Known Member
Oh it's all good. I really think many of you will enjoy the upcoming thread. I just need to find some time to dedicate.

This is Anti-Matter BTW...


I apologize if some of you are into Kabbalah. My research unfortunately has revealed a few things about it that aren't pleasant.

Once again your quotes fail to show any connection to atomic particles instead of subatomic particles or whatever. The funny thing is that this means the only difference between God and the devil, according to you, is the charge of atomic particles. And there isn't a such thing as an anti neutron. Neutrons are all the same and have one charge. You're woefully out of your league to be discussing physics. Its insulting to physics to suggest that particles are associated with some mumbo jumbo quotes.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I can't list all of the causes or factors in my decision making but a large portion are abstract and so not a result of physics. I do not think at this time and probably not this side of the dirt anyone will be able to sufficiently explain all the events that go into a decision.

That is easy I don't know. It is far easier to eliminate what a thing isn't than to know what it is. I do not know every aspect that composes an elephant but I know an elephant is not composed of golf balls. I do not understand how the Saturn F-1 engines produce thrust but I know cotton candy is not the answer. I do not know why are able to hold rational discussions but I can not even invent a theoretical deterministic fantasy that explains it.

Let me see whether I understood you correctly.

You think there is a cause for whatever initiated your decisions. You don't know what it is, apart from it not being physical, but you believe there is one.

Let's call it C1. For the moment, I do not care if it is physical or not, but only if it qualifies as a cause for your decisions. What interests me now is wheher you believe that C1 has a cause C2. And C2 a cause C3 and so on until you have a cause C99999999.... that initiated the chain before your existence.

What do you think?


- viole